Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 350 The real beginning

The Kingdom of Valois had harsh words and ambitious goals when it declared war, and the tragic situation of its retreat was so ridiculous. While the northern part of the empire was rejoicing, the southern part of the empire was not happy.

Not only is the trade between the various countries and the Holy Kingdom almost completely interrupted, but the Kingdom of Marin is also using the railway to project its power to the front line at an unprecedented speed.

And someone was responsible for the enemy's advance early in the war. Although in the original, "the lord defended the fortress in the face of a large number of enemies" was the most correct option.

Some noble commanders were demoted or even executed, and even individual garrison mages were not spared. Richard was one of the executioners. Many veterans despised this young man. Before they died, they never thought that Richard had just been promoted to an intermediate mage and was defeated in a spell duel.

After the military courts eradicated the original local forces and idlers, the military's chain of command became smoother than ever. Coupled with the fact that the Duma River League existed in name only, the empire had transformed from a confederation of gentlemen's agreements and parliaments to an entity with the emperor as the absolute authority.

"The empire has achieved unprecedented unity in victory!" The newspaper from the imperial capital celebrated, but the Byrnes who read the newspaper did not feel comfortable.

"Excuse me, is this tower?" The representative of the Mining and Metallurgical Association was curious about the tower in the center of the site, because its entire body is made of stacked and riveted triangular beam steel frames, and its height is comparable to the tower of the resident mage.

"As a part of the empire, Byrne will be involved in this war whether we like it or not. But this is not an absolute bad thing for everyone. In fact, our kingdom has placed a huge order, and everyone here Everyone has the responsibility to ensure that everyone on the front line has food, clothing, and weapons.”

It’s not worth tens of thousands of tons. Why are you so surprised? Rorschach explained to the sighing people: "But excluding the time for maintenance, it can work for 300 days a year, which means an annual output of more than 14,000 tons. However, this is only an experimental device. Our goal is the first phase The project has an annual output of 10,000 tons. As supporting equipment, there will be a 5,000-ton urea production line, a 10,000-ton nitric acid production line, and a 1,000-ton high explosive production line.”

Under pressure, Byrne's two legions were completely included and organized into Byrne's First and Second Legions of the Southern Army. However, the royal family played a little trick - it transferred 1/3 of the backbones from the two legions, and the new A reserve legion and garrison were raised.

As a park, the above is probably the limit of what Rorschach can do at present, but even so, it means that the Metallurgical Guild will receive an unprecedented order, and the coal mining volume of Byrne Kingdom will have to quadruple to meet the needs. Raw material requirements.

At this time, this person was leading a large visiting group to observe his industry.

Although the old legion is now supported by the empire's unified logistics system, the recruitment of new troops still has to be solved by Byrne himself, which means there is a gap in new equipment.

Tall earthen golems carried supplies and walked through it. Their footsteps caused rumbles on the ground, and the hearts of all visitors also beat with their frequency.

However, Rorschach's next words were breathtaking: "Data from the logistics conference show that both the Kingdom of Valois and the industrial cities in the northern part of the empire have the ability to produce 100,000 guns per year. Can you do it?"

Between these strange steel forests, there are also flickering magical lights. For most ordinary people, it is like diving into R'lyeh - incomprehensible and unimaginable, they can only watch. Even though Rorschach and accompanying Andre spent their time introducing each other, they could only nod in response.

He and even the entire Metallurgical Association were both familiar and unfamiliar with what he saw so far, because some of these steel products were smelted, hydraulically forged or stamped by them, but they did not expect to be used here to build some ugly buildings. group.

Responsibility, not obligation, military supplies are a profitable business.

There is no need to use it as an energy source. Except for the waste heat of coking coal to heat water vapor, it can satisfy the low-temperature heat source of 150 degrees and below. Higher temperatures require the heating device developed by Rorschach based on [Burning Hand] and [Melting Ray]. He also considered whether to add a boiler heated by the fire elemental plane, but he could only give up because he was afraid that fire elemental creatures would escape.

"But this is not the end of the war. There is no doubt that the Empire will send troops to the Holy Kingdom. Some people may think that the next battle will be the same as the old times, just a game between lords, but people with insight can see that the Empire is The war was launched with the purpose of destroying the kingdom's system, population, production capacity, and destroying everything in it. And the empire was prepared in this way. Correspondingly, it would also mobilize everything in the vast land.

"This is a demonstration device that is currently in operation. It can produce about two hundred kilograms of ammonia per hour." Rorschach introduced them to the pilot device that he had jointly supervised with Andre. Someone made a rough calculation and exclaimed: " If it works non-stop day and night, that would be more than 1,700 tons."

Rorschach looked at this miniature replica of an iron tower in his previous life. In fact, it was used as a "signal tower." The idea was similar to the Star Torch Tower, but Rorschach couldn't afford a mithril pillar that was dozens of meters high. It is precisely because they amplify the signal from the intelligent core that the paging of the "Air Cavalry" can cover the entire size of the Byrne Kingdom.

Originally, Byrne was an integral part of the Kingdom of Marin, but now its younger brothers have dominated the imperial capital. The Kingdom of Byrne has become a subtle presence in the "unprecedented unity" of the empire, and it seems to be a discordant note that undermines unity. .

The representatives showed eager expressions, especially the Wool Guild, Dyeing and Spinning Guild, Ore and Metallurgical Guild and their affiliated Forge Federation.

Now they saw the factory under construction. The original food factory still needed to be expanded to produce military rations, so they reclaimed a piece of land and moved the equipment there. Without Rorschach's golem and the experimental nitroglycerin explosive, it would have taken a lot of effort just to clean up the site, but now the move is almost complete.

Throughout the large construction site, the representatives saw an architectural style that they had never seen before. There was gray steel everywhere, directly exposed, and only painted with a layer of tung oil paint. Except for the reaction vessel that could hold the representatives’ whole family, the rest were Hollow brackets and pipes made of steel.

"Oh, awesome, awesome." Although many in the audience didn't understand what Rorschach was talking about, they didn't realize it just by hearing the numbers.

And he hasn't given up on radio yet.

However, he would not tell these representatives any of the above. He showed a gentle smile: "Sorry, I can't answer this question. Dear guests, please forgive me for being rude. I must emphasize again that what you see so far is confidential. Please do not disclose it to others." I made a big show of what I saw and heard today." He took out a golden, tacky and uncharacteristic pocket watch: "Oh, it's already this time, please move to the conference hall."

Someone has taken over the military supply order in the name of the Baldorom Chamber of Commerce. Of course, he will not eat alone, but will subcontract.

"Everyone should have received the news that Valois' army that invaded the Empire was successfully repulsed." Rorschach was the youngest, but this did not prevent him from sitting in the main seat and speaking:

Those who came to visit the large construction site today were representatives of various industry associations. Each of them has the largest scale industry in Bain. These usually busy people were taken to the small town of Lanster in carriages bearing royal emblems.

I have asked the editor for permission to modify the previous VIP content. If you have any bugs that I have caught before, but I did not modify in time, you are welcome to leave a message here and tell me the number of chapters + the wrong words in the original text (two words are enough, I will search and modification), I don’t know how long the permission given by the editor will be, so I need to give feedback as soon as possible. Sorry to trouble everyone!

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