Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 397 Rorschach’s “Amazing Wisdom”

Caroline also noticed that huge constructs were moving around the factory, pulling all-steel carts to transport materials in bags or barrels.

"This is simply a super-giant alchemy workshop. There is no need for carriages, but constructs."

"No way." Rorschach was helpless: "The materials now are measured in tons, and the entire factory is running day and night. First of all, the carrying capacity of the materials transported by wooden carts is too low; secondly, if pack horses are used, they must be divided into five shifts, and the cost is even the same as the current constructs."

These puppets have many advantages. In addition to being able to rotate continuously, their transportation capacity is amazing. In addition to pulling carts, they can also undertake loading and unloading work. The earthen puppet has been upgraded, with a plate armor-like skin on the outside, cast iron parts on the skeleton, and hydraulic power - the culture fluid is mixed with living water microorganisms and sealed in the hydraulic system to produce power.

Inspired by the accident of the doppelganger, Rorschach used his own blood to cultivate a group of family-like pedigrees. When the number of groups reaches a critical value, they will be more "human", reducing the control burden of the tower spirit, so Rorschach can also create more big guys.

The park is very large. Rorschach summoned an idle puppet, holding Rorschach in one hand and Caroline in the other hand for a "ride". Caroline felt awkward, but when she really sat on the puppet's arms, she was surprised: "The construct walks so steadily?"

"It must be stable." Rorschach said this with a painful face: "Some products here will explode if they are slightly bumped before passivation."

The puppet held two people and patrolled the factory area. The workers were not surprised, but consciously made way. There was also a puppet pulling a car of shift change masters and Rorschach's group.

"Why don't you make a specialized transport puppet?"

Hmm. Good question! Rorschach did not expect that when he and Andre designed the new form, they subconsciously considered other uses.

"Yes, the next batch will be the land beast type." Rorschach adopted Caroline's suggestion and took her to see the air separation production area, ammonia synthesis area, ammonia-alkali co-production area, three acid and two alkali production area, nitration workshop, power workshop, and three waste centralized treatment area.

Seeing that the avenue was worn out, I finally finished the tour. Caroline found a phenomenon that the more newly built the factory area, the less alchemy technology was used. Judging by the standards of a mage, it seems to be going backwards?

However, Rorschach did not think so. It should be said that the more "original", the more advanced from building materials to process design.

When he took Caroline into the core R\u0026D building, Caroline saw two transmutation dust extractors, one outputting crystal objects and the other directly outputting energy to the factory.

"This is the extractor. When I was in the Starry Tower, Master Kano's research had not yet made a breakthrough in transmutation laminar flow. Later I heard about the extractor, but this was the first time I saw the real thing." She also noticed that most of the operators were not spellcasters.

"There are larger ones in Valuvana, and there are many technicians in the alchemy department."

"So ordinary people are hired to operate here?"

Rorschach shrugged: "As long as the integration and operability are high enough, it doesn't matter who turns the valve. Just do a good job of employee training. As for safety, strictly enforce the regulations. No one will die if nothing goes wrong; if something goes wrong, junior mages may not be able to escape." He spoke a little loudly, and the operators trembled all over.

The last stop of the Basif factory is the studio where the tower spirit is placed. The two puppets make way, and then pass through the heavy fireproof, waterproof and anti-theft doors. The shared brain of the Gabat Mage Tower of the three factories is exposed in front of Caroline.

In addition to the core array of the main body, there are also a large number of computing units accumulated in the cabinet, occupying two walls, leaving Rorschach's workbench on one side and the storage unit array on the other.

When Caroline touched the computing units, she found that they had traces of space distortion and compression, and was a little surprised: "You made a miniature version of the Istani Analytical Engine?"

Talling answered for Rorschach: "Dear beautiful Ms. Caroline, I am an upgraded version, with far superior wisdom and performance!"

Although Talling told Rorschach that the benefits of piling up materials would decrease, Rorschach could not make a big upgrade for the time being. He thought of a very perverted way:

Let the Gaobo Precision Factory continue to manufacture computing units, and then he used the [Ether Membrane Space Compression Technique] to compress the computing units from about one cubic meter to the size of a watch, and then merged them into the cabinet with the [Constant Technique] applied in parallel.

Therefore, the space of the computer room remains unchanged, and the wiring distance connecting the basic unit and the core has not increased much, but the potential for violent piling up has increased significantly. Even if a 13nm chip falls into Rorschach's hands, it can be compressed to 3nm, immediately solving the bottleneck.

After the upgrade, the tower spirits were all impressed by Rorschach's "amazing wisdom": "You are invincible, master."

"So this building is your wizard tower?" Caroline thought about it. In addition to this object, the R\u0026D building also has a transmutation dust extractor, which best fits the definition of a wizard tower, but it seems that there is nothing that a proper wizard tower should have.

"Teacher, don't worry, we will go to Kempson's steel plant tomorrow morning." Caroline found that the two companies she visited today could not do without the support of the steel plant, and she was a little curious, so she agreed to continue the visit tomorrow.

After arriving at Kempson, the tiankeng appeared in front of Caroline. The closed blast furnace did not reveal the flames, but when the coking coal furnace was discharged and the blast furnace bottom was discharged, a large amount of light, heat and gas would still be discharged, steaming and filling the bottom of the pit, filled with faint coal ash, as if the dust was heavier the deeper it went.

Even at the edge of the tiankeng, Caroline could still hear the continuous muffled sound, which was the sound of the steam-powered forging hammer hitting in the nearby workshop.

At the center of the blast furnace is another huge steel structure building with a strong geometric shape and momentum. It is composed of a series of spiral structures that rotate and rise around a vertical three-story tower.

From the base of the central tower, you can see the same golems as Basif coming in and out, but they are now much smaller when overlooked, and the people at the bottom of the pit are like ants.

From the artificially carved circular outline of the mine to the tower composed of steel frames, Caroline felt a kind of roughness - unreasonable transformation of the earth. The more regular the outline of the circle, the taller the tower, and the more materials it handles, the more it reveals a kind of "barbaric" power. It is an outpost to conquer nature, where workers sweat and the earth flows with hot molten iron.

Just when Caroline was about to express her thoughts, a small black dot appeared on the top of the tower. The two people gradually approached the edge of the factory. A closer look revealed that it was Andre wearing a mobile device.

Now he is wearing the third version of the device, which has a larger load capacity and the same battery life as the second version. Although Andre insisted that he was testing performance, Rorschach had reason to suspect that this guy was doing it for fun.

He looked at Rorschach and then at Caroline, and he said something unexpectedly: "Teacher, are you going to do the on-the-job training yourself?"

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