Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 318 Coronation Ceremony

"Free all Rat Whisperers! Rat Whisperers are no longer slaves!"

There are many Rat Whisperers who enter the slave market in the Shadowland like little briquettes. They are short in stature and eat less food. They can also get into small holes and catch frogs and other food for their masters. They are very popular among the upper class in the Shadow City.

Therefore, when they arrived at the core area, in addition to announcing the attack of the Rat Whisperer Kingdom with songs, they also added slogans to incite the slaves to rebel. Some core area residents were so frightened by this strange team that they closed their doors and did not forget to kick their Rat Whisperer slaves out of their homes.

"King" Singletary sat on a cart made of garbage and wood. The car has ten pairs of wooden wheels and is almost three stories high. Twenty rat whisperers and hundreds of rats are pulling forward and pushing forward and moving slowly.

His Majesty the King went to the battle in person, sitting at the highest point holding the flag of the kingdom.

Freddy, as the royal troubadour, was at the front of the car, leading the team in singing. All the sounds from his almost roaring voice and the strings that were about to be plucked could be super doubled through twenty magic trumpets. There is also a talented drummer Xiao Qiuqiu banging metal pots and pans.

As the king's personal bodyguards, Rorschach and Benedy stood on both sides of Singletary, wearing earplugs and holding their hands behind their hands. The shameless Caroline used the [Illusion Technique] to blend in with the gray elves.

It’s over, I think it’s okay after hearing it too much. At this time, Caroline, Commander, Silsa and other gray elves all had the same broken heart.

Singletaryev shook his head to the rhythm and looked down at the crazy kingdom people, shouting with pleasure. And he found that his whole body suddenly felt hot, and he suddenly had endless strength, and he could wave the flag non-stop without getting sore in his hands.

"Rorschach, there is really power in me!"

"Okay, Singer, you have to hold on tight and don't be dominated by the will of the shadow land!"

"Don't worry! I will always be an adventurer!"

Rorschach can also feel that another part of the power of order has returned from the deep dive zone and is attached to Singletary. The only thing he is worried about now is that Singletaryev's mind will not be distorted by the Lord of Order and the divine power of Yis.

To be on the safe side, he condensed a blue ball of light and immersed it into the dwarf's body. Singlev was excited and shouted: "It's great!"

Is this a good review? Rorschach stopped thinking and stared at the Marquis's mansion.

As the procession conquered territory outside the core area, the Marquis was still pouring out his rage.

Of course he sensed the changes in the Shadow Land. When the seals were lifted one by one, it meant that the power system deployed by the Lord of Order in the Shadow Land was on the verge of collapse. On the one hand, the Marquis passively absorbed part of the power and strengthened it. On the other hand, he also completely Loss of perception of areas outside the core area.

The Marquis thought for a day and two nights but couldn't figure out what happened. Just because the seal was loosened, more people from the "Return to Our Lady" cult broke into the shadow land, so the Marquis immediately completed his logical reasoning - it was these cultists who were causing trouble!

The Marquis, who was once again furious, used his enhanced power to disperse the Shadow Guards. These dark ghosts quickly wandered around the core area and captured all suspicious characters into the Marquis Mansion.

When the real invader of the Rat Kingdom "arrived", the Marquis prepared to execute a senior leader of the order.

"In order to return to the embrace of Mother Earth!" The leader of the shadow area of ​​the cult gritted his teeth and used his family's traditional skills to use his own flesh and blood as nourishment for the alien species. His whole body erupted into coquettish and thick plants and sprayed with a toxic and aggressive green mist.

The Marquis didn't change his expression, and he used the same trick he used against Rorschach and others, throwing out the Shadow Guards to attack first. However, he keenly sensed that individuals who rushed into the green mist seemed to be infected by Mother Earth. Not only did they tend to lose control, but they also mutated and increased in value.

Fortunately, he can also self-destruct. It is not the explosion of the Marquis himself, but the explosion of controlled shadows, successfully smashing the mutated plants of the cultists.

Faced with a mess, he chose to throw these broken branches into the deep dive zone. However, the Marquis found that the deep dive zone could not be opened by him.

In the end what happened? !

The master of Shadow City finally sensed the invasion of the Rat Whisperer Kingdom, and turned into a black shadow that penetrated the wall and reached the sky above the core area.

"It's you! Damn spellcasters!" He locked eyes with Rorschach at a glance. In the eyes of the Marquis, the others were just cannon fodder that could be ignored.

No, the bearded man who sat tallest and shortest had a familiar feeling. "Okay, you guys want to steal my power and occupy the shadow land!" The angry voice of the Marquis spread throughout the core area. Time is not only the carrier of the power of the Lord of Order, but also the pollution and accumulation of many Yis. The beard, hair, and cloak have turned into black tentacles, waving in the air.

It was this pollution that gradually weakened the Marquis' sanity.

Singletaryev fired back with a magic trumpet: "Who cares about your power? You look like you are neither a human nor a ghost!"

There is no point in talking about it. The Marquis summoned a huge fish-shaped creature. It was completely black and somewhat similar to the existence that wandered around the Holy Land. It opened its abyss-like mouth and could swallow up a three-story-high Singelev. The car devours.

Although it was huge in size, it was also extremely fast. When it was about to collide, it hit a wall made of blue light. Rorschach resisted the pressure of the Marquis and moved forward inch by inch. At the same time, the blue light turned into green light, invading the fish-shaped creature bit by bit. The black shadow faded away, slowly revealing a white skeleton.

Before the emerald green light completely purified the largest shadow guard under his command, the Marquis took the initiative to cancel the summons to it. The emerald green light curtain exploded instantly, and the Marquis pulled up a dark black curtain from the ground and collided with the impact from Rorschach. .

At the intersection of the two energy tug-of-wars, whether living things or other substances, decay will accelerate at one time, and then be reborn at the other. If unfortunately it is swept by two forces enough times, it will lose its original shape, develop into a form that does not exist in the world, and grow colorful crystals.

"You have become stronger, Rorschach!" The Marquis laughed ferociously: "But you are not strong enough yet!"

Rorschach felt the Marquis suddenly increase his power, and his dark screen quickly shrank and concentrated, trying to focus on a single point to break through the emerald green barrier.

The young man's expression remained unchanged: "It's not that I'm not strong enough, it's that you're not weak enough."

As soon as he finished speaking, two more figures appeared out of the sky. One was an old man wearing a pure black priest's uniform. He was a black monk, holding a crown of thorns; the other was enveloped by the spiritual light of reality and could not see. Looking at his face, he only saw a red robe with dark gold runes flowing on it.

"The Lord of Order crowns King Singarev, and bless this great King of Rat Whisperers with long life and invincibility!" The Black Monk pressed the crown hard on Singarev's head while he was stunned. The dwarf howled in pain.

The simplest coronation ceremony in the history of the continent of Feralon was completed by the last Patriarch of Yis on behalf of the Lord of Light and Order amid the cheers of the people and the cry of pain of the king.

The Marquis suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and couldn't help holding his hand on his left waist.

He could clearly feel that most of his strength was suddenly drained away and transferred to the howling dwarf. The Marquis didn't understand why the black monk would side with the other party.

The energy on one side was chaotic, and the green light curtain immediately broke the deadlock and rushed towards the Marquis, washing him thoroughly. The Marquis, who had lost his black power, transformed from a heroic middle-aged man into an extremely old bone in an instant. Fortunately, the power of the shadow land returned to his body at the last moment and pulled him back from the edge of death. But at this time, too was seriously injured.

The mage wearing a red robe and his face covered by the light of magic also flew into the air and stood side by side with Rorschach. He pointed at the Marquis with his staff and mocked in words that no third person present could understand: "Your Majesty, the ancients said, ' "If you strike first, you will lose." Since ancient times, you have to lose against the left. You have committed two big taboos!"

Caroline, who was hiding among the rebels and was about to take action, opened her eyes wide because the red-robed mage also used Rorschach's voice!

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