Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 384 Justification by Faith

After giving Andre a day off, Rorschach began to deal with the pile of business.

Rorschach first taught the two new apprentices three spell models: [Mage's Hand], [Spiritual Armor] and [Grease] - of course, they are spells composed of descriptors and characteristics.

"Both of them are mentally mature people. Instead of me giving a long speech here, I'd rather give you the written version." Rorschach handed them the textbook he compiled, and then demonstrated three spells to them.

"Teacher, do you cast spells silently?" Hannah thought that all mages should be familiar with various spells, arrange magic circles, and carry spell-casting material packages.

"Not entirely. I only didn't chant, and there were still movements during the casting process. Most of the spells are caused by the movement and changes of the environmental magic power caused by the self-magic power to achieve the casting effect. The operation of the self-magic power is controlled by our souls and thinking organs. . For body movements and chanting, corresponding brain activities are activated with the help of specific paradigms.

"The use of spell-casting materials, alchemy tools, etc. are all ways to assist spell-casting. Some of them stimulate the caster's will, and some directly act on the magic power of the environment. There are many types."

Rorschach talked about the above and other basic theories of spellcasting, although it was very superficial. He also handed them the corresponding magic arrays of the three spells at the same time, and emphasized that they should pay attention to how the magic power surges when casting the spells.

In other words, even if the "instant mage" masters spells through Rorschach's "Spell Cloud", he can still understand and even learn from other mages by comparing the circuits of magic circles, understanding how magic power works when casting spells, and exploring the principles of current spells. How to cast a spell.

The prerequisite is to accumulate enough knowledge and skills, and to be able to reflect on and explore the principles of magic.

If they want to treat cultivation as an experience-gathering game, they will always have to rely on Rorschach's framework. The initiator will not take the initiative to reveal the existence of the "spell cloud", but we also hope that they will discover the truth behind it.

Another problem is "signal". Rorschach discovered that he had a role similar to that of a tower spirit. After all, the first "special signature" of the spell was pointed at him.

So how to lay a "signal source" in Kempson to speed up spell casting? After all, neither the main body nor the clone can always be near Copson. At first, Rorschach thought of a Talling extension similar to Bart, and he also created one here. But it's not perfect - Wirtz-Kempson-Langster are too far apart. If the link is not strong enough, Talling will split more artificial souls and weaken the overall performance.

Later, he accidentally discovered a new method: "borrowing" the power of faith from the Lord of Order.

Rorschach met the believers who clamored to build a "soul residence". The leader was an old gentleman who was energetic and his clothes were old but kept clean and tidy. After that, it was mainly women.

Rorschach was observing the old man, and the old gentleman was also observing the young man in front of him.

This young man who can be regarded as his grandson seems to be the owner of this place. When he asks anyone here to build a church, they will shirk the request: they need to report to their superiors. And Rorschach is the superior of all the "superiors" he has ever met.

The old man made a preemptive strike: "Master Rorschach, thank you for your kindness and giving us a roof over our heads. Life is so convenient, with food and a place to support ourselves.

"But sir, when we are escaping from war and hunger, our physical needs cannot be met, so we overcome them with spiritual perfection. Today, I praise you and Byrne. We have food, clothing and shelter, but our spirits are becoming increasingly empty. ah!"

In human terms, when you are hungry, you use "God" and "salvation" to trick yourself into persevering, but when your material conditions improve, these believers want to take advantage of them.

The old man and other believers concluded that Rorschach was a benevolent lord. Obviously this is a misunderstanding.

Rorschach and the entire District do not treat the refugees as slaves, but as residents of the new city. Of course, the identity certificates of the aborigines clearly stated that they were citizens of the Byrne Kingdom, and these newcomers currently received "residence certificates."

Now it seems there is no difference. I live in a house and use the wages of factory labor as deductions. Since the rent set by the factory is low, the remaining money is still enough to exchange for food and daily necessities.

But if these refugees come into contact with legal-related fields, children's education, medical care, etc., then they will find that two different identity certificates will make a huge difference.

It is easy to redeem your citizenship by buying the house you live in, or subscribing/cultivating no less than one acre of land.

In Rorschach's view, fighting for citizenship is the most important thing, and refugees should actively contact and deal with managers around it.

Yet the most motivated of them are there to satisfy spiritual needs.

Should I praise you for your firm faith? Rorschach said with a straight face: "You want to build a church? Yes, the entire empire and Byrne can tolerate normal beliefs, but there are rules here:

"First of all, the church cannot have clergy appointed by the church. This has been the case since the founding of the empire, and no one can dare to violate it. Old man, if you are a member of the church, we will send you back to Valois no matter what."

This article caused an uproar, and the following rules seemed unimportant, such as not allowing preaching anywhere outside the church.

"Of course not, dear mage. You can use any magic to detect it. Please prove or believe that I am absolutely telling the truth." Others shouted as if a pot was exploding, but the old man remained calm.

After he finished talking to Rorschach, he turned towards the other believers behind him and shouted loudly. The old voice could even cover everyone:

"Do we really still need the guidance of the church? Is it true that the omnipotent Lord cannot protect us without the church, and will not punish our sins without the church? The Lord of Order looks at everyone, and everyone has the Lord in their heart , our piety and salvation do not need the help of the church.”

Someone in the crowd who was as educated as the old man immediately pointed out: "Okay, your argument is the heresy of the imperial man!"

"But we are within the empire!" The old man was not afraid of the accusation at all: "Is there anyone who hasn't seen it with his own eyes? Our devout worship has turned into the priests' gorgeous clothes, a magnificent monastery, and a palace that is not inferior to heaven. wine cellar.

"And what about them? These unbelievers pretend to be devils and allow our homeland to fall into chaos. However, it is indeed in order and everyone enjoys an orderly and peaceful life."

Rorschach wanted to say, old man, you have misunderstood me. The church has its difficulties. But he is a mage and he is happy to see these people abandon the church.

The more the old man talked, the brighter his eyes became: "I think our church is not for making money or hiding wine, nor does it need us insignificant people to use gold and huge stones to show the glory of the Lord. Then our church will be just for brothers and sisters. Sharing a warm soul residence does not require gorgeous decorations, towers, or pipe organs. It only requires our love and faith.”

Yes, yes, Rorschach nodded repeatedly. The old man continued to output: "Since you have generously promised that we can build a church for ourselves, what else do you have to be dissatisfied with and what do you want to covet? We must support a group of monks who get something for nothing to prove our devotion to the Lord?"

well said! Now most of the believers were convinced by the old man that it was noon, the "Holy Hour" of the Lord of Light and Order, and the old man simply began to lead everyone in reciting the Lord's hymns.

Rorschach still remembered the rules he had set, so he launched a domain that enveloped all believers, and set up a stasis field at the edge of the domain to block the spread of their voices praying and praising the Lord of Order.

However, after he expanded his field, he discovered that the behavior and mental state of the crowd began to cause the vibration of environmental magic, and transformed it into the sacred power of faith. This power was familiar to Rorschach, for the Church had used similar power to perform large-scale divine spells, both in Valois and on the recent battlefields.

The church held large-scale ceremonies in the Silent Era, to a certain extent, to collect these powers to make holy objects and extract them for the cultivation of the benefactors.

Now that Byrne has no church building to collect them, Rorschach can sense its continuous ascension through the realm, but no one or god receives it, and it begins to dissipate after touching the symbolic realm.

I thought no one wanted this, so I’ll just pick it up! Rorschach suddenly felt that he was moved by these devout believers who had "light in their eyes" and must help them build the church!

Then, it’s not too much to quietly collect some “reward” while you are praying, right?

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