Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 325 Call it a day and run away


"As I get older, it is difficult to cast spells on a city. I need a young man like you to help me."

Sir Isaac began to cast spells, and Rorschach experienced a familiar feeling. At first, the Black Monk manipulated gravity just like Sir Isaac, but now the Archmage's manipulation was more subtle. He did not release a field to exert influence on the object itself, but in Operating on spacetime itself.

"Everything has gravity. Gravity is the fold of space. Matter tells space how to twist, and space tells matter how to move. But what about magic? Is it matter or energy?"

The prince did not chant while casting the spell, but muttered to himself, and said to Rorschach: "This problem has troubled me for a long time. Fortunately, even if I cannot reach a conclusion, it does not prevent it from interfering with the space we are in."

With him as the core, the original distortion of space was smoothed out. It was he who drove the magic power to move rapidly at the junction of the material world and the symbolic world. Within a very small range, he obtained a gravitational force equivalent to that of a massive celestial body.

The conductive fluctuations caused the curvature of the real space to be corrected, and then even reversed. That is to say, within the range of Sir Alex's spell, the entire block first lost gravity, and then began to float.

"This is my limit. Can I extend my proudest spell to the entire city?"

If it was a normal Rorschach, of course he couldn't do it, but now he can understand the mechanism of Sir Alex's spellcasting just by relying on [Arcane Vision], and he feels that he can imitate it and double it. This is not his power, it is the wise man's.

Even a veteran archmage like Isaac cannot do it if he wants to lift the royal capital of Istani, one of the three great kingdoms.

However, just like weight lifting, it may be difficult to hold up heavy objects stably, but Rorschach can use clever methods to lift Storm City with a sudden burst.

Like the Lord's spellcasting, Rorschach manipulates as much magic power as possible to drive the magic power to move at high speed between the material world and the symbolic world, but what he creates is two rapidly rotating vortices, and the spatial fluctuations caused by the two are mutually exclusive.

"What are you?" Isaac was stunned for a moment, then showed a fanatical look.

The two vortexes were accelerated to the extreme, and the movement of pure magic power could already appear in the real world.

The residents on the ground looked up and found two dark purple vortices spinning closer to each other, getting closer and faster, with the midpoint of the line connecting the two centers as the center of the movement circle.

They collided! Like celestial bodies rotating and then colliding with each other, the space set off a turbulent wave, and a wave of weightlessness swept across the city in an instant.

The material part of Storm City was lifted up and successfully separated from the Shadow City, which was more illusory and less affected by space fluctuations.

It's now! Any later, Storm City will sink again, and even fall further into the Shadow Realm. Rorschach ignored the phantom of the wise man in the deep dive area and decisively activated all the arranged magic circles.

The magic circle with Rorschach's exclusive runes as the core, the self-aligning hexagonal pattern was activated, and then violently smashed everything in the area. First, the "expulsion" pushed the Shadow City away from the real world. Buildings like the Upside Down Church gradually faded away as they collapsed.

Then comes "decomposition", which is not a complete smash, but breaks the original solid existence of the shadow land, and then triggers a chain reaction. Starting from the oldest holy land, the colossi are broken one after another, and the doors made of huge stones are broken into small pieces in turn. .

Centered in the deep submersible zone, they began to rotate, gather, and collide.

Rorschach looked at the Shadow City beneath it through the Storm City, and let out a long sigh of relief - I don't know if it was the work of the Wise Man's Shadow, but in short, it achieved the best expectation: the Shadow City successfully collapsed inwards.

Mother Earth sensed the change. She did not wake up, and only moved instinctively in its original form. At this time, its tentacles were climbing like crazy, but they were already far away from Storm City, and they could only wave in vain in the void.

The subway lines collapsed and the trains derailed. Whether it was the residents of Storm City, the knights or the gray elves who infiltrated, they all witnessed the shock that covered the whole city. The foundation of Storm City and the ground it was located on were torn apart.

When Silsha lost weight for an instant, she happened to be facing down. From the cracks in the ground, she saw the shadow of destruction and the flamboyant tentacles of Mother Earth.

They are dividing and tearing each other apart, exposing endless pus on the surface, growing cracks, and screaming viciously.

The overflowing hatred made Sirsa shudder.

The weightlessness lasted for less than a second, and the same was true for the collapse of the shadow land, but the violent vibration of the space just now seemed to have disrupted time.

For ordinary people, they and the environment they are in do not notice the abnormality at the time and space level. However, for people with high magic power in their bodies, there is a sense of dislocation between the soul and the body. The moment of dislocation seems to last a long, long time. .

Mother Earth was unwilling to let the "sore" leading to the real world get smaller and smaller. She began to increase the pressure, trying to expand with her own power, tearing a crack and swallowing all those who hindered her. The phantom of the wise man finally took action, and the fragments of the collapsed icon were connected by the holy brilliance, and then...

The second big explosion after Rorschach's detonation completely ruined the Mother Goddess's attempt. In his [Arcane Vision], only a vast expanse of white remained in the shadow, and then it continued to collapse and turned into a point of light.

Then it went out.

An old voice echoed in Rorschach's mind: "Thank you."

The phantom of the wise man disappeared completely. Rorschach felt huge exhaustion sweeping through his body. He still had the power to rival the Archmage, but he could feel that this power was evaporating and declining irresistibly.

Caroline had prepared the teleportation spell. After this battle, the space in Storm City was particularly fragile. Caroline carefully revealed a gap and called the tired students: "Let's go."

Rorschach looked at the prince, who was still looking up at the sky at a 45° angle, as if the two vortexes created by Rorschach were still there, and kept saying to himself: "It can still be like this, it can still be like this."

Looking at Storm City at this time, it seemed as if it had experienced an earthquake. Neither the streets nor the buildings were intact. There were cracks and fragments everywhere. Rorschach sighed, and used the last remaining magic power to rain heavily across the city again, but this time the magic carried by the raindrops was "healing".

After doing all this, Rorschach held Caroline's hand and escaped into the rift in space.

"Where are we?" Rorschach was lying on the beach in a "big" shape. Except for his slightly hard mouth, other parts were limp and unable to move. The sea breeze is a bit cold, but the sand under me is still dry.

"It was my favorite beach in Istani. It was also the limit of how far you could teleport out of thin air at that time." Caroline drew a magic circle on the beach, framing both herself and Rorschach.

"The capital of Istani seems to have been plowed over." Luo Xia looked at the sky and said slowly: "There must be a lot of casualties."

"When the kingdom chooses to collude with the cult, it is destined to have such evil consequences." Caroline sprinkled the broken crystals on the circuit: "If you leave it alone, sooner or later the Shadow Land will become a window for Mother Earth to invade reality. It is yours We worked hard to eliminate the biggest hidden dangers at the minimum cost.”

"I'm just a wage earner. I'm the mysterious wise man from ancient times. He sacrificed everything in the end and let Shadow City be buried with him."

"Anyone who manipulates other people's souls at will is simply an evil mage." Caroline was a little angry. She didn't know whether she was angry at the ancient wise men, or she was dissatisfied with Rorschach for risking his life and hiding it from the teacher.

She scattered the broken crystals and the temporary teleportation circle was ready, which would take them across the ocean this time.

"Huh?" Caroline was stunned. The teleportation array was activated without injecting magic power into her. She understood and looked at Rorschach: "Do you know where it leads?"

"You drew it, I trust you, that's enough." Rorschach could feel that Caroline was also very tired, and forcing teleportation again might touch her limit.

Rorschach is feeling empty now because of the loss of power, but even so, he still has more magic power than Caroline. Perhaps "intermediate mage" can no longer describe this young man.

The two disappeared on the beach blown by the cold wind. The tarnished crystal fragments were no different from gravel, leaving no trace in the rise and fall of the tide.

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