Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 340 You are indeed an evil mage

When Rorschach saw Mr. Boles again, he did not disappoint him.

The old man asked the apprentice to bring up two balls with complex mechanical structures and introduced: "We have completed three sets of parts as required. After assembly, we have achieved two qualified finished products."

Because of precision and tolerance, completing two qualified machines in five days was already an overfulfillment task for all craftsmen. In addition to Bart's advance payment for materials, he also allowed these masters to drink "Fonda" puree to maximize their efficiency.

"Very good." Rorschach paid the final payment and the agreed bonus for Boles and others, except for one of Boles' apprentices.

"Hey, don't bother the mage anymore!" Boles was about to leave, but he scolded this ignorant apprentice.

"I'm sorry. But I'm still very curious." The young man bravely stood there and said, "I want to know what I am doing. It is my first time to assemble such a strange, exquisite and complicated object, but I can't imagine it. What's the use of coming out?

“It has a built-in timing device, but there is no exposed dial. It has repeated parts composed of various reeds and connecting rods, which have different changes when it rotates. It has many similarities with clocks, but it is completely different.

"But I still don't understand. If you can't understand the function of the work you made by yourself, how can you repair and improve it in the future?" The young man shook his head and said, "As a craftsman, this is unqualified."

Bart looked at the old man suspiciously: "Is this done by your apprentice?"

The ghost of Bors was furious: "This kid is talking nonsense. The drawings were provided by the two of you. How can we say it is our own work?" He pretended to drag the dishonest apprentice out, and waited until he returned to the shop to beat him. Educate hard.

The apprentice is still stubborn: "Master's eyesight is not good now, and he can't see so many drawings. Of course, only I can complete it. Master Mage, this is not important, please tell me! I only need an answer."

"You're a sheep-dung man, can you ask me random questions about the mage? Just do your job!" Boles wanted to kill the apprentice on the spot. Normally, because this boy was the best at craftsmanship, he always looked down upon him. As the heir, if nothing else happens, they will sign a contract, and the apprentice will inherit the shop and support Boles, who has no heirs.

But today this kid staged a drama of "If you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the past". Boles wished he could turn the clock back to eleven years ago and kick himself as a disciple.

"Mr. Boles, please go out first, and I will talk to this gentleman." Rorschach liked such curious babies, and he asked the other person's name.

"Bacon Gooper."

"Okay, first of all, its name is 'Universal Computing Core'. I don't know if you have heard of the 'Difference Engine'. They are machines that use mechanical structures to perform operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. But the two structures you assembled More compact than other machines.

"But I can't tell you more information, because neither I nor another mage is its designer. But I have a complete set of its drawings, as well as the designer's lawsuit, explaining its principles and how it works. Do you want to see?"

Of course that was what he thought, but before Gooper could speak, Rorschach's expression suddenly turned ferocious: "But this machine involves the secrets of our mage. If you want to master everything about it, you must sign a contract with us.

This is not a contract on the market where you just write your name and press your fingerprints, but a magical contract. If you reveal even a word to the outside world without permission, you will die without a trace."

As he spoke, a faint green fire ignited in his hand, as if he was preparing to outline evil runes. The eerie pale green flames illuminated the face that had not been sleeping well recently, making it particularly scary.

Bart's heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself: Something has been wrong with Rorschach since he came back from Istani. Could it be that he has degenerated into an evil mage?

"All the drawings and design principles?" Gao Bo looked directly into Rorschach's eyes and finally nodded.

Bart witnessed Rorschach sketch out unintelligible runes out of thin air, and merge them into the forehead of the nervous and frightened watchmaking apprentice. Then Rorschach wrote a letter and handed it to the apprentice: "Your master seems to not want you anymore. Take this Write a letter to Mr. Hasay at the Green Wind Hotel and ask him to give you a salary that satisfies you.

"You will be one of ours from now on. All the information is in Lanster, and you will be able to get it soon."

The apprentice who received the blank letter looked miserable. He heard that he seemed to have become the slave of the mage. He began to regret why he was so impulsive and walked out of the mage tower as if he was lost.

"I think this apprentice is right. Since it is a mechanical structure, it may malfunction, and someone needs to master its improvement and maintenance." Rorschach touched the surface of the metal ball.

"That spell just didn't work, right? Did you just scare him?" Bart came to his senses and found an employee in the end.

".you guess?"

Since the transfer of souls is of great importance and must not be disturbed, several clay sculptures of stand-ins were erected around the mage tower, and then they all held signs: The tower is closed today, and no one should approach it.

The location is still the bathroom of the mage tower, because it has become the magic hub of the Wirtz area, and it is easiest for Rorschach to enter the state while sitting in the bathtub.

There is a ball in front of the bathtub.

Andre became the busiest person in the tower. He had to prepare all the materials, while Bart was on standby with the recovery scroll.

Although he didn't understand why Rorschach seemed to be at a critical moment when he was just making a tower spirit. Thinking of the new knowledge that the couple had recently gained from Mammy's teachings, Bart came up with an absurd idea: Rorschach was planning to give birth to a tower spirit?

He has indeed degenerated into an evil mage! There is an evil spirit gestating in the body, and under the guise of making a tower spirit, he is going to be born in Würzburg.

Since a bold idea is born, there will be countless evidence to prove it, and Rorschach's various strange behaviors seem to be explained.

You are indeed an evil mage!

Bart tightened the scroll in his hand. He was becoming an accomplice in the evil ritual, but he was powerless against his friends.

No, I still have my family here! It is the duty of the resident mage to protect Würzburg, and we can no longer allow Rorschach to make mistakes! Bart's expression gradually became resolute. He still held the recovery scroll in one hand, but quietly touched the [Lightning Beam] scroll on his waist with the other hand. It was a means he always had for self-defense and life-saving.

Rorschach saw Bart looking at him with a constipated expression on his face, and he was no longer in the meditative state where he was preparing for an "out-of-body experience." Rorschach reflected on himself and felt that it was necessary to reveal some situations to his friends to avoid misunderstanding:

"Sorry, I have to introduce you to the principle before we officially start. After all, you are a client of the 'Vanguard Project'!" Rorschach briefly told Bart the story of Istani, but it was a very simplified version:

"I stumbled upon the conspiracy to return to the Order of the Holy Mother, and was forced to hide underground in Storm City. I met Teacher Caroline who had the same experience, and received the inheritance of the ancient mage. I foiled the conspiracy, and it's over.

"The price is that the current soul is mixed with the memories and artificial souls left by ancient mages, so it needs to be suppressed by inputting a huge amount of magic power into one's body."

Then he introduced the preparation plan for the tower spirit this time: "I will use [Descending Summoning Technique] to separate soul impurities. This is an artificial soul made by an ancient master, so don't waste it. It will be used as the [Intelligence Enlightenment Technique]." The materials are poured into the general computing unit to create the intelligent core of the tower spirit.

"Okay, any more questions?"

All problems! But as long as Rorschach is not an evil mage, Bart breathed a sigh of relief: "So you also met Teacher Caroline?"

"Yes, I invited the teacher to come to Bain. She said that she has been absent from work for too long and will be expelled if she doesn't return to school!"

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