Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 302 Why is it you?

Alfred still had things to do. He mounted his ostentatiously decorated horse and galloped all the way to the palace. Many carriages on the road gave way in panic. Alfred liked to see the embarrassment of other low-class people, which reminded him how noble he was.

"Alflie, you're here." A white and tender hand stretched out from behind the silk curtain. The leader of the Knights of the Golden Rose knelt on one knee and kissed it with reverence and love.

"Yes, mother, our great and wise king."

Only Her Majesty the Queen would swallow the ending when she called him, and it was different from other people in Storm City saying "Alfred", which made him feel that he had received a special affection from his adoptive mother.

The leader of the Iron Crown Knights on the side did not look at the flashy vase at all. He was just reporting the situation to the queen:

“There is now a rebellion happening across the entire island of Ayr. The main force of the rebels is currently stationed in Belranster, where the puppet parliament is based. The authorities and post offices in other cities have been affected.

There are still towns in the north to maintain order, and the ports are all under the control of the kingdom. Most of the cities in the south have lost contact. Some of the managers we sent have fled back to the island and were detained by us after being discovered. "

The Queen withdrew her hand and asked: "You are talking about towns, what about villages?"

Captain Iron Crown was silent for a moment and decided to report truthfully. Anyway, Air Island was not under the jurisdiction of his knights: "It was basically out of control. Due to famine, most of the farmers launched a rebellion, and they were also the main component of the rebels.

"It is the gray elves in the town who choose to threaten the managers through explosions, assassinations and other means."

Alfred's eyes widened: "If you still have the strength to rebel, doesn't it mean that we haven't taken enough food?"

Captain Iron Crown did not want to pay attention to this little genius. In the end, he looked at the better relationship with the Burning Lion Knights to make up for their failure:

“Attacks of strange powers and unknown creatures have been reported across the Isle of Air, including during the Battle of Bellandst, where a giant tree formed to withstand the artillery shells, and during the crossfire, the rebels suspected of having extraordinary powers to assassinate our knights.

"It's not clear whether there's a resurgence of Druids, or"

The queen spoke for the leader about the possibility he was hesitating to speak: "It could also be Our Lady of the Earth."

"Yes, judging from the manifestation of power, this possibility cannot be ruled out, especially the appearance of evil flesh and blood plants, which combined with the swamp has caused a lot of casualties to our military and police. I boldly suggest to suspend cooperation and accountability with underground cults. Are they operating on Air Island?"

"I understand." The queen didn't know whether it was okay or not. She was separated by a curtain and others couldn't see her face or hear the ups and downs of her voice.

Alfred suggested: "It is better to let the four elves fight and let the elves kill the elves." According to historical origins, four of the twelve knights in the kingdom are composed of elves. They were good at fighting in the cold weapon era. Bow was also the first legion to be transformed into rangers and private soldiers during the war with mainland countries.

Captain Iron Crown frowned at this immature plan: "The relationship between the Kingdom Elves and the Gray Elves is very delicate. We don't need to provoke those four knights."

"If you want to clean up the external enemies, you must first ensure the stability of the island. You must be alert to any actions taken by the resistance organizations on the kingdom's main island to respond to the rebels. The Knights of the Iron Crown have been paying attention in Storm City, right?"

"Yes, we have already started closing the net."

"Very good." The Queen praised him, and then asked Alfred: "What's going on with you?"

"I have conveyed your wishes to the councilors, mother. I promise that they will not help the kingdom at this critical moment."

"Okay." After saying this, Her Majesty the Queen asked them to leave the palace.

She waved her hand and the curtain pulled up automatically.

The king of Istani, who still has no partner, is said to be extremely beautiful, and is known as the "Queen of Purity".

What came out from behind the curtain was indeed a beautiful face. She pulled back her hair, revealing long pointed ears.

Benedy was sure he was being followed. In the past, when I was a detective, I would follow others, but now the two people behind me looked a little lame.

The fatal problem was that the two men were too tall and strong, and they looked like martial arts practitioners. Their ill-fitting uniforms were stretched tightly, like gangster thugs.

As he walked through the crowd, he recalled who he had offended. Gangster? Money has been tight recently, and he has received rewards for reporting smuggling, and has also helped people collect evidence of cheating. But when Benedy passed the resistance group's stronghold in Storm City, he found similar characters wandering nearby.

The actor and detective shrank his pupils and walked past calmly, heading towards the museum.

"Why is he going to the museum?"

"Does he have any accomplices?" The Iron Crown Knight felt a little strange and could only follow him.

Bang! when! Benedy ignored the screams of the visitors, smashed the expensive glass, and packed away as much of the Gray Elf artifacts on display as possible. He even had an enchanted storage bag. Whether he was an actor or a detective, I'm afraid the small bag was worth the price. Income for the last ten years.

The commotion attracted the administrators and security guards of the museum, and the Iron Crown Knight also arrived. They rushed to the exhibition hall together, only to see a tall and thin man wearing an ancient wooden mask.

"Sir, what are you doing!" The curator was still scolding, and the Iron Crown Knight took out a blunderbuss from his casual windbreaker and shot Benedy, but he nimbly dodged it with a weird twist.

"I originally had to buy a ticket, but now the performance is free for the time being." He took out two daggers, started to dance while spinning or jumping, and the sharp blades were flying close to the Iron Crown Knight.

However, the knights were not to be trifled with. They did not reload the blunderbuss and directly hit Benedy, then drew out their warhammers and started fighting the enemy.

Metal meets, and Benedy gradually falls behind. It is too difficult to perform alone, there is no good stage and accompaniment, and most importantly, there is no good audience.

Although Benedick was astonishingly nimble, moving around in the war hammer, and constantly scratching the knight's body with his dagger, the two knights still had mail armor under their civilian clothes to protect their key bodies, and there were no injuries such as cutting their hands. It doesn't stop them from continuing to fight.

The fight in the museum did not last long, and the knight became dizzy.

Damn it! The dagger is poisonous! Although the knight was very careful, every little bit of damage would still allow the poison to invade. For a specially trained human body, this little poison would not kill a person, but it would be enough to paralyze the limbs, slow down movements, and give Benedy a chance to escape.

He was not greedy for the knife, and quickly threw away his pursuers, put away his mask, took off his coat, and ran towards the Golden Harp Theater.

Fortunately, he was not discovered here. He broke into the backstage, bit his finger and smeared the blood on the makeup mirror backstage.

There were ripples on the mirror and it suddenly darkened. Benedy jumped and came to the underground world.

He was still at the Golden Harp Theatre, but in Shadow City, so no wonder Rorschach looked familiar.

"What happened on the ground?" His companions were unaware that Storm City had launched a hunt for the resistance.

"Let's talk later, I have something to do." Benedy went straight to the small building next to the theater.

Bang bang bang, he knocked on the door eagerly: "Caroline, Caroline, are you there?"

The door opened, and the person who opened the door didn't understand the elf's eagerness: "She is here, who are you looking for?"

".Why is it you?" Benedy looked at Rorschach behind the door. He didn't expect that this kid actually lived in Caroline's "home". Perhaps because of the battle and running all the way, the face of the "actor" turned green and red.

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