Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 385 Rorschach is everywhere

Chapter 385: Rorschach

In the domain, the believers have entered a state where they have forgotten Rorschach’s existence. They chanted and sang, and they couldn’t help but hug each other and cry bitterly.

Perhaps it was because they had experienced too many grievances and hardships along the way.

But Rorschach thought of a somewhat unethical experiment at this time. He silently said to the Lord of Order in his heart: I am just curious, you great god do not care about the mistakes of small people.

Then the believers suddenly found that the sunlight at this time was particularly dazzling, and a beam of light far exceeding the winter sunlight penetrated the clouds and shone on them.

If it were just that, all the people who were illuminated also felt warm on their bodies, and the pain disappeared.

"Miracle! It is a miracle that has come!" Someone shouted, and others followed suit, worshiping and crying: "The Lord recognizes us! This is the Lord's promise to us! It is right to come here because the Lord is guiding us in our hearts."

Have you forgotten that I am a mage? Rorschach is out of tune with the excited believers. He just feels that the power of faith reflected by these people is more surging. It is simply boiling in the shrouded domain!

They gathered in the open space of the new city. The warmth and healing effects were provided by Rorschach, and "the sun opens the sky and shines on everyone" was an illusion he created.

Make clouds, and then focus ten light balls of [light magic] to form a light matrix to simulate the parallel light of the sun.

Then outside the field, workers passing by saw a group of people kneeling on the ground, crying and laughing, without making any sound, and were scared to take a detour.

"My lord, you also saw the miracle!" The old man burst into tears: "Please allow us to build a church on this land illuminated by the holy light!"

"Okay, I can sponsor the land and building materials."

Those who heard Rorschach's promise immediately cheered: "Thank you, praise you, great Lord!"

*, it's obviously me who paid the money and worked hard, but you don't thank me or God? So Rorschach would hate these people. But he felt the power of faith and was still very satisfied. Anyway, in Istani, he was an agent of the Lord of Order, and now he is a contractor, He won't mind, right?

For people from the Holy Kingdom, the most simple church was successfully completed, consisting of only a chapel, a confessional, a library (temporarily empty), a small warehouse and a toilet. There are no large musical instruments in the chapel, just a piano eliminated from the theater. The remaining elements are just a pulpit, a baptismal pool and rows of long benches.

There are no religious allusions paintings composed of colorful window decorations, no oil paintings with grand themes, and holy images. Even the "holy emblem" of the logo is simplified. There are no masters of religious studies and art among the refugees to draw these, so it is better to keep everything simple.

Very good, the faith generated now can't reach the church and the Lord of Order at all!

Everyone is very simple, and they are still poor after the disaster, so even with Rorschach's sponsorship, this building with a main frame that is not much different from a chicken shed on a farm is the limit.

The chapel also has no spire or bell tower. In fact, these standard church buildings have practical significance-many large-scale divine arts of the Lord of Order are inspired by bells.

Telling time is a kind of "regulation" for the whole city. When the bell rings, it conveys the order of time. All personal clocks must be calibrated according to it. It is a ubiquitous link in the reproduction of ruling relations, and it is a link that is easily sanctified.

However, these people don't understand that the only bell tower in Kempson New Town is the tower in the center of the new steel plant.

The new church is also different from the churches managed by the church in terms of naming. It does not worship the patron saint and is named after the saint. The small church is called "Sun Shining Church" to commemorate the "miracle".

The old man was elected as the "church keeper". He was neither appointed by the church nor blessed by God. He was only responsible for opening the church, arranging (simplified) worship affairs and chanting for everyone.

On the day of rest for ten days, the old man and other volunteers distributed unleavened small round cakes, which was part of the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Rorschach and Andre were also watching. Andre couldn't help but use [Communication] to quietly ask the bold master: "Teacher, is it really okay for you to collect the power of faith in this way?"

Rorschach became the sponsor of the church and legitimately intervened in the design. There are dark patterns on the ceiling of the church that are cut and composed of different woods. At first glance, it is just a geometric decorative pattern. If you look closely, you will find that it contains Rorschach's symbol.

Some woods are also embedded with circuits made of mithril wire, and the main beams of the entire building have magic array circuits.

Andre was born in the Holy Kingdom. In his eyes, Rorschach's blasphemous behavior is "stealing tribute."

"First of all, look at that simplified holy emblem. There is no circuit and it is not constructed with the right materials. It cannot point to the gods, nor can it allow the church to collect and use the "power of faith" to water the holy vessels.

"Secondly, these so-called "power of faith" are just a kind of magic phenomenon caused by believers. It certainly has its own characteristics, but it cannot be fed back to the gods immediately. It's okay for us to intercept some of it.

"I am not using the above 'will power' directly. As mentioned before, the 'power of faith' generated by believers is the product of changes in magic power, and after the magic circle in the building frame gathers them, these alienated objects will change the field in the building, making it tend to be sacred.

"From this, I can establish a better link and arrange a tower spirit port with lower latency here."

Rorschach did not disclose the existence of the "spell cloud" for the time being, so he told Andre that the magic circle arranged on the ceiling of the church was the link port of the tower spirit.

Rorschach looked at the church and added: "Last point, we are mages!"

Fields such as magic nodes and power of faith enrichment points, such as mage towers and churches, will slide and ascend from the material world to the symbolic world. If the distance between the two realms is approximately regarded as a two-dimensional plane, then these fields are bulges toward the symbolic realm, causing the concept of "distance" in the material realm to fold in the symbolic realm.

The direct manifestation of "distance folding" is that it can strengthen the flux of the teleportation circle, break through the limit distance, and create a place suitable for Rorschach to deploy a new port of the "Spell Cloud" like now.

Moreover, due to the characteristics of religion, compared to the field constructed by magic nodes, it is more suitable for the advent and spread of will, making the current solution more advantageous than the old method.

If it were a serious church, Rorschach would not dare to do this, but in Muhuitang, even if everyone has developed the power of faith, the specialization of the power of faith is not complete enough because there are no correct rituals, sacred vessels, and clergy guidance.

To use an inappropriate analogy: the will power produced by these people is like "gold", but without a church organization to take it away and cast it into "gold coins" bearing the mark of the Lord of Order, Rorschach will not be so good.

Of course, he once thought about donating a crucifix of the Son to the church - a 1:1 proportion of the Son would be modified with his earthly clone, in order to further rob the power of faith and use it as a "magic cloud" humanoid antenna.

But after thinking about it, Rorschach gave up the act of seeking death. It would not be fun if Hong Wen, the God of Order, really punished him.

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