Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 306 The Covered Ghost

Benedy then defended the contact between the resistance organization and the Order: "His Majesty the Elf King Sylvanos is our king, and Dryats teaches us to maintain the balance of nature and find the way to survive, just like our teacher.

"But in the first God War, the elves lost the blessing of two gods one after another. Sylvanos disappeared, Dryats fell, his power was lost, and his knowledge was absorbed by your mages. We elves became Abandon the clan.

"So when the Earth Mother with similar power appears, it is not difficult to understand that we are willing to accept it, right? Some people suspect that he is our king or that Dryats has returned in some incarnation, and some speculate that he is older than the king. The god 'Danu' mother goddess returned to the earth.

"In short, as long as the gods take care of it, the fate of the gray elves and our entire tribe will be better! Just like when Istani was protected by Yis."

In the eyes of Benedi and the elven resistance organization, there is essentially no difference between the Mother of the Earth and Yis. She can only help them overthrow the authorities. The sacrifices made by the Istani people to the great Yis at the beginning were no more than the sacrifices of the Earth Mother now. The mother asks for less and is more generous.

The elf reflected on his own history, which is who believes in the big brother and who is awesome? If a short-lived species like humans suddenly exploded, wouldn't they have climbed onto the lap of the Lord of Order? So when Mother Earth appeared, the top leaders of the resistance organization did not regard her as a scourge.

You say He is an evil god? Yisi is not a good product, is he?

However, no one in Benedy or the resistance members in Storm City believed in Him wholeheartedly, nor were they tainted with the power of the Mother Goddess. Otherwise, Rorschach would have been able to sense it from the very first meeting.

"Strength resides in the heart, and wisdom resides in the brain?" Luo Xia was interested in this sentence. In short, it means that there are good things in the stone statues, right?

Caroline also said: "If this so-called tomb is not sealed, then the way out should be found nearby."

When the in-depth exploration began, they were already in the stone chamber on the left chest. Rorschach sighed: "Teacher Caroline is so lucky. She sent us to the entrance in one teleportation."

Caroline looked strange when she heard the compliment: "Rorschach, didn't you see such obvious carvings when you observed the stone statue? Although it is not exactly the same, the circuit on the left chest can be regarded as a variation of the short-distance teleportation array."

Rorschach suddenly shed some beads of sweat, feeling as if he was discovered by the teacher during his internship that his professional subject level was not up to par.

"Oh, is that the next entrance?" Fortunately, Rorschach made a new discovery. The wall facing inward seemed to be made of horizontal stones, while the other walls were completely integrated.

There were still carvings on it, but this time it wasn't a space-related magic circle, and Caroline didn't see any clues.

"We might as well blast it over." Luo Xia picked up his cane and prepared to use it.

Benedy became anxious and shouted: "How dare you!"

boom! His whole body was slapped against the wall by Rorschach's "Kilin Hand". "Ahem, cough, cough, I mean this is the holy land of elves. Please allow me to try it first, Master Mage."

"Your magic power is very weak, how can you try?"

Rorschach's question was answered, Benedy took out the wooden mask and started performing a strange dance towards the door.

When he mobilized all the muscles in his body to dance, although there was no accompaniment, both Rorschach and Caroline felt a rhythm, and the magic in the environment was driven by this dance.

It's a very interesting technique, but in Rorschach's opinion, the casting efficiency of a single person is too low.

And unfortunately, Benedy was sweating profusely from dancing, and the circuit on the door didn't respond.

"It seems that your ancestors don't appreciate this dance." Rorschach said sarcastically and then repeated his old trick. The blue fluorescent flow filled the circuit and the back door opened as expected. The heavy stone bars moved to both sides to make way for a hole, and the inside was emerald green. The energy group is surging rhythmically, like a heart beating.

It was only in hindsight that Luo Xia understood that the huge stone just now was equivalent to a rib.

Benedy stared at Rorschach in disbelief and kept looking at his ears.

Why can the remains of his ancestors recognize him? Benedy began to wonder whether Rorschach was an elf lurking among humans or had a thin royal bloodline?

"Very harmonious energy. Pure and endless." Caroline commented on the filled emerald green light group.

It is fixed on the brass base, and a few strands of silk thread are weakly pulled upward, extending to the top and bottom of the colossus.

"How are we going to get to the 'brain'?" Rorschach did not dare to act rashly against this thing. In his opinion, it was too dangerous for the energy ball to be exposed like this. It was obviously not pure magic, but more likely a legacy of Sylvanos. of divine power. For mortals, this is too dangerous.

If you use [God Expulsion Technique], can it be restored to the purest ether, or will something else appear? Just when Rorschach was about to move, suddenly a beam of light from the energy group enveloped Rorschach.

"Rorschach!" Caroline wanted to grab Rorschach's hand again, but everything happened too suddenly. After a while, Benedy was also shrouded, and the two of them shot upward at an extremely fast speed along the light path, leaving behind A confused Caroline in the "atrium".

"Where am I?" Rorschach fainted briefly when the light came. When Rorschach woke up, he found himself in a room with a hemispherical dome. Milky white and mellow magic lamps were sprinkled on the ground, and a stone stood in the middle. The platform contains a milky white fluorescent substance that looks like light and water.

He boldly guessed that he and the elf had arrived at the "Tianling Cap".

Benedy also woke up, and their awakening seemed to trigger an event, and ghostly figures condensed from the milky white fluid on the stone platform.

He wears a huge turban, a robe, and a fluffy and curly beard. The mysterious runes can be seen on the robe and turban.

"Impossible, why a human being?" Benedy couldn't believe it, but what appeared seemed to be a human wise man from the Kingdom of Sand.

According to legend, the twelve statues are based on the images of the prophets, elders and archdruids under the Elven Throne, and they should also store their wisdom.

"I found that the magic you elves did was quite interesting, so I erased the existence of the original owner. It's okay, he is just a boring old man anyway." The wise man babbled:

"Your ancestors had quite an idea. They intercepted a piece of memory and filled it into the refined soul sand to make a pseudo-ghost. However, I think its real application should be to create more advanced tower spirits, which may be able to actively cast spells."

Benedy drew his dagger angrily and rushed towards the ghostly wise man in a war dance.

The mysterious man frowned: "Are the descendants of Sylvanos so presumptuous? Your king is much more polite." After speaking, he flicked his fingers, and a green crystal hit Benedy's eyebrows accurately, and it sank into his body. The elf behind his head fainted again instantly.

"I originally wanted to solemnly hand over the memory of the old man, but I didn't expect him to be in such a hurry." It seems that the mysterious man has not completely destroyed the elves' legacy in the Holy Land. Rorschach guessed that the crystal just now should be the backup of the original owner, and The current device is occupied by a mysterious person.

Rorschach judged from the words of this wise man that the other party should be an existence comparable to the Elf King. Although he was still like a remnant soul, he was probably a powerful human mage.

"Are you a ghost? Or a memory fragment of some great god? Or"

"Stop it, you young man is quite good at guessing." The mysterious wise man looked cheerful. The episode just now did not spoil his good mood: "I am *****"

".?" Luo Xia respectfully waited for the wise man to announce his name, but he saw the phantom's mouth opening and closing, but there was no sound.

The other party tried again using [Messaging Technique], but Rorschach still couldn't hear.

The wise man from the Kingdom of Sand became a little frustrated after giving up trying. His emotions were unabashedly revealed through his expression, and he finally said: "It seems that 'I' don't allow me to sign up, okay."

The wise man who accepted his fate regained his composure and forced a smile from his beard: "You are finally here, Rorschach."

Everyone here knows my name. The boy is a little numb.

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