Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 382 It’s Bart’s turn!

What is a special zone? Find a place with unique location advantages in the kingdom and draw a circle. Bless you!

Rorschach stated that tinkering with the factory was just a hobby after studying magic, and it was purely an accident that he accidentally became the strongest in Byrne. Your Majesty, please believe me. Titles of nobility are like thunderclouds to me.

Gently, Rorschach left, just as he came gently, had a lunch, and left a new plan.

King Albert Ludwig stroked his beard, stared at the palace gate where Rorschach left and asked: "Master, what do you think?"

The person who came out was not a fortune teller, but Feuerbach: "Business. Special Zone? It's interesting."

"Isn't it just a commercial city-state? In the past, the countries in the southern part of the mainland were like this. A group of businessmen got together, redeemed the city from the lord, and became tyrants themselves." The king was satisfied but not dissatisfied with Rorschach's plan. Anyway, this young man with a lot of money It's a pity that the mage didn't jump into the pit.

"It's different. It's very different." Feuerbach seemed to have seen some new magic, his eyes glowing with golden light: "Legal speaking, it is not even as independent as the border countdom, but it enjoys a high degree of commerce and production. autonomy.”

The Archmage immediately understood the key: "Your Majesty, if a farmer has grown barley in previous years, and now he hears that the wheat harvest is better, what will he do?"

Albert immediately gave a plan: "In the first year, set aside a small field and give it a try. If it grows really well, then replant it all, you mean?"

"Yes, if he succeeds, the city hall can follow the experience and promote it. If it fails, it can be revoked. Compared with ennoblement and abolition of titles, it is obviously more flexible and acceptable for you to issue decrees and revoke them according to law."

Master Feuerbach's analysis moved the king's heart. Indeed, Rorschach's plan did not divide the kingdom legally, which was better than dividing the aristocratic territory. As for not being able to spread the pressure of armaments, I hope that as the young mage said, the tax revenue of the special region will increase in the future!

The special zone will resettle refugees in exchange for limited autonomy: form a committee and promulgate its own laws in the business field.

"Master, what do you think of the empire's current military strength? They have already captured Condy, and Valois is crumbling."

Feuerbach snorted coldly: "Please wait for the turn of events with peace of mind. The Church of Order and the Magic Guild agree on one thing - we will not allow the existence of an empire that unifies the continent of Ferallon!"

“It better be this way”

Bart is also worried about the problem of refugees. The last time Rorschach met him, he was changing defenses with the army.

But things quickly went south.

He had been lazily watching the welfare home distribute porridge to the refugees, but now the fields on the outskirts of the city were not cultivated, and were occupied by tents to temporarily house these people who had trekked from Valois.

The winter sun is very warm, there is also the aroma of cooking grains, and the sound of hundreds of refugees swallowing their saliva.

Suddenly a smelly shoe smashed down from the top of the city and almost hit the pot of cereal porridge. Bart was agitated, and his quick eyesight and hands quickly deflected the trajectory of the shoes to prevent the pot of porridge from being contaminated.

"Hey!" Bart directly used the [Mage's Hand] to lift the "little grenadier" off the wall. He was a little kid from the city.

"Put me down!" He was held down by Bart as he fluttered. Bart scolded the soldiers: "Why are you looking at the city gate!"

The guard had an indifferent attitude: "Sir, what are you fussing with a kid? He's a kid from the city, and he won't touch your pockets like those little brats over there."

"Over there" of course refers to the refugees. The guards spoke very loudly, and the people receiving the porridge were angry but dared not speak.

Slowly, the residents near the city gate came over, and a strong woman with an angry face said: "What did you do to my child?!"

Bart also wanted to be patient. He maintained a good reputation among Würzburg residents and did not want to "destroy the character" of this small border town. He first showed his ID, used his identity to calm the aunt, and tried to communicate with the kid brother: "Why are you doing this?"

"My dad said, those people eat free rice! They eat our food for free, and we have to pay more to feed the soldiers this winter! As a result, I don't have any sugar this winter."

"They are not freeloaders, they just lost their homes because of the war. If you and others do not support our army, you will lose your houses and fields like them, and you will only have a bowl of gruel every day."

I don’t know if the child understood it, but he stopped making trouble anyway. Just when Bart thought the matter was about to be solved, someone from the onlookers said: "If they were really hungry, wouldn't they still eat the smelly shoes in the pot? Why is it so good to feed them?" "

There was another commotion, and the guards stopped it by firing shots into the sky.

There were many similar bad moments, and rumors often broke out among the refugees that Byrne would turn them into slaves. Such rumors caused panic. From time to time, people would flee, and fools would attack the soldiers who were monitoring and protecting them.

That night, another guard woke Bart up from bed and reported: "Sir, there was a refugee riot and they grabbed a patrolman's gun!"

"Are you stupid pigs? You can be robbed by those who don't have enough to eat!" Bart cursed and got up. He quickly locked the rioters who wanted to enter the woods with [Dark Vision], and then dealt with them as quietly as possible in the darkness. This fool.

"What the hell is going on? These people are a nuisance. Send them all to neighboring countries. Then we will build a long wall on the border to stop all these troublemakers." Bart and the border guards were bullied by both refugees and local residents because of the order from above to "properly settle them."

Properly settle them! The refugees should fill the homes of those who gave the order.

"Sir, don't get excited. How can a wall be built to seal off such a long border?"

"You haven't seen my brother. He has several big puppets under his command. He can build it very quickly."

Just when Bart was exhausted and about to give up, he finally received a letter from Würzburg and Munich.

The first one was a document signed jointly by the court and the city hall. He glanced at it angrily: "What special zone? Hmm. Self-government requires my father to participate." When he saw "resettlement of refugees and participation in land reclamation", he finally let out a long roar: "Great! Our days of being bullied are over!"

Looking again: "The escort and organization of refugees will be the responsibility of the original troops."

"." Bart had an urge to tear up the document.

However, the letter from Würzburg changed his mind. The writer was his wife:

"To my love:

"(The corny words are omitted)

"Can you tell me about the new royal decree? I was overjoyed when I saw it.

"I have heard about the deeds of my ancestors since I was a child: it was my ancestors who led the knights, led a group of exiles and sinners, snatched land from the horseshoes of the barbarians, and opened up good farmland, which led to the kingdom today.

"If you still have the ambitions you confessed to me, please think about my ancestors! Whether the people who follow you are refugees or people who have lost their homes from afar, become their leader who can be trusted with their safety. Those you have saved will be loyal to you; the new home you create for them will be your most solid foundation." Bart put away the letter and shook his head: "Amelia, I want to be a senator, not a king." Having said that, he was still excited and began to organize the refugees to move towards their new home.

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