Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 338 Alchemy Performance

In the far east, there is a very middle-class way of practice - meditating under a waterfall to cultivate yourself.

Rorschach felt this way, but this was the resident mage tower, there was no waterfall, it was the magic power washing Rorschach's body from top to bottom. At this moment, under the guidance of the magic circle, his "soul" became light and agile again, as if he had left his body.

The experience of Rorschach's subjectivity is that the original body's senses are lost, but the perception of magic is retained, rising and expanding in the warm field.

Yes, it expands, because the original soul is twice the size of a normal person, so after letting go of the shackles of the weak body and pouring magic power, it will naturally stretch out.

However, he also felt that his soul was "thinning", evidenced by the weakening of his control over magic, as if it would sway at will with the wind of magic.

Master Humboldt warned in his instructions that if you choose to meditate instead of being pulled by strong emotions, you must be wary of the situation when the soul ascends. There have been situations where the entire soul has escaped from the "container" and never returned.

After the spellcasting accident, a vegetative person appeared in the Forest Tower. His soul could not be recovered. It is not known whether he became a ghost or dissipated naturally.

Rorschach decided to stop here. After all, he had not prepared the second magic circle and calculation core. He tried to contain his spirit body, but at this time he had a bad experience - the memories of the ancient mage carried in the impurities began to reappear, and Rorschach quickly stopped trying.

"Ouch! It's a double headache after it's over." Rorschach fell into the bathtub. He adjusted his posture and prepared to sleep. He would still participate in negotiations tomorrow.

The next morning, the royal estate in Würzburg.

Angelhorn tasted the Valois-style snacks and enjoyed the professional service of the royal servants. He was a little reserved and had an unreal feeling.

Six months ago, his factory was squeezed out by the dyeing and spinning guild and was on the verge of bankruptcy; now he has become a guest of the Byrne royal family.

In fact, everything at the factory BASF is still business as usual, except that the actual owner has changed and stable orders have been obtained. Until two days ago, he was notified that he needed to "rush to Würzburg as quickly as possible" with Mr. Hasse.

In addition, he also brought several bottles of raw materials for dye production as requested by the financial owner Rorschach.

"Sir, your luggage can be kept by us." The butler once again reminded Mr. Horn that he no longer had to hold his suitcase. Although there were only a few bottles of oily liquid during the inspection, he smelled it and one of them smelled of alcohol. But the unusual behavior represents a security risk.

"I have already said that it is the alchemy material designated by Lord Rorschach." Only by pulling Rorschach's tiger skin did Horn send the annoying butler away.

Sitting diagonally across from Horn was Prince Otto, whose attention was entirely on Rorschach. This young man came to the kingdom, severely rectified the industry association, and then disappeared for a while. What would he bring when he reappeared? Now this young man seems to be performing something to himself.

"Your Majesty, please look." Rorschach asked Mr. Horn to be his assistant. This businessman probably knew the most chemistry in the room after him.

Exquisite glasses replace experimental equipment. First, take two cups of green vitriol, then use a cup of the same size to measure one cup of nitric acid, and mix it in a larger wine divider.

"Are you bartending?"

"If you drink it all, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find a mage or priest to prevent you from gathering with your ancestors." Rorschach responded as he did it, and then he threw in some skimmed linters, which came from a local village in Bain. Fiber crops are about to be eliminated because they are not as good as the cotton from the south and Istani.

Rorschach still felt that the lint was not fine enough, so he asked Mr. Horn to cut another section.

Then he put the cup of white and translucent paste into a sitz bath in warm water and stirred it carefully and slowly.

A quarter of an hour later, the nitrification of the fiber was completed. Rorschach used [Mage's Hand] to twist the fiber, put in purified alcohol, and then added paraffin oil.

"It's become turbid, so what's the use?" The prince patiently waited for Rorschach to finish the operation, but the other party just asked for a large dinner plate, poured the paste on it, and spread it out evenly.

"Originally, we had to wait for it to dry, but we can speed up the process." Of course, Rorschach would not use heating to detonate the fiber in advance. He began to cast a spell, and everyone felt that a strong wind was blowing in the hall, and it was getting drier.

Rorschach chose to use his own field, first controlling the air in the space to circulate quickly, with him as the center. It releases "energy deprivation" around itself to cool the wind, condense the water vapor, and then heats the air on the other side to warm it up, turning the entire manor hall into a drying box.

The quickly passivated fiber quickly loses the ethanol solvent and forms a gray, cracked solid layer on the plate.

"To be honest, you are too close. Your Highness, in order to show off my alchemy results, please move outside." Having reached this point, although it has no viewing value, Otto is still curious about what the other party is doing. , so he complied with Rorschach's request and found two soldiers armed with shotguns.

One prepared a small paper bag wrapped with black powder and filled the projectile, and the other used gray square tablets instead of traditional gunpowder under Rorschach's guidance.

"No, reduce the amount of powder in half, unless you want to explode the chamber." Rorschach, who knew the power, stopped the gunman's reckless behavior and asked him to put less powder in the gun.

The traditional gunpowder gun was fired first, and a huge sound and smoke erupted, hitting the fence a little further away.

Then the square piece made by Rorschach was activated, and the crisp sound was like a whip in everyone's ears. More importantly, there was no smoke coming out of the gun.

The prince's eyes widened, and he suddenly became energetic after being a little absent-minded. Hassey, Horn and others looked on. Also present were the introducer Bart and representatives of the Bardorum Chamber of Commerce. They all realized that the demonstration was completed and began to applaud.

"This is the alchemy product I want to provide to the kingdom - smokeless gunpowder, Your Majesty. Not only does it have no smoke as its name suggests, but it is more powerful, which means the effective range of the projectile can be longer. It is not a spellcasting material, this soldier You’re not much of a spell caster, right?”

"The factory you mentioned is the one that produces it?"

Who do you look down on? Rorschach painted a picture for the prince: "It's just one of the products. There is also a new type of explosive, which only requires a charge the size of a standard wine barrel, which is comparable to [Explosive Fireball], which is a seven-ring spell!"

"Seventh Ring Spell. Seventh Ring" echoed in Otto's mind and he clenched his fists.

Rorschach loved watching the prince's face changes, from the unabashed impatience at the beginning to the enthusiasm that he wanted to hide but couldn't, and the twitching of his facial muscles was very exciting.

"Can it be mass-produced?"

"It depends on whether you are willing to invest money and provide support, such as approving our redemption of forests and fields as factory sites."

Otto hated hearing such words the most. If Rorschach was just a profiteer, he would definitely let the guards intimidate him so that he would be exposed in a panic. Unfortunately, Rorschach was not the one. He could only ask through gritted teeth: "What if we need to equip two musket brigades according to the current standards? How much time and money will it take?"

"Starting from the basic construction, 20,000 golden eagle coins will be paid for at least half in the first phase. The more money, the faster the products will come out. If I can pay in full, I don't mind contributing to the kingdom and personally participating in building the factory. "

"You're robbing!"

"Excuse me, the royal family spent 10,000 gold on sponsoring the theater last year. Was it robbed by the theater troupe? Is the castle built for nearly ten years, with an annual expenditure of at least 30,000 gold, robbed by craftsmen? How can you accuse a person who did not work before the war? Robbery from a mage who wants to relieve the kingdom?" Rorschach gave a shocked and innocent expression, choking Otto to the point where he could not speak.

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