Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 393 Grand

The Minister of the Interior searched the entire palace, but the king was nowhere to be seen, and the chief of the palace guard was also missing. A bad premonition enveloped the minister, and he began to ask the guards from inside and outside when he saw the king for the last time.

"I don't know, sir. I have just changed my guard." This is mostly the answer I got. It wasn't until I asked the military police outside the door that I got an explanation: His Majesty couldn't sleep well because he was busy with state affairs, so he went to the hunting ground early in the morning to relieve his worries.

That’s weird! The Minister of the Interior could guess with the toes in his calfskin shoes that the above two sentences were lies. The king and the captain of the guard must have played some trick and slipped away when the guards were changing shifts.

Since the last turmoil, the king has been asked not to leave Valuvana, and he must inform the National Assembly before leaving the palace, otherwise he will be blocked by the guards outside the palace. The reason is that there is chaos in the city and the safety of His Majesty must be given priority.

Charles XVI complained to his courtiers more than once: "I gave the entire country freedom, but my own freedom was ruthlessly deprived of it!"

If he was just dissatisfied with the house arrest and wanted to go to the royal hunting grounds and territory, that's all. When the minister thought about the possibility of the king's access to foreign countries, and then thought about the series of new laws passed with high votes, he suddenly started to sweat in the still cold weather of early spring.

At the stall where the minister was wiping his sweat with silk silk, the messenger from the National Assembly arrived in front of the palace in a carriage, with the mission of delivering the documents passed at the meeting. According to the results of the original compromise, legally these provisions required the approval and signature of Charles XVI to take effect.

"Sir! What a coincidence that you are here too. I have been ordered to submit these new bills to His Majesty. You must make His Majesty understand that only through these measures can our kingdom be saved."

You are just a police officer, not "us". If it were normal, the minister would definitely be so dissatisfied in his heart, but now, his mind is full of thinking of countermeasures. The Minister of the Interior finally decided not to shield Charles XVI: "His Majesty is not in the palace."

"Not there? The palace did not inform the National Assembly." The messenger was surprised, and then relaxed: "Oh, then His Majesty is in the hunting ground."

The minister still shook his head: "Maybe there, or maybe you should send a telegram to the hunting ground! Then take me to the venue."

After a while, the news of the king's disappearance was confirmed. Originally, the National Assembly was going to send commissioners to various places to preach the new law, guide local governments to form citizens' committees, and recruit rebels. Now, before the various commissioners rush to the towns in the unoccupied areas, there are already a series of "missing persons revelations" touching various places along the telegraph lines.

A fleet of luxurious carriages passed through the field road. In one of the amazing six-wheeled carriages, a rich male passenger was poking his head. He glanced across the vast expanses of wilderness, imagining how they would look during harvest season, covered with golden wheat.

Then the man took a deep breath of fresh air from the window and couldn't help being happy: "Ah! I smell the breath of spring!"

His companion, a lady, raised her hand and held the stove tightly: "My dear, it's freezing. Can you close the window?"

Not only was the queen complaining, but the captain of the guard outside the carriage also rode to follow and advised the king: "Your Majesty, you should not show up easily."

"Okay, okay, I just want to see more of my country!" Charlie XVI closed the window angrily. When a king of a country is about to leave his country and the land he loves so much, it is understandable that he would want to see more of it with great nostalgia.

This escape had been planned for a long time, and the trigger that prompted Charles XVI to abandon his country came on the Feast of Canto.

Truly the most miserable holiday ever! The church did not hold a grand ceremony, the people of Valuauna were starving, and they were in no mood to praise the Lord of Order. And when the king wanted to leave the palace to spend the festive season at a manor in the suburbs, he was blocked at the palace gate by the people who had learned the news.

The angry people believed that the king was not going to the manor, but wanted to slip north, join the army led by the nobles, the exiles, and even enemies from the empire, and then betray the citizens who participated in the great revolution.

Then as you wish! At this point, the king has adopted the advice of the queen and the captain of the guard. Like ordinary people in this era after suffering, he will go to his relatives to avoid Valuana's "mob that has lost its sense and awe."

If the script is correct, then he will go to the principality in the lowlands, get the support of his noble relatives, and "return the king" to "rectify the chaos" with the intervention of the imperial army.

The guard captain looked around nervously. The dark circles under his eyes were almost beyond the scope of his eye sockets. It’s not about reveling in wine and sex, but it’s about worrying about planning this grand escape:

When a secret operation involves not only the king, the queen, two princes and a princess, but also a tutor, two personal maids and two nannies, a royal cook and a bodyguard dressed as a coachman, a total of fourteen people, it is definitely Hell difficulty.

Just slipping out of the palace was already a miracle.

Moreover, although all the patterns on the exterior of the luxury carriage have been painted away as much as possible, the black and gold color scheme and six pairs of large wheels are still impressive.

What's more, there are velvet and walnut accessories inside, and a special luggage compartment is separated to store royal utensils, picnic kitchen utensils, fine wine and food, all the queen's jewelry and even her two favorite pieces of furniture.

Yes, furniture must be brought too! The guard captain's temples felt buzzing and painful.

There is also a group of cavalry who are loyal to the royal family and loyal to the captain of the guard. If the two teams move together, the carriage team will definitely arouse suspicion, so the cavalry is some distance away from them.

Snap, the small window opened again, and Charlie asked the guard captain again: "I want to confirm the process. When we leave the city, a team of mages will pick us up in the outer suburbs and use a large teleportation array to send us out of the country?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Charlie frowned: "But wouldn't that be too risky? I think it would be more secure to proceed normally. And are those spellcasters reliable?"

"Your Majesty, this is the best and fastest way. The mages I found are all loyal nobles, and they are willing to help us. Moreover, the nobles of the principality have written to us, and the other end of the teleportation array is already ready. The palace A lot of money has been spent, you know.”

"It's all teleportation anyway, why do we have to suffer this? Can't it be done directly from the palace?" The queen was very dissatisfied.

The captain of the guard explained patiently: "Our noble children have been squeezed out by the mages of the royal capital, so it is difficult for them to carry out large-scale ceremonies in the city that attract attention.

"As far as I know, once the teleportation array is activated, the magic guild can monitor it because of the huge energy consumed and the resulting space fluctuations. But as long as we successfully cross the border, it doesn't matter."

The captain of the guard had done his homework and relayed the knowledge he gained from Party B to the queen. But the guard captain didn't know that this kind of teleportation ability was the unique skill of Tower of Stars.

He added: "If one plan fails, I have also prepared a second escape and hunting route."

"My dear, the wise man from the East said, 'Tough grass appears in the strong wind.' Your loyalty and ability have also been tested. I will remember your contribution to the kingdom." The king's family finally confirmed the arrangement of the guard chief. He also praised me a lot.

The convoy turned from the main road and headed towards the field road. After a bumpy ride, we arrived at the teleportation ceremony site when the sun was almost directly overhead.

In the temporary open space in the woods, the waiting mages and escorting cavalry have set up a large area. The temporarily installed steam engines and magic conversion devices are running, and the huge magic circle is ready to go.

The mage who greeted the captain of the guard opened his arms and hugged the gold master: "It's a good time for you to catch up. According to the previous teleportation technology, it requires several great mages to cast spells at the same time to open it!" The highest level of the several mages present was only intermediate.

After obtaining permission, the Master greeted His Majesty the King through the window of the luxury carriage: "Your Majesty, you will be completely safe soon!"

He performed the noble etiquette, and Charles XVI thought for a moment: "Are you the second son of Count Armand?"

"It's a great honor for you to remember me." After confirming the passenger's identity, the Master said "OK" three times in his heart.

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