Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 301 Compatriots need victory

The fighting continued until late into the night.

When the morning sun shines on the land of El Island, the winner standing is the Gray Elf Resistance Army.

The Knights of the Burning Lion were not wiped out by the establishment, but they actually lost at least twenty knights. As a relatively weak knighthood with only a hundred core members, this was a heavy blow. From now on, the regiment leader will not only have to withstand the criticism from other regiments under the Queen's throne, but will also have to invest a lot of resources to restore the organization.

The impact may take a generation to be eliminated, and the shame is even harder to wash away.

For the Gray Elves, a myth was shattered. They could wage war against the Church of Order when the old empire collapsed, confront the Holy Kingdom, and be unstoppable conquerors on the Isle of Air, the first large-scale attrition in hundreds of years.

The enemy's armor was held up by them with pitchforks. The blood and mud could not hide the smile. Bell Lanst entered to greet the rebels with his head held high.

On the other side, there was silence at the Knights' camp. They still controlled the rivers and ports and carried out vigilance. But the camp was locked tightly, which seemed to tell the gray elves that Burning Lion would not take the initiative to attack again.

Similarly, the kingdom's other security forces on Air Island have shrunk. The once powerful "raw lobster", governor and others have low-key and cautiously limited their scope of activities to towns and fortresses, and their families have begun to withdraw to the island by boat.

In Bellandst, the gray elves had never heard of novel things such as telegraphs in the Holy Kingdom, and there was no communication system of the magic guild here. They used the method that their ancestors were good at - carrier pigeons, to convey the joy of victory and Confidence is communicated to fellow citizens elsewhere.

"This is the last letter." The old man handed Sirsa the "Uprising Mobilization Letter."

Sirsa held her left fist, dipped it in red paint and slapped it on the letter.

Due to her outstanding performance in this battle and the deliberate promotion of the command and the Restoration Council, her (symbolic) status became higher and higher, and various legends began to attach to this young girl. The most recent operation was to ask Sirsa to put a "fist" on the mobilization letters. In each letter, she would brag about her heroic killing of an official knight.

In this regard, Sirsa was deeply tired and confused from the battle, and she was relieved when the last homing pigeon was released.

"I don't understand. I am only insignificant in the battle. It is a victory achieved by everyone. Why should I emphasize my personal affairs?"

The gray elf elder handed her a piece of candy. There were many of these in the town warehouse, and it became the best souvenir for the resistance.

The elder told the girl: "Child, it is good that you have such an awareness, but our compatriots need encouragement. Our girl killed a Burning Lion Knight, how inspiring it is. No matter whether the propaganda is beautified or not, this is a strategic need. You will understand when you grow up."

In fact, I should understand Sirsa, but I can’t say whether I do or not. She is now assigned to a temporary residence that is better than the military camp, with soft beds and hot water for washing. After leaving the military camp, I have been meeting important people like the elder, but I have hardly seen anyone from the same village.

She only had a vague feeling about whether it was good or bad, but at least the sweetness of the sugar was clear, and she was sure that her fighting partners could also taste the sweetness at this moment.

So be it.

News of Air's defeat also spread to the main island. Of course, the public newspapers only carried announcements from the authorities about small groups of rebels.

For laborers making a living in factories, the direct impact was that the price of bread increased by 20% overnight.

It doesn’t matter whether the boss uses inventory or not, the raw materials have increased anyway.

So after get off work, the laborers drank cheap distilled liquor with added sugar and spit on the damn mudblood, which forced them to work at least an extra hour every day, otherwise it would be a problem for the whole family to fill their stomachs.

The noise in the House of Representatives remains the same. It is nothing more than an ordinary trivial matter turning into a major military matter. The militants are a little excited. If the security war escalates into a larger-scale war, then the textile factories and steel factories behind the MPs will be able to make a profit from it. .

Some moderates in the parliament proposed that the annexation could be suppressed. On the one hand, they called for the dissolution of the Restoration Parliament on Air Island, and on the other hand, they allowed some prominent figures to enter the House of Commons. Allowing these mudbloods to enter the house is a great gift in their eyes.

Some members were discussing in low voices whether the Twelve Knights could still serve as the cornerstone of the kingdom's armed forces, and whether the Round Table could continue to override the House of Commons.

Of course, this is "shaking the foundation of the country", so we can only say it quietly.

Bang, bang. A group of heavily armed soldiers broke into the "Civilized People's Zoo". Not only did the Constitutional Guards not stop them, they even stood at attention and saluted the leader of the intruders.

The visitors were Alfred, the queen's adopted son and leader of the Knights of the Golden Rose, and his knights. His face under his blond hair was perfect. From the bridge of his nose to his jaw, every line seemed to be made by the best stonemason. It is crafted with great care and is known as the template for the Istani people.

The cold light reflected from his plate armor, and he walked into the lower house of the parliament proudly, attracting all the attention of the quarreling members. There was no need to shout for silence, everyone naturally provided good conditions for the knight leader to speak.

"I'm here to announce something to you gentlemen: no voice of peace talks or compromise with the rebels will be allowed in any inch of the Istani Kingdom, especially here."

His tone was extremely arrogant, and the MPs were offended by his straightforward orders.

"Is this an order from the Queen? Even His Majesty must not interfere in the discussion of the House of Representatives. According to the Magna Carta, His Majesty only has the power to veto proposals and dissolve Parliament.

"If you want to shut our mouths, please ask His Majesty to issue a formal order to reorganize an obedient parliament."

Some MPs angrily accused Istani of offending the "symbol of civilization".

Alfred walked up to the speaker and responded: "Indeed, Her Majesty the Queen will not interfere with your croaking in the zoo. If I can silence you, I cannot silence everyone in the kingdom."

Just when everyone thought the knight leader was giving in, he caught off guard and grabbed the head of the congressman in front of him, pushed it down, and smashed through the table between them.

The unexpected violence immediately silenced the bystanders, and Alfred shouted loudly: "Look, you are just boneless goods, used to deceive the inferiors. Her Majesty the Queen is the master of the kingdom. We, the Twelve Knights, are the backbone of the kingdom!

Now that the kingdom is at war with the rebels, it is in a state of war. Is it the turn of you guys who have no power to dictate? "

He dragged the blood-stained congressman out and added at the door: "Don't challenge the authority of Her Majesty the Queen and the Knights anymore.

"If you think you can go back to what happened a hundred years ago and imitate the rebels and fight against the Knights, you might as well give it a try."

After walking out, he threw the congressman who passed out like mud to his knight: "Cure him for some serious crime of disrespect and throw him into prison."

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