Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 353 Fulfilling Teacher’s Responsibilities

"Stop talking about this, guess why I brought you here." Rorschach said to Andre, taking out a few study scrolls as he spoke.

Andre scratched his head: "Well, sir, do you want to plan the second phase of the factory?"

"No, you and I have been busy with these trivial matters recently. It's time to teach you magic." Rorschach was a little embarrassed. At first, he thought that Andre had no future as an apprentice under Bart, but in the end it was nothing to follow him. Time refines the craft of magic.

In fact, Andre's alchemy skills did not fall behind during this period, but he did feel refreshed after hearing "Learn Magic" for a long time. Luo Xia took a dead branch and snapped it into pieces.

"Do you know the most basic [Repair Technique]?" Rorschach asked. This is just a zero-ring trick.

"Is this okay?" Andre took the two branches handed over by the teacher. After putting them together, a flash of inspiration flashed at the seam, and the dead branches merged into one again.

"Yes, now you use [Fireball Technique] to bombard the trees around me."

"Teacher, what if I hit it wrongly?"

"That won't kill me!" Rorschach told the apprentice to calm down. After chanting and mobilizing his magic power, Andre successfully shot a small fireball.

The speed and power are not outstanding. Is it because of my concerns or is Andre's spellcasting level really like this? Rorschach observed and evaluated the student's spellcasting.

The fireball accurately hit the tree trunk, accompanied by heat waves and explosions. The part of the tree trunk that came into contact with the fireball was carbonized and turned into flying debris from the bark to the wood. At the same time, the entire upper part of the tree fell towards Rorschach.

But Rorschach had already prepared the technique. Just like the explosion during the test drive at the ammonia plant, the entire shattered scene froze. Then the light of Andre's fireball went out, the heat subsided, and then the debris turned upside down and returned to In situ, it reorganizes into a normal tree trunk.

"I think you need to learn this spell. Not only is it useful on the battlefield, it can also protect you and other workers when the factory encounters a production safety accident. After all, I can't be in the factory all the time."

In fact, Rorschach did not release a single spell just now, but a combination, but just like splicing entries, he compressed multiple spells together and prepared them, and then quickly activated them in sequence at the moment when the fireball destroyed the tree trunk.

He began to explain the principle of the spell to Andre: "The [Repair Technique] I asked you to release at the beginning is the last step. First, you need to set up a force field to screen out objects whose temperature and speed exceed a certain threshold, and then continue to reduce them. [Fireball] gives these objects kinetic energy and thermal energy.”

[Fireball] is a spell that is better at simulating explosions. It can provide heat and movement at the same time. In the future, you can deal with projectiles and even cannonballs, swords that chop at close range, and some simple plastic energy spell attacks by analogy.

"How to screen high-temperature and high-speed moving objects?" Andre thought Rorschach's operation just now was incredible.

Rorschach punched Andre directly: "You can see this punch, right? Even if you can't see the details more clearly when it's moving than when it's static, it doesn't prevent you from judging its position relative to you and avoiding it. .

“The eyes are your senses, and most animals have evolved dynamic vision, which means they preferentially capture moving objects in their vision to facilitate hunting or escaping from danger.

"If you regard the feeling of controlling the magic of the environment as a sense, you can get another 'sense' that is the thinnest but also very useful. Although it is very vague and cannot perceive specific details, after training, it can also detect These high-energy objects are sensitive.

"Next, you have to mobilize the magic power in the environment, and then preset a [Hysteresis] and 'Freeze'." As he said that, he threw six learning scrolls to Andre, namely [Hystery] and [Ice Ray]. : "The underlying principle of these two spells is the same - using magic to offset the energy of the object, but what is offset is kinetic energy and thermal energy respectively.

"And thermal energy. If you have read my paper, you should know that it can also be regarded as the kinetic energy of the microstructure of macroscopic objects. Alas, it's all my fault, the basic alchemy course didn't go deep enough.

"In short, they can actually be combined into the same spell-casting action and applied to the spell just now."

Andre was so confused by a simple sentence that Rorschach could only stop and explain some simple basics of thermodynamics to him. After finishing the lecture, Rorschach said worriedly: "Further factory process improvements will also need these theoretical guidance. If you can't learn magic, how can you learn the principles behind the process?"

ah? It turns out that craftsmanship is more difficult than magic in the eyes of teachers? Andre's temples began to throb and ache, and he wanted to say, Teacher, please stop reading.

But the enthusiasm for learning magic defeated his fear, and Andre opened the learning scroll and began to learn after stimulation.

Rorschach quietly felt and observed Andre's clumsy manipulation of magic. Yes, clumsily. Under his perception, the apprentice had a sense of sluggishness in controlling the magic in the environment. To Rorschach, he seemed to be the most authoritative king. , a little mobilization of the magic power in the body can cause the linkage of environmental magic power.

But no matter what, Andre barely finished learning after exhausting the scroll of [Hysteresis]. His verification and practice method is very simple. He just throws a stone into the sky, then delays it, and then slowly catches it.

From the performance point of view, it is like [Feather Fall Technique]. In fact, Andre is taking a trick now, because the landing point of the stone can be predicted and he throws it himself.

So after confirming that he had mastered the first spell, Rorschach interrupted the apprentice's "throwing and catching game" to increase the strength of the student.

"You won't have any training effect like this, come on." As soon as he finished speaking, many small branches and small stones rose up around Rorschach, and he was ready to target Andre.

Andre broke out in a cold sweat, and he quickly began to cast spells (Rorschach only used scrolls, adhering to the concept from the Imperial Academy and did not teach him related chants).

After Andre took a stance, small pieces began to burst out randomly, flying towards Andre quickly. At first, Rorschach launched small stones one by one, and Andre was able to catch them with his eyesight and cast a spell to catch them. Then Rorschach released multiple projectiles at once, and now the apprentice was overwhelmed and was hit one after another.

"Try to expand the range of your perception of environmental magic. Any changes will be reflected in the field of perception. Then speed up your spell casting actions and respond quickly." Rorschach saw that Andre's face was scratched, and immediately healed him. And continue.

Under the threat of pain, perhaps because of the adrenaline, Andre's spell casting movements were much faster, barely meeting Rorschach's requirements.

"This idea can be applied to protect yourself. In addition to the ordinary [Spiritual Armor Technique], mastering the release of [Hysteresis Technique] in this way can limit the movement of the enemy's weapon when being approached, making up for the mage's most vulnerable situation." Rorschach finished his summary and signaled Andre to learn the next spell.

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