Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 362 The episode with the most villain potential

The believers who cried bitterly in the cold wind soon stopped crying, because the imperial army was good at comforting people with cannons, muskets and bayonets.

Imperial Army: I'm waiting for my ultimate move, what are you waiting for?

At this point, the Imperial Army's intention has become clear - it wants to fight an unreserved war of annihilation and strive to eliminate the armed forces of the church. Therefore, when the church's cannon fodder and infantry phalanx pressed onto the battle line, they did not activate. When the Paladins began to confront the Imperial cavalry, they did not activate. The commander of the Imperial Army sacrificed his "line-filling baby" in exchange for the greatest results.

At present, it seems that its plan has been implemented perfectly. Although it sacrificed its infantry, it persisted until the Paladins were dispatched, and completed an efficient elimination plan through the cooperation of the magic prohibition device and cannon.

There were dead and wounded paladins and fallen horses everywhere around Rorschach's head. The imperial cavalry once again waved their sabers and returned to the battlefield and began to clean up the enemies who were still standing.

The Church Arms of the Holy Kingdom have been decommissioned, but it seems that I am not in a good situation now either. "Ninja Xia" is confused now - only his head is still under the control of his soul.

Need to act quickly! This is the vacuum period after the "Magic Tsunami", and the magic in the environment is very thin. But for the current Turosha, the transmutation dust contained within still has some magic power at its disposal. This ray of soul tries to expand its "container" and keeps spreading in an attempt to restore the connection with the body.

Then he felt a vague affinity, as if the flesh, blood and soil nearby would respond to his call.

Are they living water microorganisms? Rorschach was shocked. In addition to the underground, there was also an echo around the piles of corpses and blood. It was obvious that the ownerless flesh and blood was infected by microorganisms, and they were multiplying happily.

The bad news is that these things are expanding exponentially in number and territory. The good news is that Rorschach's soul can not only sense them, but also seems to be able to establish contact and control them easily. Perhaps the blood dripping into the body when shaping the body has an effect. Rorschach's unusual blood now nourishes these microorganisms, and can create an effect that is suspicious of a familiar, and it is probably the smallest familiar in history.

This is to give you interest, and I will collect the principal! However, the influence of the body's blood is constantly diluted as microorganisms reproduce and divide. The current "brain summer" must be controlled in time, otherwise the control of these little things will become weaker and weaker and more scattered.

It was too late to reshape the body mixed into the soil. After Rorschach judged the situation, he took emergency evacuation:

An imperial infantryman who fell due to a close encounter with the church army was originally facing the earth, but his soul has returned to an infinite and ethereal place. But its hand suddenly twitched, then its arm, and then its entire body supported by the arm.

The pale-faced young man seemed to recognize himself for the first time. He stood up with difficulty, moved the joints of his limbs, and then checked the wound. Fortunately, all the clothes were intact, because the fatal injury was in the throat, and the trachea and esophagus had been cut off. If he inflated his lungs and tightened his abdomen, he would make a "boo" and "boo" sound.

The wound began to squirm, and some dark red and gray mucus first sealed the surface, and then returned to skin that was slightly redder than the surrounding skin. But it is just a "skin" without a complete structure. After all, it is dead and does not need to really breathe.

But I do need to eat. For the first time, "Duo Shexia" experienced a body without the ability to cast spells in this world. If it were not for the magical microorganisms that occupy it and control it, this "double" would not be able to cast a single spell.

He must find the magic power and create the "endogenous magic". So the young man rolled up the sleeves of his military uniform, started digging in the soil, and wolfed down the food.

What the clone Rorschach ate was the old body scattered in the ground, because there was transmutation dust in it. He judged the concentration of transmutation dust in the soil based on the concentration of magic power, selected the high-energy one, dug it out, compressed it, and then ate it. Go into the stomach pouch.

As a result, there are microorganisms that have transformed into dust, and coupled with a ray of Rorschach's soul, this body initially has the ability to cast simple spells.

not enough! not enough! Rorschach received a feeling of hunger, which was caused by microorganisms. Because this body had lost too much blood, if the microorganisms still want to survive, they must eat away at other parts of the body. Using microorganisms to connect and manipulate fluids to drive the body is very awkward and energy-consuming. There are not many internal organs left. If it continues, it will only decompose muscles and cause symptoms similar to "rhabdomyolysis".

There was still a lot of flesh and blood around. After struggling for a while, Rorschach chose to lean down and suck the blood from other bodies.

Fortunately, his numb tongue couldn't taste the taste. After a while, his face turned rosy and no longer looked like he had lost his life. Moreover, as more microorganisms were recovered, more magic power was accumulated in his body.

Pollution, Familia, Body Seizing and Blood-sucking, I can now smoothly play the villain. As if thinking of something, Rorschach quickly took out the breast pocket of his military uniform, which contained the ID of this body: Joseph Muller, private second class, 22 years old. Affiliated to the Imperial Northern Army, the 5th Marin Regiment, the 2nd Battalion of the 1st Infantry Regiment.

Other information was irrelevant, and Rorschach took a breath: Fortunately, there were no portraits of girls or letters from family members. There is no way, Villain Luo has a good heart and cannot bear to see this.

Then he collected all the identification tags of nearby Imperial soldiers and found a few broken brown sugar. Given the current literacy rate, it is extremely unlikely for soldiers at the lowest level to carry family letters, so this is all Rorschach found.

Joseph Rorschach looked around. The battle was over. The remaining Holy Kingdom troops were struggling to gather and retreat, while the Imperial Army was slowly approaching with guns in hand. What's more important is the resurgence of magic power, and the environment is gradually filling up again.

In this way, Rorschach no longer has to let the microorganisms in his body consume flesh and blood and absorb transmutation dust without restraint, but instead pumps magic power from the outside world to nourish them.

But this also means that microorganisms scattered in other places will multiply and spread at an accelerated rate.

The cavalry came off, and the imperial infantry began to clear the battlefield. One of the soldiers saw that his comrades had survived and were standing among the dead, and shouted to get closer to him.

Suddenly, a huge explosion accompanied by fire engulfed the survivor during the war, and the soldier felt the searing waves of air coming towards his face. Just when he thought the survivor died in the explosion, he saw the other person miraculously rolling all the way and being pushed half-way in front of him by the aftermath of the explosion.

This was a pale and weak young man. The soldier quickly helped his fatal comrade up: "Are you okay? It must be an artillery shell. It was a dud at first, and then exploded at any time." However, he kept an eye on it, because the entire continent was Speaking in common language, the young man Bao Buqi put on the imperial military uniform and said, "I am Ashim from the third battalion of the second regiment."

The young man made a military salute: "Thank you, Private Joseph, First Infantry Regiment."

It was the accent of the imperial capital that made Achim feel relieved. In fact, he noticed that Joseph's military salute was very substandard, but he was still recovering from the disaster, and now was not the time to evaluate his actions.

Joseph took out a handful of name tags and IDs: "These are the name tags and IDs of my comrades, please keep them safe. The top ones are mine."

Achim was a little touched. This young man did not rush to prove his military exploits, but first collected the identity information for his fallen comrades. However, he still wanted to criticize him: "You have proven your identity, and I believe you. But remember, kid, you must save your own life first. Staying near the impact point of the shell is against soldier ethics."

As he said this, Ashim took out his water bottle and handed it to Joseph Rorschach. Before Rorschach could say no, a golden light suddenly flashed across the sky and pierced the airship.

This behemoth that had achieved brilliant results exploded instantly, and its remaining parts flew towards the battlefield.

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