Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 392 Let’s be terrified

"Huh? Review? Who will do it? Who is qualified?"

The chief of discipline pulled out a document with his eyelids raised and signed it, signed by the Imperial Army's Special Forces Management Office, which required all the teachers on the list to undergo security clearance and required them to withdraw from the magic guild.

First on the list is Caroline.

"Recently, the number of Valois mages on the battlefield has gradually increased. Due to the special considerations of this college, assessing the position and safety of teaching staff is a necessary measure in special times." The new discipline chief recited the words expressionlessly: "As for you Since you were born in the Kingdom of Valois, and your teacher was Master Carnot.

"According to intelligence, Archmage Kano now has great influence in the kingdom outside of the magic field. We don't want to embarrass you, but after all considerations, congratulations on your being ranked first on the list."

"What if I don't accept it?"

"The empire respects every mage. We will not embarrass or force you. However, your teaching career in this school will only end here."

Caroline's eyes were slightly moist: "When I first came here, what I saw was an inclusive campus. Students, regardless of their status, had the opportunity to learn magic. Although their background is not deep enough, graduates will have unlimited possibilities.

"Now, you are manufacturing war tools in batches and sending those three-legged cat mages to the front lines to kill or be killed."

The Chief of Discipline came down from the battlefield, and he was indifferent to Caroline's speech: "No matter the past, present, or future, the original intention of the Imperial Royal Academy of Magic will never change, and any measures taken by this school will serve it. "

Caroline gritted her teeth and said, "I understand. I will submit my resignation."

"No, you can leave at any time."

People in the office were slammed shut and opened again. The provost came in. He turned to look at his former colleague who passed by: "Caroline?"

The head of discipline sat quietly at his desk and crossed out the first target on the list: "Ms. Caroline has resigned. I need to trouble you to find a substitute teacher for the course she teaches."

"No need." The provost said easily: "We can allocate class time to courses that are more needed by the empire now, and further shorten the training cycle of spellcasters."

In fact, the academy's suspicion of Caroline because of her identity as a teacher is not unfounded and reasonable. Although Kano, as the chief of the Tower of Stars, has always maintained neutrality, it seems that his students have no fuel-saving lamp.

In the National Assembly, due to the defeat in the war, the previous cabinet had collapsed, and the "radicals" who were originally in power lost support. However, the "royalists" found that they had miscalculated, and the former was replaced by the more radical and fanatical "Mountain faction".

They are headed by "Rock" Maxim. These members of the "Friends of Fraternity and Equality" club are also compared to the stubborn rocks in the Parliament. All the rocks firmly together are the mountains that are the mainstay in the crisis.

“Search, imprison and quickly try refugees and traitors, and execute all traitors who collude with exiles and enemy countries;

“Treat merchants who hoard goods like traitors, confiscate all strategic materials including grain and ammunition to the state, and set up a special committee for rationing;

"Issue arms to all able-bodied citizens of Valuauna, mobilize them to form the National Guard, call on all localities to form nationalist rebels, assemble in Valuauna, and incorporate them into the National Guard."

These are the three major principles that make the royalists black-eyed. For them, each of them has reasons that they must oppose but cannot explain the reasons to the public:

First of all, it was Charles XVI himself who communicated secretly with the exiled nobles and even the empire every day, and who looked forward to the "soldiers from heaven" day and night. There have been rumors about this matter for a long time, and his courtiers and guards can all testify. It is not called gossip. , called fact.

Secondly, the second program is to cut off the lifeblood of big businessmen. Recently, the years have been bad. Is it easy to make a fortune? Nowadays, we are all under control, and we still want to catch people who hoard goods. How dare you!

Finally, the establishment of the National Assembly has not brought much improvement to the situation in the kingdom, and has even worsened. Respectable royalist people are afraid that those disgraceful "passive citizens" will be "too emotional" after getting weapons and have a wonderful reenactment.

The three programs are complementary to each other. If the first two programs cannot be implemented, the current situation of lack of food and war disadvantages in the kingdom cannot be changed. If there is no latter program and new armed forces belonging to citizens are formed to replace the old army, the resistance to the implementation of the first two programs will not be overcome. .

However, in the outer suburbs of Valuauna, black smoke is already rising from villages, and the roar of cannons is already approaching. There are fewer and fewer representatives who insist on opposition, and the public's voice to welcome the "Mountain" platform is getting louder and louder.

The focus of the current controversy is whether the implementation of the first two clauses will lead to unjust, false and wrongful convictions, and whether innocent people will suffer blind and wrong anger.

The representative of the royalists came to the end of his speech: "Gentlemen, no matter what the current situation is, we must ensure that public power is in the hands of active citizens, and the power to protect civilization must be in the hands of civilization.

"In fact, everyone has witnessed that as the chaos in the local and royal capitals continues, the vendetta against the rich by passive citizens and trouser-less men is on the verge of getting out of control. If they get weapons again, what kind of tragedy will happen next? Any Any reasonable person would anticipate and stop them at all costs to prevent them from causing further terror.”

On the same side of his speech, the delegates clapped their hands: "Well said!" while the Montagnards: "You fart!"

"Quiet! Quiet! Now please give the floor to Mr. Thor!" The speaker saw a representative who didn't speak often applying to speak and thought about his name.

When the young man stood up, he received a series of boos from the opposite side, but he muttered something silently and then snapped his fingers. What came out was not a crisp sound, but a sharp explosion that stimulated everyone's periosteum.

"Magic!" "This kid is a mage!" Some "old representatives" remembered that this young man had represented the Magic Guild in the third-level meeting and was considered a "veteran" here. However, he seems to be an ally of the Rock, and Mr. Thor was not very prominent during the period of Maxim's silence.

The senior brother came to refute the royalist remarks, and he started with a pure attack on life: "The gentleman just now, and those who cheered for the representative's speech, are all cowards! Complete cowards! Enemies of the kingdom!

“Our country is being ravaged by the enemy, our citizens are suffering from hunger and cold, and facing the terror of the enemy, but you imagine that your compatriots will inflict terror on you!

"If we are not involved in collusion and hoarding goods, what is there to oppose? Regarding the program, we not only have to do this, but we can only do this.

“We demand the death penalty for anyone who refuses to serve or provide weapons. We demand that citizens be properly directed to lead various activities. We demand that persons be sent to all departments to convey the instructions published here.

"Only by executing traitors will the living be able to sacrifice less, and the sacrifices of the dead will be valuable; only by having enough food and clothing can the people have the strength to live and the courage to resist the enemy. If there are still accusations of misbehavior, there are still potential The traitors are afraid, so let them speak.

“Let us fear so that the people may be spared this terror;

"Let us be brave, please turn the alarm bell into a clarion call to charge the enemy, move forward, move forward again!"

He had never spoken like this before. He stretched his neck and puffed out his chest, and the spell he had cast on himself was working, like a red rooster.

However, this slightly funny image has won the favor of others. What they see is not a scheming and slippery politician, but a sincere young man who is dedicated to the country.

The royalists became anxious when they saw that the centrists were wavering. The clever ones quickly found a new way to fight: "You are a mage! This is a magic guild interfering with the kingdom!"

Pascal immediately took out the badge and smashed it with magic in front of everyone. He raised the crystal ashes and announced: "I will withdraw from the magic guild and all magician organizations. I will always be a citizen of Valois and am willing to dedicate everything to my motherland!"

Not only him, the general meeting of the Magic Guild in Valuauna was suddenly crowded with mages, and they all asked to cancel their identities in order to join the National Guard.

The Minister of the Interior was dazzled when he received the news that today the National Assembly had passed all the Montagnard bills. In the eyes of the court, the Montagnards were trousers-less men who sat in parliament, who would stop only if they wanted to destroy everything.

He hurriedly knocked on the door of His Majesty the King's study, but no one answered.

"Your Majesty? Your Majesty?" The minister then realized that the guard was not there either. When he boldly broke in, he only saw an empty study room. On the table was a miniature model of a new type of execution instrument, and a drawing hand-drawn by His Majesty, which read:

To the Captain of the Guard

Since it can efficiently execute bandits, it is a good tool to stabilize people's hearts. However, it must be pointed out that the bevel angle of the guillotine edge needs to be increased to ensure a clean cut when cutting the neck.

The minister went to the palace again, but it was also empty.

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