Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 355 Signing a contract to become a magical boy

Rorschach has completed the "uploading spell" step, and the next step is to establish the connection between the "host" and Andre.

Just like the "host" and the "passenger plane" in Bart's Master Tower, they are connected through the modified "Spiritual Clone Technique". Rorschach believes that communication between Andre and the host should be completed through similar magic principles.

First of all, it is certain that this method is not to take over Andre and treat him as a clone of "Taling".

Rorschach remembered the theory he had seen before: when a mage casts a spell, he triggers the magic power of the environment to construct a special order, reproducing the "original magic book" that exists in the symbolic world and bringing it to the material world.

Rorschach looked at his "Tower Spirit" body and storage unit. If his idea was true, they would become a "mini original layer" existing in the material world.

In Rorschach's view, the threshold for "structural order" in the general spellcasting process is too high, so it is difficult for a spellcaster like Andre who lacks talent to respond to the original layer. He wants to simplify the process and completely restore the spellcaster. The "original canon" can be simplified as long as it can lock the spell, and the complete reproduction of the spell in the storage unit is completed by the tower spirit.

These machines will form a "spell library", and the "Tower Spirit", as a librarian, can understand the needs of the spell caster, help him find the "book" and then lend it to him.

Although Rorschach currently only has "one book" in the "library".

"First, we need to find a secret deed that can point to the tower spirit, and let the tower spirit understand that we need to find a spell next." The first thing Rorschach thought of was the rune that pointed to him, the totem with "benzene ring" as the main body. So he intercepted the waveband pointed at him by [Rorschach's Spirit Expulsion Technique], recorded it into the tower spirit again, and informed him of his intention.

In fact, the tower spirit already has Rorschach's memory, so this inorganic intelligent body quickly completed the settings required by Rorschach, and generated a secret contract that can induce environmental magic and outline the void. Its essence is the same as that in normal spell casting. "Order" is the same, but more concrete and concise.

The next step is to number the spells stored in the tower spirit.

In Rorschach's imagination, this series of combined spells can be called "Major Accident Reversal", and may become a "must-learn spell for all wizards entering the factory" in the future. And since the "library" currently only has one book, it only needs to be marked with a special magic oscillation band.

But he didn't do this. Instead, based on what was reflected on the panel, he disassembled the spell string into terms and assigned characteristic values ​​to each used term. "Magic Condensation", "Repulsion", "Energy Deprivation" and "Mapping". Code them one by one and arrange them in a specific order.

Although this is more cumbersome, Rorschach values ​​​​better scalability in the future. If necessary, he plans to enter all the entries he has mastered into the tower spirit. In this way, entering most spells only requires Talling records how their entries are organized.

Rorschach tried it. Although the process of combining spells according to entries is relatively long, it still has advantages over complete spellcasting without the help of tower spirits. It is simpler, has lower learning costs, and has little difference in the effects of spells released by different individuals. .

To differentiate from the previous "secret contract", Rorschach recorded these as "characteristic values", which corresponded to the spell entries one-to-one.

Since all "characteristic values" are incomplete in order, they themselves will not be linked to the symbolic world, and will not directly produce magical effects. When the tower spirit is not operating, spellcasting will become invalid.

Of course, strictly speaking, if there are enough combinations of "characteristic values", there is still the possibility of triggering direct spell casting. Fortunately, during the casting process, the first thing constructed was the "secret contract" pointing to the tower spirit, but normal casting was still not possible.

The spell is cast in an instant. Compared to Rorschach who had to prepare continuously before, the speed of release is now greatly improved. Since there were no explosions and destruction in the test scene, the "Major Accident Reversal" had no actual effect, but Rorschach truly felt the same fluctuations in magic power as when he cast the spell himself.

During the process of casting the spell, he completed the invisible bridge with the tower spirit, and then the tower spirit passed through Rorschach, a "seismic source" rich in endogenous magic, to shake the magic in the environment to complete the spell.

Moreover, Rorschach also discovered a special place: Because the new method of casting spells incorporates characteristic values ​​​​that point to him, when the tower spirit assists Rorschach in casting spells, Rorschach will also feel it.

"In this case, wouldn't it mean that I can know whoever casts spells with the help of the Tower Spirit System?" Luo Xia was surprised, and then thought: "Then I can know if Andre uses the 'Accident Reversal Technique', It’s also a layer of security.”

It is a good thing that security measures have redundancy and linkage, so Rorschach will not modify the system for the time being.

As for opening up to more people with magic talents and quickly mass-producing mages in the future, there is no rush, because it is foreseeable that there are still many problems to be solved in the future. For example, the processing power of the tower spirit is still limited by the body, and Rorschach has not yet considered it. Will the spatial distance cause delay, and will there be any conflict or interference between the two casting methods?

"Harm, just make do with it first, discover and solve some basic problems, and then think of ways to iterate." He himself has a deep connection with the souls in the tower spirit and is a developer of spells. It is not very universal to experiment on his own, so he has to Just ask Andre for experience and feedback.

It was getting late, and Rorschach now no longer had the sleep trouble caused by the extra soul. He yawned and left the institution where the tower spirit was stored.

The next day, Andre was inspecting the construction site and got a new learning scroll after meeting Rorschach, and there was only one.

He unfolded it and took a look, and found that the circuits were arranged in a way he had never seen before. Compared to other scrolls, it was simpler and more messy?

"Teacher, what kind of magic is this?"

"It's the combination magic I'm trying to get you to learn. Last night I thought of a name, and it's called 'Major Accident Reversal'! Come and try it."

What the hell is that name? Andre suppressed his desire to complain and activated the scroll as Rorschach said.

"lesson complete?"

"Yeah." Andre was a little hesitant. He felt that the magic power fluctuations displayed by the scroll were weird, as short and broken as its geometric shapes.

"Also, it is best to have this symbol appear in your mind during the first spell, and use magic to outline the 'secret contract' of the void." Rorschach directly showed Andre his cane and pointed at the core of the pattern.

The common sense learned in the Tower of Stars told Andre that the secret deed is dangerous. It may point to an existence that is malicious to the caster. Whether it is outlined or destroyed, the person who points to the secret deed may be affected.

However, the apprentice still trusted his teacher after all, and the pattern of the rune was a regular hexagon, with a simple and rational aesthetic.

"Remember it?"


As soon as Andre finished speaking, a fireball hit the machine next to him.

The apprentice subconsciously cast the strange spell he just memorized, and then he felt a sudden flow of information pouring into his mind, stimulating the movement of magic throughout his body. Just like his teacher, Andre managed to contain the damage caused by the fireball.

I succeeded! Andre was excited for a while, but he found that mastering the "Major Accident Reversal" was different from mastering other spells.

The information that had just been poured into him disappeared into his mind, as if knowledge was flowing in and out of his head. Now Andre only remembered the strange silent chant that started with the secret contract.

In fact, there was a mechanical, small voice: "Congratulations on signing the contract and becoming the first magical boy!"

The sound was so small that Andre couldn't hear it clearly. He even thought it was an auditory hallucination caused by staying in a noisy factory for a long time.

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