Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 395 The number one traitor

The guard's shout attracted the attention of his colleagues. At this time, the guard captain suddenly wanted to stab the troublesome bitch through with his sword, but suddenly a noose was put around his neck, and the two people beside him Pulling back, it tightened instantly like roping a bull and knocked the poor guard captain down with one move.

"Ahem. You know ahem." The guard captain still wanted to say harsh words and struggle, but the noose was getting tighter and tighter. He wanted to cut the rope with his sword, but when he fell to the ground, another pitchfork came at him. The sword sticks in the hand.

If it weren't for the mail armor underneath, this former top master and swordsman in Ouchi would have died from a random beating with farm tools.

After losing their guards, the king's family completely lost hope. Charles XVI could only maintain his composure: "I am the king! Go and let the nobles here come to see me!"

The guard waved his pitchfork: "Sir, the nobles here have run away long ago!"

"Then ask the person in charge to come see me!"

However, his bad luck came into play again that day. The farmer-like mayor was a supporter of the "Mountain Sect". When he was woken up in the middle of the night, he had a dark face. After seeing the king "visiting" his jurisdiction, he first He was stunned, and then his face turned dark again.

The escape of His Majesty the King was dramatically captured, making the people of the Holy Kingdom feel funny and angry. Due to the fatal operation of running away and being unlucky, it was completely confirmed who the biggest traitor in the kingdom was.

First, the guards who controlled the king's family and the captain of the guard reported it to the town office. The mayor, who confirmed that the news was true, rushed to the city in the dark overnight. Historians record:

A tall and burly man approached the city gate and shouted: "Are there any reliable patriots here? Something serious has happened!"

Just when everyone thought it was the Imperial Army coming, the man announced shocking news: "The king's family is in town, and they are trying to escape in disguise!"

Immediately, the city guards also poured into the town with guns and swords. Many people watched what the king's family looked like like monkeys. The first discoverers proudly held up the gold coins to demonstrate the mastery of coin design and minting craftsmanship in the kingdom's past.

Reinforcements from the city guard were necessary because soon the cavalry escorting the king came rushing from the military camp and a tense confrontation ensued. Finally, both parties agreed to escort His Majesty the King back to his loyal palace of Valuvana. It was a sleepless night for the telegraph system, as news spread explosively.

When the sun comes out the next day, even the fish in the market know that the enemy is in the palace!

The disheartened king and his family were sent back to the palace gate, and the gendarmes slammed the iron gate.

The National Assembly established the National Salvation Committee, which was given almost all powers in a state of war. The first time the committee members used the "Sword of Shang Fang" was to attack the palace.

boom! The commissioner violently kicked open the expensive door, turned over the furniture that the servants had carefully cleaned and arranged, and took away His Majesty's antique safe.

"This box has a history of three hundred years!"

"Then you shouldn't use it to display anything anymore." The lock that was more than 300 years old was not so reliable. The investigator broke it easily and took out various letters. Most of them carried the ancient family crest, showing that There is a huge network of old rulers covering the continent of Feralon.

Now they were all put into bags and packed away, and the captain of the guard was taken away like a rag bag. The soldiers did not care about the wounds on his arms caused by the pitchforks, and firmly dragged the loyal minister who had dedicated his whole life out of the palace.

The letters exchanged between Charles XVI and foreign nobles were suppressed. In the current notice of the committee, everything was planned and instigated by the chief of the guard.

A high guillotine was erected in the square where luxury six-wheeled carriages were once transported. People crowded the square and its surroundings. Amid their shouts and curses, the captain of the guard was pinned on it and listened to the executioner pronounce his crime.

"Traitor, outright criminal! Is there anything else you want to say?"

The captain of the guard looked at the angry people, all of whom were unfamiliar faces. He suddenly realized that it was probably the first time these people had met him, but now everyone had a deep hatred for him and wanted him to die.

He seemed to go back to the day when he watched a play at the Royal Theater. He saw many new rich people and many rich people. He recalled the people with whom he exchanged cups and cups and called each other brothers when he was in glory.

Now, some of them are sitting on the high platform, deciding the life and death of the guard captain, while some are hiding behind the scenes and are missing. But none of them are here. The square is full of strangers who have nothing to do with him but are extremely angry.

Awesome, really awesome. The captain of the guard sincerely lamented the people who contributed to his guillotine.

"Today you dare to try and execute me and execute the chief of the palace guard, and tomorrow you dare to put the king on the guillotine!"

The executioner showed a victorious smile: "If Charles XVI really committed treason, then we will judge him. Before the law and the interests of the country, everyone is equal!"

"After I die, it will be your Majesty's turn, and after the king's death, it will be your turn one day. Sooner or later, the people behind you and the people above you will have to go away." The guard chief almost roared and cursed.


The cursing ceased. Under the splatter of blood, the onlookers were shocked and silent at first, and then cheered wildly.

In a newly opened restaurant in Lanster, the emerging first-tier city of the Byrne Kingdom.

"So Charles XVI failed to escape, was caught by a group of farmers, and became the laughing stock of the international community." Rorschach put away the newspaper because the meal was coming.

Caroline was already used to Rorschach's sudden new words like "international society" coming out of his mouth in Istani. She patiently cut off the skin of the crispy elbow:

"I heard about it on the road yesterday, from the coachman. Now ordinary people can know about it immediately."

"Because those newspaper reporters are like hounds chasing hot topics, for fear of being one step behind their peers. Another very important thing is that telegraphs help news spread faster than legs at the mass level."

In the past, only magic guilds and churches had mastered special fast communication channels. The cost for guilds to maintain the communication circle was high, but the profits earned from the information gap alone were even more terrifying.

Only then did Caroline remember that the birth of the "telegraph" seemed to be related to the boy in front of her. She reminded: "Now the empire should also have obtained telegraph technology."

Rorschach nodded: "Yes, since they have occupied the northern part of the Holy Kingdom, they will always get the wreckage or find the operator. No matter whether it is Valois' strict defense or Byrne's so-called secrets, they can't completely block the spread of technology. He shrugged: "But this is a good thing. Sooner or later, everyone will be able to enjoy the convenience brought by communication advancement."

"You are open-minded. If everyone in the academy were like you, I wouldn't be so angry that I would resign." Caroline wanted to roll her eyes, but held it back for the sake of appearance in public.

If everyone is like me, why shouldn't the college be in chaos?

At the end of the meal, Caroline put down the tableware, wiped her mouth, and said excitedly: "Okay, go and show me around your mage tower. You are the first among my students to build a tower alone."

"Well, why not go visit the factory first? Every one of them looks like my child." Rorschach felt weird after blurting it out. He said it like he was a single young man showing off his baby to the teacher?

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