Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 296 Reunion after a long absence

The Marquis smiled, and Rorschach could see that his gums were also bleeding, and the flowing red could be seen between the teeth: "You should have told me earlier, my magic consultant is waiting for you. But I will not provide you with help." Yes, Master Rorschach."

"Sir, it is said that the Holy Mother Order has a way to circumvent the rules of the Shadowlands. Isn't it the biggest threat to you? Why can't you support me and my companions to figure out their intentions?"

"I don't need your help. Who do you think you are? Just an intermediate mage. A mage once came to my door and told you the same thing. I happily invited her to become a magic consultant, but in the past few months, she has not been able to help me. Not productive.

"So, I need your help. The content is to persuade my consultant to leave here with you, as far away as possible.

"For outsiders like you who were not born in Istany, as long as you leave Istany within three days of leaving the Shadow Land, the curse of the Shadow City will be removed naturally, and you don't have to worry about turning into a wanderer. I, and this area, have You are tolerant enough!”

In other words, just run away directly? Rorschach got a good piece of information, but now the atmosphere had turned cold, and it was the self-ringing bell that broke the awkward calm.

"Sorry, this is not my way of hospitality." The Marquis pressed the small bell and ordered the servant to prepare the meal.

"Because you are here unexpectedly and we haven't prepared any banquet. Let's make do with some food." The Marquis stood up.

The lights in the restaurant were dim, and Rorschach followed the Marquis into the room, while the other three were led by servants to sit down. Although the Marquis humbly said that he had not prepared anything, every food on the table was of the highest quality, even higher than the biscuits and bread with cracked walnuts that he had eaten in the past two days.

Zinglev and the little briquettes devoured everything from pre-meal bread to carrot stew.

Jingle bell, the waiter pushed a dining cart as tall as him, carrying five pieces of white cloth.

"Please cover your head." Seeing that the guest was a little confused, the Marquis demonstrated in person. He held a white cloth on his head. The servant handed a small, tender roasted object from the dinner plate. The Marquis raised his orchid fingers and twisted it, then disappeared. Under the white cloth.

The little coal ball screamed because she recognized that what the Marquis was eating was of the same species as her pet, and it was a cub.

When the white cloth was taken off, the Marquis wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with it: "In the old concept of the palace, food is graded based on the height of its growth and activity. Those that fly in the sky are the most noble, so birds are the most noble. It is a good dish, but the tubers and turnips that grow in the soil are only eaten by lowly people.

"The shadow is underground. The highest food is this dish. It's charred on the outside and tender on the inside. If you swallow it whole, chew it hard in your mouth, you can taste the wonderful taste of blood and oil. Of course, this process does not It’s too elegant, so according to tradition, everyone is invited to taste it alone under a white cloth.”

"Sorry, sir, I'm full. Thank you for your hospitality." Freddy pushed the plate forward.

The others followed suit, but fortunately the Marquis was not angry, so he happily ate four more "delicious foods" under the cover of a white cloth.

After dinner, he set aside three guest rooms for the group, and asked his servants to take Rorschach to find a "magic consultant."

"Isn't she staying at the Marquis's residence?"

The servant shook his head: "Madam has stayed here before, and now she spends most of her time in the theater. In fact, we can't guarantee that we will find her. Don't be angry if she leaves."

They passed by a "Golden Harp Theatre". Although there was a sign hanging above the door, the shabby shed was more like a circus and had nothing to do with the grand buildings sponsored by the royal family and nobles.

The Golden Harp. I always felt like I had heard it somewhere. Rorschach did not stop and followed the Marquis’ servant into a stone house next to the theater.

"Master Mage, there are guests from the Marquis who want to see you." The servant shouted as he jumped up and tried to pull the ring on the door. Rorschach stretched out his hand and knocked.

Being watched, Rorschach shivered, and an unnatural feeling enveloped his whole body. He thought it was the owner of the house who was sizing him up.

Before the other party opened the door, Rorschach suddenly felt a huge worry. What if the magic consultant was not Teacher Caroline? If she wasn't in Shadowland, what would she do next? Investigate the sect’s intelligence on your own? Going to Isle of Air?

Just like the score check, although it had only been two days since entering the Shadow Land, he had experienced many twists and turns. He wanted to know the truth about Caroline and why the Knights wanted to pursue her.

Just when the wooden door creaked, Luo Xia's thoughts turned again and again. When a familiar face came into view, Luo Xia finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Long time no see, Teacher Caroline."

"Rorschach? I knew it was you!"

Rorschach's neck was suddenly strangled, and his whole body was forced into Caroline's arms. He pulled away as quickly as if he'd been electrocuted. The tips of his hair tickled him a little, and he rubbed his nose with his right hand, as if he were a little boy.

Caroline didn't have her braids draped over her shoulders like she did at the Imperial Academy of Magic. Instead, she wore a high ponytail and looked much younger.

"Come on in. Cole, would you like to come in and have a cup of tea too?"

"I want to report back to the Marquis and thank you for your kindness, my lord. Cole will take his leave now." The villain bent down and turned back to the street.

"You have a house in the Shadow Land?" Rorschach found that it was clean and bright, and there was a faint citrus aroma. It was simply not the same dimension as the Shadow City.

It's just a bit small, and the corridor can barely fit you through.

It was just arranged so well that Rorschach had a strange feeling, as if Caroline had settled here.

"This house is a famous haunted house, and everyone walks around it. When I was looking for a place to stay, I found that the so-called haunting was due to the protective magic circle at work." Caroline poured a cup of tea for Rorschach and explained road:

"Perhaps this place belonged to a certain mage decades or even hundreds of years ago, but it has been in disrepair for a long time. I easily cracked the magic circle and lived here. I am much more comfortable than at the Marquis's house."

Caroline was a little proud when she introduced her, and she pushed her hair behind her ears.

Rorschach asked the question that concerned him most at the moment: "How did you get to the Shadowlands?"

Caroline sighed: "It's a long story. I originally came to the Kingdom of Istani just for stargazing, but I happened to break a deal."


Caroline's expression became serious, matching the teacher on the podium in Rorschach's memory. She explained: "In Storm City, one side is the representative of the Order of Mother Earth, and the other side is the people of the Twelve Knights. The so-called Knights represent the queen of Istani and the kingdom authorities."

At that time, Caroline was about to board the return passenger ship, but due to lack of guidance at the port, she accidentally walked to the unloading area of ​​the cargo ship. There was not even a drunkard in the loading area at night. Suddenly, several people emerged from the cargo boxes on the dock, and a strong herbal smell erupted from them. Caroline realized that it was probably the Order of Mother Earth.

Smuggling? This was her first guess. After all, the sect had been attacked on the mainland, and the transfer was reasonable. She used magic to hide her figure and peek in secret. After a while, several tall and strong men met the believers in the darkness.

"How can you be sure of the identity of both parties to the transaction?" But Rorschach already believed Caroline at this time, because the person responsible for tracking her was the Iron Crown Knights.

"The first ones to discover were of course the people from the Mother Earth Order. Due to their attacks in the empire, the teachers in our academy all knew the characteristics of these goods, and the Knights were exposed when they chased me."

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