Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 396 The Function of Canned Food

On the way, the two were still discussing the king's escape. Finally Rorschach concluded:

"Charlie XVI's hopes for the possibility of intervention by foreign monarchs have been shattered. He must now pray that Valois's army can reverse its passivity on the battlefield. Otherwise, if he loses again, the Montagnards who have just come to power are likely to take the 'number one traitor' "Sacrifice flag."

Rorschach was certain that the National Salvation Committee had now deprived poor Charlie of his personal freedom and had a large amount of evidence. But now they have not released direct evidence implicating the king himself. Instead, they have used the head of the chief of the palace guard to "click to the end", indicating that there are other factors interfering.

According to what he learned about "Rock" Maxim from his senior brother, this old man would never have any kindness toward the king that went beyond how humans treat their fellow citizens.

Perhaps it was because the trial encountered resistance and the royalists had just been ousted from power. The king's diehard loyalist and energy protector made the Montagnards still wary.

But if the imperial army continues to approach the royal capital, the people's uneasiness and anger will continue to rise, and Charles XVI will become a human pressure relief valve, whose head can be borrowed at any time.

Some people were still eating, drinking, and defecating in the palace, but most of them were already dead, but the guillotine had not yet fallen.

Caroline suddenly thought of another possibility: "Do you think the royalists will ask a mage to rescue them?" If there is a spellcaster who ends up, it is not impossible to rob the prison and fish for the person.

Rorschach revealed the information from the Valois-Byrne secret line: “In the beginning, the guard chief’s plan was to ask the mages sent by the nobles to perform a teleportation ceremony to send the king’s family to the principality in the lowlands.

"Unexpectedly, the spell caster from the noble faction turned against him and almost sent Charlie directly to the square in the center of the royal capital, closing the case in advance. However, it was the 'square carriage case' that confirmed the king's plan in advance."

Caroline suddenly said with certainty: "Then this is the will of the Tower of Stars."

"Ah?" Luo Xia shook his head: "The remnants of the noble faction have split away. They conducted the ceremony secretly in the outskirts of the royal capital without the participation of the Tower of Stars."

"However, even if the technology comes from the Tower of Stars, if it wants to transmit it over such a long distance and on a large scale, it must be supported by an archmage or the latest equipment, so even if the tower where they hold the ceremony cannot monitor it, Master Kano and Xing You must be aware of it.”

Damn it, I really didn’t expect this level. So the poor king was plotted from the beginning? Rorschach suddenly realized that perhaps this was an opportunity for the noble sect's spellcasters to be readmitted, and the destination of the teleportation ceremony was tampered with the certificate of submission of those who wanted to return to the organization.

Rorschach nodded: "So, a monarch who betrays his country and his people will not end well."

The two of them took a walk to eat after the meal, and naturally came to the "Fonda" food factory. Caroline paid attention to the scene on the street and saw that the houses here were brand new, the shops were open normally, and the residents' clothing was simple but clean and tidy, and it was peaceful.

As for the empire, even the imperial capital, many shops were closed due to material control. Citizens wore dusty winter clothes, and their faces were either serious or fierce. As for the streets of the Holy Kingdom, Caroline didn't know and couldn't bear to imagine them.

The relocated food factory was not far from the city. The reason why she saw all the new houses was because Rorschach was now taking her to the new city.

The food factory was relocated once, vacating the suburbs for BASF, and Lanster expanded here. After moving in both directions, the food factory was surrounded by residential buildings, and most of the residents in the residential buildings were Fonda employees. , employees who earned enough money moved into a better living environment and freed up dormitories for newcomers to live in.

Before entering the factory area, the smell of peas was already wafting on the street. The gate opened, and a team of wagons pulled out full of "pea sausages."

Luo Xia took the teacher to visit the factory and proudly introduced: "Our product lines now include concentrated energy drinks, Fonda series sodas, pea sausages and potato starch sausages. We also have tin cans that will be launched soon."

"Iron?" Caroline felt that the cost must be very high.

"Yes, the cold-rolled thin steel plate is not easy to rust after being tinned. It can be made into a sealed container, and then it can be filled with food, sealed and boiled. The inside will be sterile and can be stored for a long time."

Since the Kempson Steel Plant was fully put into production and the electroplating equipment driven by the lightning array was manufactured, the "Canned Technology Tree" has finally been completed.

Luo Xia fished out a can in the packaging workshop and handed it to the teacher: "Just use a knife to open it. The food inside can be heated and eaten, and it's okay to eat it cold."

Then Caroline opened it, and it turned out to be pea soup. There was a beany smell coming from the clear soup. After shaking it, there were two sausages with traces of meat at first glance: "The things inside are not packaged yet." Is it expensive?”

What a rant! Rorschach almost wanted to applaud, but this is not business logic. It is nothing new that marketing and packaging costs exceed the cost of raw materials: "But the unit price is still cheap after the volume is large. Compared with vegetables that are easy to spoil and suffer huge transportation losses, this thing is enough Recognized by the military.”

As for whether the soldiers would curse or not, that was none of his business.

"We are also developing more canned food, such as canned beef and pork knuckles, which will now be given priority to the army."

When he took Caroline to the core office of the marketing department, Caroline was stunned. There was a huge map hanging in the office with many marks. Upon closer inspection, it actually depicted the distribution of the Imperial Army's troops.

"This is."

"Due to excessive logistical pressure, the military department delegated some supply tasks to the Logistics Chamber of Commerce after review. Although we can only transport to the supply center behind the front line, based on the speed and scope of the animal power, combined with the shipment volume Through analysis, we can roughly estimate the movements of the empire’s main force.”

Since pea sausages and canned supplies were new products, and they were good enough, the Imperial Army had to purchase them and send them to the front even if they did not stockpile them before the war. In this way, Rorschach could even roughly estimate the time for the Imperial Army's large-scale operation.

"The front line is too long now. Canning production will be licensed to three other food factories, but canning containers are still the exclusive product of Kempson Steel Works."

Caroline looked at the map that used "cans" to refer to the distribution of troops. She didn't expect that this could also reveal the empire's military strength.

"Okay, you are very powerful, then Mage Tower"

"Towers? There are many towers in the 'Bain Ammonia and Alkali Plant', I guarantee your satisfaction."

After visiting the food factory, Rorschach took Teacher Caroline to visit the new BASF factory further away. Considering industrial pollution, this park was built far away.

When they arrived, they saw numerous steel frames, intertwined pipelines, and five towers in the core area.

"This is the desulfurization chill tower. The main flow comes from the reactor and has a pressure of 150 atmospheres." The entire tower is made of stainless steel, and there are loops surrounding the tower's surface.

"Such a high pressure, fastened with magic?"

"Yes, the current new steel in the steel plant has not met the requirements and must be reinforced."

"If the alchemy device here is destroyed."

"Then the tower here will have a 'small explosion', and the new high-explosive production line farther away may have a big explosion. Well. A simple assessment, at least 580 [Explosive Fireball Technique] equivalents."

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