Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 344 Art is explosion

Ten years later, the core area has begun to take shape.

"This may be the largest alchemy device I have ever seen." Andre raised his head and marveled. He saw several tall iron towers side by side, connected by countless pipes, with many furnaces and unknown devices underneath.

"It's just that in order to strengthen the strength of the cylinder wall, it is equipped with the same magic circle as the airship air bag. In this way, the airship is the largest alchemical creation at present." Luo Xia crossed his waist and was so awesome that he emphasized that it was "at present".

At this time, they were standing in front of the first set of experimental devices. Because he had no experience, Rorschach could only make a set of pocket-sized mini devices to see if the process could run smoothly. This step is called "pilot test". The product produced by this device is ammonia, a substance with a refreshing taste.

After the laboratory process is built based on the principle and successfully run, the next step is the step-by-step amplification device. On the one hand, it is to obtain the amplification rules of data such as materials, and on the other hand, it is to eliminate weird problems caused by the amplification effect.

For example, it is easy to boil a cup of water. When burning a boiler, the calcium and magnesium deposits in the water that adhere to the bottom of the boiler cause uneven heating, which will bring the risk of the boiler exploding.

The normal design and construction process should go through the stages of "scale-up experiment", "small trial", "pilot trial" and "industrial production test", but Rorschach's principle is "If it explodes, it will explode as long as no one is killed." No, it is based on The pioneering spirit of "dare to venture, dare to do, and forge ahead with determination" determines to engage in leapfrog development in extraordinary times.

The only thing Andre was familiar with was the "Integrated Transmutation Dust Collection and Transformation Device" half-buried underground in the center. It was basically the same model as the one under the Tower of Stars research building. It no longer produced transmutation dust crystals, but instead outputted mellow magic power. .

The demons no longer need to "eat". Their charging method is to stand in front of the "charging station" and insert the wire into their bodies.

Now there are eight constructs standing like this, their glass ball eyes flashing and looking a little cute.

In fact, they are already full of magic power, but Rorschach encountered a headache and had to stop work: "The computing power of the core has encountered a bottleneck. Now we need the intelligent core to control the golems and replace the manual adjustment of the collector. Subsequent debugging of the factory And it needs to handle a lot of data.”

"I can let the original team manage this collector." Andre wanted to share the teacher's worries.

But Rorschach rejected his proposal: "No, the original collector cannot be stopped. The crystals obtained will be used as backup energy and need to be well preserved."

“Then we can only expand the computing power.”

"Gather the watchmakers together again? But the relationship between us has been somewhat tense since the apprentice incident." Rorschach could only place his hope in the apprentice who had seen the complete drawings.

The source of the deterioration of the relationship between Rorschach and the watchmaker, the curious boy Gooper, is now underground in Lanster, in a basement that no one can find.

He is not imprisoned but is being educated. It was four professors from the Munich Institute of Technology who took turns teaching him!

From mathematics to mechanical principles, from metal materials to common language, hiring these professors is a waste of time. Theoretically speaking, a high level of professor does not mean a high level of teaching, but Gao Bo still thinks that his life is in the hands of the evil Master Rorschach, so he is studying desperately.

Either go to class, do homework and study blueprints, or take energy potions when eating.

The spirit of learning (generated by death threats) moved the four professors. They were told that a young man who had a rare disease and was born unable to see the sun wanted to learn, and was especially interested in machinery, so please Everyone came to the basement to teach this motivated young man.

Originally, Rorschach made this arrangement out of confidentiality, but this made Gooper even more convinced that he was imprisoned. He dared not speak out when he was angry, so Luo Xia didn't know that this kid was thinking too much.

Because it was the invitation of the sponsor, after receiving the money, several professors lowered themselves to teach, and were quickly moved by Gao Bo's spirit.

"Although you are a little less talented, no college student can match your enthusiasm for learning. If you complete this stage of teaching, I am willing to jointly apply with other professors to issue you a special graduation certificate to prove your The knowledge matches our degree.”

The taciturn professor rarely spoke for a long time and patted Gao Bo on the shoulder encouragingly.

Don't ask why Gao Bo's eyes often have tears, because he loves knowledge deeply. Little did Gopper know that he would become the first "college student with a correspondence degree" in the world and occupy a small footnote in history.

Rorschach, who was too busy and forgot to care about the mental condition of the poor watchmaking apprentice, is now nervously preparing with Andre for the first drive of the "pilot device".

"The air bag here is the same as the airship, and the gas inside is also 'light phlogiston.'" Rorschach, just like the old ones in the factory, taught Andre the operation while teaching him the process.


"It is used as raw material. Now we still purchase from dwarves, but the prices quoted by these treacherous dwarves are too high. In the future, the first section of the factory will be to use coal to produce water gas, so as to bring down the price of 'light phlogiston' for our families. "

The dwarves who are temporarily on vacation are still happy. They don't know that Rorschach is preparing to turn "light phlogiston" into a relatively cheap price, making a large number of their compatriots unemployed and hitting the construction labor market.

There are two cards in Rorschach's hand: he can use the transmutation dust collection converter as energy, convert magic power into hydrogen electrolyzed water, and build a coal processing section.

The former is called green hydrogen, and the latter is called gray hydrogen. This was proposed from the perspective of environmental protection in the previous life, but now environmental protection does not exist if the Druid is dead. Rorschach can only see that coal is a good thing and must be used well.

To produce hydrogen, you only need to knead them into one thing with nitrogen in the air at a ratio of 3:1, and ammonia is born.


It's so simple. Even Gooper can understand this atomic conservation equation. But to achieve such a simple step, there are so many installation and pre- and post-processing steps that Andre is a little dizzy.

"Twelve frozen arrays are carved inside this air cooling tower. At the same time, the [air cannon] array is used to pump in a sufficient amount of air and pressurize it to obtain a sufficient amount of liquid nitrogen. After proper decompression, it is vaporized again and transported to here"

Rorschach pointed in the air with his cane. Sometimes he would suddenly stop to examine Andre's various questions: "Where does this pipe come from? What substance does it carry? Liquid phase or gas phase?" "What's there?" What is the valve used for? Is it fully open or half open when driving? "

Although Rorschach had spoken not long ago, there was too much content. Andre felt a lot of pressure and was stumbling when speaking.

Fortunately, Rorschach did not go into details and continued with the process: "After the impurities such as sulfur are processed, it can be mixed with nitrogen. Next, it must be filled with pure nitrogen to eliminate the oxygen inside. This is what is often called phlogiston in alchemy. Next, we need to pressurize it to 70 MPa, sorry, that’s 500,000 millimeters of mercury.”

"How much?" Andre thought that either he heard it wrong or the teacher said it wrong. The atmospheric pressure is only 760 mm of mercury.

"520,000 millimeters of mercury." Rorschach said firmly. He pushed the joystick and tightened the valve. The magic circuits on the main reaction tower lit up one after another, emitting a blazing light.

Do you think I want it? The catalyst can only obtain iron oxide, and can only use the high-pressure method. "Not only does it have to be pressurized to this much, but it also needs to be heated to 500-600 degrees. So if the phlogiston in the main body of the device is not emptied, just wait."

Before he could finish his words, an earth-shattering explosion resounded throughout Lanster.

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