Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 399 The Court of Virtual Realm

Rorschach decided to take Caroline to "the place where the doppelganger is buried". There was no need for him to reserve anything for his teacher. After all, in Istani, the two of them were considered "life-long friends."

With the clone lying in that space as an anchor, it becomes easier to go up. Rorschach imitated the various altars recorded in ancient books and set up sacrificial rituals in the empty warehouse.

After drawing the symbol pointing to himself, he placed his favorite things. Rorschach thought for a while, then placed soda drinks in the southeast, and gold coins, crispy elbows, and "Principles of Alchemical Engineering (Preliminary Draft)" in other directions.

The last offering was not something I liked, but rather something I hated, but Rorschach hadn't finished writing it before the avatar went to sleep, so it could be regarded as the end of an obsession.

Caroline came over and saw Rorschach's arrangement, and was a little surprised: "What god are you going to pray to?" She looked at the offerings carefully: "Without minerals and spices, how can we arrange food, drink and money? Is it possible?"

There was something she didn't say: I feel like the God you are looking for is a little poor.

Fortunately, the teacher's words were not spoken out loud, otherwise it would have been a direct blow to Rorschach's soul. He explained to Caroline: "Actually, it was my clone that was sacrificed. It is now lying at its destination, a vesicle between the material world and the symbolic world."

"Oh, it's the space you mentioned in your letter. Judging from your ritual, its entry method is similar to the Kingdom of God in the past?"

"It should be, but before the clone enters, it is a chaotic area where no one has any distinction between heaven and earth. You will know the specific situation when you go there."

After being stimulated by the alchemical potion, a space-time vortex appeared, and Rorschach and Caroline were all involved in it. It is said that objects will be infinitely stretched when they are close to a black hole, and Rorschach feels this way now.

When the pulling feeling up and down ended, they had arrived under a "golden tree".

This "Tree of Law" is slender and has not enough branches. The gradually illusory crown at the top is holding up the hole that was once blasted by the clone. The whole sky is not high and far away, and the hazy starlight shining through the crystal is like a tentacle. Available.

The ground under your feet is paved with golden sand. They were originally transformed into dust, but after settling, they were touched and transformed by the roots of the "Tree of Law", and were dyed golden.

Caroline's attention was attracted by the Golden Tree: "Rorschach, you said before that the chaotic space was divided into heaven and earth only after its appearance. Isn't that the World Tree in the myth of the North?"

"How can there be such a small world tree?" The "sapling" is now no more than the thickness of a bowl, the same size as a street tree, and the black dragon's teeth are stronger than it.

Caroline insisted on her opinion: "This world is not big."

Theoretically, Rorschach and Caroline were stepping on Rorschach's clone, but he entered this area to try synesthesia, but received no feedback. This result is also expected.

The two of them walked in it, which was only the size of a stadium. The fine sand that turned into dust at the edge rose and fell, preventing them from getting close to the edge of the space.

"Do you want to place the body of the tower spirit here?" Caroline confirmed to Rorschach. After receiving a positive answer, she wanted to take out the equipment in her carry-on material bag, but found that there was nothing.

"There is no need to test. First of all, it is certain that the nature of this place is more towards the symbolic realm. If nothing else happens, our bodies may still fall in front of the altar. At least the ceremony is not perfect enough, and only spiritual bodies are allowed to enter."

Rorschach was about to say that the clone came in as a whole person, but then he thought that it fell from Thoth's Kingdom of God first and smashed in, so it could not be considered a normal entry.

This is the result that Rorschach is most worried about - this place is biased towards the symbolic world, so it will be difficult to transport the tower spirit's body. If we take the old path of the clone, the risk will be too great. Who knows how many dangers there are hidden in the weird temple.

Caroline was thinking about how to satisfy Rorschach's needs. She searched for knowledge related to the symbolic world in her mind, what she learned from the Tower of Stars, what she read in the Magic Academy's collection, and what she heard from her peers.

"What God thinks exists." Caroline suddenly said something from the scriptures, and then said: "This is the most common power of God in His kingdom. Perhaps the imagination can be embodied, that is The manifestation of divine power is also the inherent nature of the symbolic world.

"If you are familiar enough with the institution that carries the tower spirit, how about you try to imagine and embody it here?"

Rorschach did as he was told, and he began to try "3D modeling" in his mind. The appearance of the computing core became clearer and clearer, as if there was something special about this space. When Rorschach was imagining it, memories related to it began to emerge, making Rorschach Xia had no problem sketching out the details clearly enough.

However, nothing happened. When Rorschach opened his eyes again, only he and Caroline looked at each other wordlessly under the tree.

"Can't you remember?"

"No, it went smoothly. The details in my memory kept coming back. But as you can see, it was not conceived." Rorschach wondered if any specific magic was needed?

Caroline thought for a while, and then she thought of another path: "Have you seen the drawings?"

"Of course. I brought the drawings back." Rorschach began to try to conceive of the drawings, and memories still emerged, but this time, in front of him, the fine transmutation dust and gravel began to float and deform, forming a thin page. drawing.

This time it worked. These drawings retain the golden color of the gravel and are gleaming. After they are fully realized, they begin to fold and deform to form parts and spherical shells respectively.

"Sure enough. In the original layer of the symbolic world, the registered spells and divine spells are all 'perfect prototypes'. What we have in front of us now should be the perfect prototype of the computing core."

At first, Rorschach tried to represent man-made objects. The parts made by craftsmen always have tolerances and materials have defects, but only those abstracted from drawings can be recognized by the symbolic world.

Truth means flaws, only fiction can make it perfect.

The golden tree hangs its tentacles from above, and also drills roots from the ground to connect to the core. Seeing this, Caroline asked Rorschach to return to the material world together: "The next step is to let the tower spirit escape from the original container and enter a new body."

Consciousness fell, and the ground turned into quicksand and swallowed the two of them. When they opened their eyes again, they were lying on the cold cement floor of the warehouse.

Rorschach quickly got up and pulled Caroline up.

The tower spirit cannot be ascended immediately, because there are still many jobs in the factory that require it to be maintained.

So each factory received a notice that "the system was upgraded and all units were suspended." The workers were happy to take a sudden day off, and the aerial knights also suspended training and patrols.

After confirming that the last boiler had cooled down and the last demon was contained, Rorschach cut off the link to the core of the tower spirit and carried the heavy metal ball to the center of the altar.

The core, which was still functioning normally under the infusion of Rorschach's magic power, lost something as the ceremony began, and slowly stopped the rotation of its gears.

"According to the similarity rate, after the tower spirit enters the container of the 'perfect prototype', it can descend into the container made based on it in the material world." Rorschach and Caroline stared at the metal ball nervously as time passed slowly. Suddenly the gears in the core began to resume operation, and there was a regular clicking sound.

Then, something spit out from the vortex and penetrated into Rorschach's body - his soul was complete again.

The next day, Hannah began to practice casting spells. At the same time, in the ethereal place, a "little tree" holding the sky and the earth emitted a ray of light as she cast spells.

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