Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 307 A Tool Man Unprecedented in a Century

"Why do you know my name?" Luo Xia and Ma Guima still wanted to ask clearly. It would not be fun if the other party could read minds.

Although the only difficulty for a mage who is proficient in the prophecy system to read minds is not letting the other party notice.

"I don't read minds." The wise man said immediately.

I see you lie without blushing! Rorschach was a little angry, but he was not sure of the opponent's strength. After suffering losses along the way, he decided to keep a low profile in this unfamiliar place.

"I am just an afterimage now. Look, it is milky white and frosted and translucent. Of course I won't blush." ​​The wise man coughed: "But I didn't lie. I can only read the activity of your cerebral cortex on the surface. When your language area corresponds to When the soul signal fluctuates accordingly, I can 'translate' it word by word into words."

What I mean is, what you are reading is obviously brain waves, how can you call it mind reading?

Wow, this great sage has mastered extremely advanced neuroscience. Rorschach was shocked by a little ancient magic.

But the good news is that the electrical signals of the language module are relatively distinct and easy to decipher, while images and memories cannot be viewed in this way.

Otherwise, if the old man digs deeper, it will be his turn to accept the impact of post-modern xp from another world.

The afterimage of the wise man showed a concerned and worried expression: "Master Rorschach, you like to comment in your mind so much, wouldn't it make you feel uncomfortable if you don't say it out loud? Okay, let me answer your first question first, why do I do this? Do you know your name?"

Rorschach was too lazy to speak and answered directly from his heart: Yes.

The wise man was very proud. Even though it was Ah Piao, he still sat on the edge of the stone platform: "This starts from the birth of the Shadow Land a hundred years ago."

It seems like a very long story. Can you please make it shorter? Rorschach no longer had any nostalgia for this unproductive ghost place, he just wanted to find a way out and swim back to the mainland overnight.

"Okay, I'll make a long story short. Originally, the Shadow Land was an area between reality and fantasy. The elves built a holy place in it to store their outdated garbage.

"Originally, the Shadow Land was a rift in reality, with entrances and exits not only in Storm City, but also in other places. After the elves were defeated by the Empire, they originally planned to hide in and enjoy their old age. There were also old guys among the elves who wanted to hibernate here and wait to regain their strength. Then they will run out from all the cracks and attack from all sides."

If nothing else, there will be an accident.

The wise man nodded: "Yes, the Lord of Order discovered this area. He was very interested. He lowered his power to control the shadow land and blocked other entrances and exits, leaving only the Storm City area."

So the elves are really in bad luck. This also explains why the poet and the black monk emphasized that the Shadow City has "a lot of rules". It turns out that it is the power of the Lord of Order. But to be honest, Rorschach doesn't have a strong sense of "rules".

"Don't sympathize with those with pointed ears. In fact, according to the plan of those old things, only a small group of the 'best members' of the elves can be allowed to enter the Holy Land to "preserve the fire." When the will of the Lord of Order broke in, the Holy Land was The elves inside are. Hundreds and thousands of bodies are roaring loudly, do you understand what I mean?"

It turns out that the Lord of Order came to crack down on pornography, and all the tribesmen outside have become slaves, and the upper elves are actually hiding in the Holy Land to carry out Impart.

"And I entered this place at that time. After all, I am very interested in this place. I originally traveled around the world until my knees gave out, so I made a deal with the Lord of Order: He allowed me to retire in the Holy Land, and at the same time Guarding this area, the Lord of Order overlooked one problem. This place is quite similar to the real land and will also subside.

"After the war, the original elven buildings settled here to form the historic area. A fire in Storm City created a 'scorched roof area', and some buildings from the old Istani Kingdom settled to form the core area."

So now Storm City is also sinking into the Shadowlands? Rorschach thought of the semi-submersible area with its abandoned subway lines and Storm City's sewers.

"You said. You are right. Storm City is falling into illusion bit by bit, but its growth is fast enough. Countless houses are built and demolished every day, and countless foreigners with dreams pour in. So the perception is not obvious.

"This place is like an ulcer in the real world. It is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more people are involved. It is chaos. Because of the lack of resources, tragedies happen all the time. I found a marquis and asked him to live in a densely populated area. Places establish order.”

Why can't you do this?

The wise man shook his head: "Hundreds of years have passed! I have become extremely weak and have to rely on the previous elves' devices to maintain my existence, which is what I am now.

"And my power has been extremely reduced, because this area was also discovered by Yis. He wanted to invade it. In fact, he almost succeeded. Originally, the shadow land was transformed by the elves into a livable place, but it was changed by Yis. After the pollution, it became what it is now.

"I can only use the power of the Lord of Order to seal the deep dive zone and protect the 'core', which is the afterimage of myself. The power of order outside is mixed with the dark energy of Yis, so I handed it over to the Marquis, The count and the black monk are in control."

The Marquis has the strongest power, and the Earl is like the head of the novice village. The semi-submerged area is relatively safe and relaxed. The Black Monk is a traitor to the Church of Isth, who hates but can enrich and utilize the dark power of Isth. Contain each other with the Marquis.

The Upside Down Church was once the highest church of the Church of Yith. After Yith escaped, it disappeared in Storm City, and its status was replaced by the current West Church.

To make a long story short, it had been so long that Benedy was about to wake up, and at the same time there was a little fluctuation in the space. Under the surprised gaze of the wise man, a small crack opened in time and space, and Caroline was revealed from inside.

"Rorschach, are you okay? Who is he?" Caroline's tone was extremely anxious.

Before Rorschach could speak, the wise man materialized a simple, thick staff and teleported in front of the teacher and the revived elf at lightning speed.

Bang! Bang!

Obviously the staff and the person are ghost-like shadows, but the sound of hitting the head is very clear and pleasant, which proves that they are two good heads.

"This little girl's talent is very good. She can actually teleport here." The wise man said with shock and appreciation, but he showed no mercy when knocking the opponent unconscious. Obviously, the "brain chamber" of the Colossus is blocked by the elves' technology. Caroline can teleport here. Not only is she highly skilled, she is also very bold.

After speaking, he pointed the staff at Rorschach: "Now it's time to talk about you!

"I finally managed to get rid of the snot-nosed tentacle monster Is. The revived Danu, or the Earth Mother Goddess, is eyeing this place again. I'm tired of my house after hundreds of years! Let's just destroy it!

"Originally, I was worried about how to destroy myself, until you, Rorschach, showed up. Not only was your boy unaffected by the expulsion curse, but he could also violate the rules of the Shadowlands with impunity!

"I've been paying attention to you since you entered this place, Luo Xia, you are the one I'm looking for in a century."

Co-author: Am I a tool person?

"Yes, yes, this new word is very appropriate. You are a tool man that has not been seen in a century!" The wise man Xu Ying, who heard this phrase for the first time, immediately recognized its accuracy.

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