Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 298 Night on Air Island

In the northern part of Air Island, the entire armed forces belonging to the Istani Kingdom were mobilized.

There are many colonies in the kingdom, and the closest one is Aiur, which is just across the sea.

Since the beginning of the establishment of the kingdom, the two parties have been in conflict. The island is full of followers of Yis, and they rejoice in Yis's use of power to overthrow the old empire and the Church of Order.

However, the gray elves on El Island are suspicious and respectful of this foreign god. After the imperial invaders were driven to the sea, they tried to restore the glory and traditions of their ancestors and once again worshiped the Elf King or nature god.

"These pagans and mudbloods are lazy and stupid guys, but they are a bit cunning. You must be careful, no matter how careful you are, don't be killed by those weak people. There is no glory in such a death. Wait. It won’t be brotherly condolences, but ridicule!”

After independence, Istany quickly inflicted the painful experience of oppression and slavery on its neighbors, destroying the ancient altars and palaces of Air Island, erasing the original ruling class, and turning the island into only A granary for hard farming in swamps and mountains.

The grand leader of the Knights of the Burning Lion has a face covered in scars, with pieces of flesh cut out. Coupled with the fluffy golden beard, his face really looks like an angry lion from the front. He glanced at his men with stern eyes. Each of these good guys stood solemnly under the night, and they were ready to move, eager for the joy of killing.

The leader was very satisfied. He tapped the scabbard on his waist twice, and the knight's entourage brought over a small bottle of medicine, enough for a plate.

"Young men, Her Majesty the Queen has given you a good thing - these holy oils, just apply a little under your nose, and you will be more heroic than the champions of the old Empire Colosseum, not afraid of pain, not afraid of anything. But but Don’t use too much, because if this operation ends prematurely, you won’t be able to use up all your strength!”

Is there such a good thing? The knights received them one by one with curiosity and excitement. Some used them on the spot and couldn't help shouting.

The Knights are a heavy blow prepared for the main force of the Air Island resistance, but in the fields, it is Istani's organization responsible for security that is responsible for the cleanup.

However, their actions have been known to the gray elves.

The young female gray elf packed up the soft things in the thatched house, carefully wrapped them with the cloth she woven, and brought the dry food she had prepared long ago - Air Island is rich in a kind of tuber, which is the main staple food in the entire Istani. It is a source of starch. Bread made from it is difficult to ferment. In order to preserve it, it is dehydrated as much as possible and baked as hard as a stone.

"Mom, please come with me into the woods." The hostess held the child's hand. According to experience, there was still about a quarter of an hour before the village bell signaled to evacuate. If it was later, the police would come.

"I'm old and can't walk anymore. You guys hide quickly and I'll pray for my son here." The male owner of this family should be in the ranks of the rebels now. They got the news that this time Istani suppressed The team is unprecedentedly large, and no one is not worried about the members of the resistance.

But if there is no resistance, the kingdom will be more unscrupulous in its oppression of the gray elves, and can easily turn them into slaves and take away the last rations at will.

The old man concentrated on the small altar at home, where a vague-faced wooden carving enshrined the runes that Rorschach had seen in the museum.

The hostess hesitated for a moment, then took out a piece of bread and placed it next to the old man.

"Goodbye, grandma." The children did not understand that this was the moment of separation. They were ignorant and only knew that they would spend the rest of the night in the woods. They wondered why grandma could stay at home without the cold wind blowing.

The old man didn't answer, picked up the bread and put it on the altar, and continued to pray. Even she herself didn't know who she was praying to, and why the gray elves couldn't fill the altar of the gods even though the gray elves had shed all their blood and tears for hundreds of years.

But she is getting old and can no longer even walk through the forest. Following her daughter-in-law and grandchildren will only drag her back, and she can only repeat what she is doing now.

It is common knowledge all over the world that elves are immortals. In the songs of bards, there was an elf wise man who enlightened three generations of humans. In the war with the dwarves, the elf war heroes were able to confront two dwarf commanders. , spanning more than a hundred years.

But since the Silent Age, since the Isle of Air was ruthlessly conquered and dominated by its neighbors, the lifespan of the gray elves has decreased with their doubled work, harsh living conditions, and organized "annihilation".

If they were still living freely in ancient times, the old woman should still be in her prime in terms of age, but now she seems to be a dehydrated shrimp, her thin and shriveled body bowed in pain and piety.


The family members hadn't left for long when the door was violently kicked open, revealing "raw lobster" with a gun. They had already searched house to house, but most of the people had already left.

Now that he saw the old elf, the "raw lobster" in the title's eyes lit up: "Another old guy! Haha, mudbloods are indeed beasts, and parents don't want them."

The old man was unmoved and continued to talk to the altar.

"Hey, what are you talking about?" The incomprehensible language made the intruders even more irritated. The ancient language reminded them that they were committing violence on land that did not belong to them.

The sharp edge of the bayonet penetrated directly into the flesh of his back. The old man temporarily interrupted his prayer, but quickly resumed it.

"Damn it, what kind of gods are you still praying to at this time? There is no such thing. You are all abandoned people and will rot in the mud."

At this moment, the blood flowed, passing through the rough stone slabs on the ground, soaking the withered hay red, until it reached the center of the altar.

The blade of the knife penetrated further cruelly, and the gunman tried to use his strength to turn it, but the bayonet was stuck on the bone. He was a little disappointed because he cherished the blade, so he still pulled it out.

thump. Another Mudblood fell in the squad leader's career. He used a knife to turn the opponent face up and cut off the long left ear. After cutting it, I didn't forget to poke it a few times to make sure the old elf didn't react.

"Didn't it say you need the right ear?"

"You are blind. This old guy's right ear has been cut off a long time ago. Talk to the commander and see if you can sneak in and count."

"Let's go, let's go," he muttered and turned around, planning to walk to the next room with his subordinates. It seems that once again the gray elves here got the news, causing them to return without success.

Just as he was about to step out of the threshold, the voice of prayer sounded again, getting louder and louder.

Anyone else? They wanted to turn around and look back, but their hairs stood up and their instinct told them not to look back!


The sound was like the bayonet of their gun, from the eardrum to the brain, stirring wildly. These people could suddenly understand the old elf's words. It turned out that what she repeated was such a simple sentence: "Kill you, kill you, kill you. Kill you."

A coquettish flower bursts out of the ground, wild vines rise into the sky from swamps and wells, and a group of "raw lobsters" turn into food for strange plants.

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