Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 308 Since you can’t refuse, why not discuss the price?

This wise man seems to have been tricked by the Lord of Order. He has guarded this place for hundreds of years, and turned into a ghost-like existence and had to work part-time until Rorschach appeared and finally saw hope of relief.

Rorschach felt that the wise man should not need to go to great lengths to get himself here: Can I understand that you no longer want to coexist with the shadow land? Can't you blow yourself up?

"Can you grab your hair with your hands and lift yourself up?" The wise man explained that before his death, he erased the will of the elf elders in the icon and used the elf's device to transform himself into a part of the holy land.

Due to the transformation of the Lord of Order and the authority given to the wise man, his current state, according to Rorschach's understanding, is nothing more than a program running in the colossus, a highly intelligent tower spirit ultra.

"When I tried to resolve myself and free myself from here, I violated the deal of the Lord of Order, and He will let my soul never rest.

"I have been studying the agreement for hundreds of years and came to the conclusion that I must use external force to destroy my own will and the shadow land together. This is the safest way. After the destruction, Mother Earth will no longer be able to get involved here. .”

The most critical question is why Rorschach? Rorschach has his own special self-awareness, but he still has a bit of luck, thinking that the other party has not seen his true nature clearly. Until now, Rorschach has been trying to limit his random thoughts with crazy thoughts in his mind, so as not to expose more to the wise man.

Rorschach tentatively spoke: "Old senior, I have a [Great Disintegration Technique] that can destroy your soul. If that doesn't work, there is a 'Divine Power Expulsion Technique' at my service. I can always find a way to make your soul fly away and finish it off."

The wise man pretended to be a little angry: "You young man, why don't you follow the spirit of contract? Since I promised the Lord of Order, I will never agree to give up the shadow land to the evil god! So..." He stretched out his skinny paws and closed them into fists. : "It must be destroyed!"

After speaking, this paw patted Rorschach's shoulder: "When I realized how special you were, I immediately understood that the opportunity had come! If you want to cut this ulcer from the real world, you must have someone who is not bound by it." Sharp Blade', that's you, Master Rorschach."

"Then what do I do?"

"You must first agree to my voluntary help. I am very strict about procedural justice, otherwise I will not be a man that the Lord of Order is willing to entrust."

"Then what if I don't agree?" Luo Xia always felt that the other party was avoiding a question - what exactly he wanted to do.

Even if Rorschach was just a stupid and innocent college student in his previous life, he still knows that any software that rushes users to check "I agree" and does not allow custom installation is rogue software.

"It doesn't matter." The wise man smiled brightly, and the thick staff hit his hand with a clicking sound: "It really doesn't matter. Oh, I'll just let the three of you stay here with me for another few decades or hundreds of years. Anyway, One elf and two mid-level mages are not short-lived ghosts."

Since I can't refuse the old gangster, I can only discuss the reward: "What benefits can I get from my help?"

"Benefits?" The wise man nodded: "Yes, I also had a deal with the Lord of Order back then. Now I promise that if you complete my commission, I will pass on the inheritance to you, so that you have the opportunity to become a real great master." Mage."

"Real one?" If there is a real Archmage title, does that mean there are also fake ones?

The wise man waved his staff, and the gray stone environment of his brain changed, and they suddenly came to the endless yellow sand.

Everything was so real, the scorching wind carried the gravel in the air, and hit Rorschach's face like a knife cutting and needle pricking.

At this time, the person in front of him was no longer a crooked wise man, but a sage with deep eyes. His expression was solemn, and he changed from a milky white fluorescent illusion to a living person standing in front of Rorschach.

His voice was like a bell, reverberating between heaven and earth. His singing process was almost roaring, and then the wind followed him and uttered incantations that were almost ballads in ancient Arabic language.

The sky suddenly became cloudy, thunder rumbled, and the gravel in the air turned into raindrops. Clear springs appeared everywhere and gathered into water networks. The gravel turned into soil under the moisture, and meadows and trees broke out of the ground.

Rorschach was witnessing the change of heaven and earth, and the yellow sand sky turned into a dense subtropical forest.

Perhaps other mages could achieve this effect, but at this time the wise men around him had disappeared, and Rorschach was lifted into the air by invisible force. People are very small, but in Rorschach's field of vision, the area affected by the spell is infinite!

He would rather believe that the wise man used teleportation to teleport himself from the desert to the rainforest, but he clearly witnessed how everything was changed. Looking far into the distance, there was no yellow sand flying in any corner.

Not only that, all the magic power was drained out during the chanting process, and even Rorschach had to struggle to maintain it, lest his magic power be violently pulled out of the body by the caster.

All scenes disappeared, and they returned to the original stone room.

"Is this the true power of the Archmage?" Isn't that what the gods are like?

The wise man returned to a phantom, and the enigmatic and unpredictable aura of a master was gone. He smiled from under his beard: "Before the rise of the old empire, it was the age of mythology, which means that the world at that time had only mythology and no history. .

"What you just saw is the original site of the 'Promised City', the most fertile land in the Kingdom of Sand. Despite deforestation and sandstorms for nearly a thousand years, it is still the largest oasis in the endless sea of ​​sand."

In Rorschach's panel, the name [Legendary Spell: World Weaving] appeared. He still didn't believe it because the process just now was too short, and the entire spell casting only took about a minute.

"Becoming a real archmage, it is possible to master legendary spells that surpass the current nine-ring system, which some people call super magic.

"Each archmage specializes in different spell systems and even has different personalities, and the legendary spells they display are also different."

Speaking of which, Rorschach guessed that a turning point was coming.

Sure enough, the wise man sighed dejectedly: "But in order to maintain the peace and stability of the world, the Lord of Order has blocked all legendary spells and similar-level means among other divine benefactors using means that mortals cannot understand.

"The advantage is that it is easier to become an Archmage than it was before the age of mythology, but the so-called Archmage can no longer freely display magical skills comparable to those of gods. He is just a mediocre mortal with more magic power and a longer lifespan."

There is no relevant information in the history of magic that Rorschach came into contact with, but it is obvious that Kano and Feuerbach are deeply aware of it, especially the chief of the Tower of Secrets who can consult many ancient books. No wonder they are so hostile to the Lord of Order. big.

In the previous life, "blocking people's path to wealth is like killing one's parents." Here, the God of Order dominates the whole life, blocking the way of the great mages to become gods!

"And you, who are not bound by the power of the Lord of Order, have given me hope, the hope of restoring the glory of the Archmage! I am willing to teach you my wisdom. If you can break through, wouldn't it be easy to destroy the shadow lands?"

Rorschach couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Suddenly Benedy woke up again. He only heard "Destruction. Shadow Land" and shouted: "No!"

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