Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 400 The second uploader

After the ceremony, Rorschach and Caroline returned to the space bubble.

There was an episode during which Rorschach felt the soul in the clone return to his original body. He understood that the original ritual could no longer be used. He planned to design another one for the tower spirit, but was stopped by Caroline.

"I saw Master Kano participating in an exchange meeting with other great mages." Caroline recalled:

"I bumped into him when I was looking for him on something important. At first, I thought he was taking a nap, but the master quietly told me that he was in a meeting. His spirit body entered a hidden space to communicate with other archmages."

"A secret space? That's quite convenient. No one needs to run around, and it's safe enough."

This was the first time Rorschach had heard of this kind of "online meeting" between archmages. He always thought it was the same as the investiture ceremony, with other people possessing and controlling the owls. During the meeting, a group of birds formed a circle and chirped.

Caroline had some guesses about that space: "The secret place where the archmage meets must be similar to the existence you found, and it is also an independent space capsule that is biased towards the symbolic world.

"Then there should be the same spell as Master Kano's meeting, allowing our spirit body to enter directly, instead of going through a ritual similar to a sacrifice. As long as it has its approximate coordinates, I can try to develop a method for our spirit body to enter. "

The coordinates here are not the coordinate system in reality, but the position markers laid out based on the constellations, in the sense of divination. For the existence between the material world and the symbolic world, only the starry sky is a more reliable reference.

But just when Caroline was about to study it from the beginning, Rorschach asked the answer directly from Talling.

The original "body" of the tower spirit in the real world is still functioning, but Rorschach can feel that its "soul" is no longer here, which means that the core now becomes the "terminal" for the tower spirit to land from the "cloud", and it is affected by him. The dominating unit serves as a tool for the tower spirit to intervene in reality.

"It's still like this." Caroline watched as Taling's "old body" drove a printer and kept spitting out coordinates that Rorschach couldn't understand. He couldn't understand it, but Caroline could.

She found the star map drawn south of Bain, and then converted the content output by the tower spirit into points on the star map.

Now Rorschach understood it, and saw that the space vesicles moved very regularly under the starry sky.

Caroline's interpretation was more professional, and she gradually understood the time scale in the information given by Ta Ling: "Now you see that this space is regularly moving periodically under the starry sky, and the span is years. It is spring now, and the vesicles correspond to The coordinates are the eighth house of the zodiac.”

At this time, both of them realized the problem at the same time: It was only the second day after the tower spirit was "uploaded" to the space bubble, so why could it give a movement trajectory that spanned a whole year!

The tower spirit did not respond, and Rorschach could only guess: "Did it calculate it? When the coordinates were given just now, the computing unit here was running all the time."

"It's possible. In that case we'll need to verify its correctness later."

Anyway, after getting the current coordinates, Caroline can design a spell with a clear direction. Rorschach will draw a rune pointing to herself, and add a rotatable circuit to the outer circle according to Caroline's design - rotate according to the corresponding season. , you can change the pointing coordinates.

"Empty your mind, and then sketch the image of that space in your mind." Caroline lay half-ly on a chair in the studio, taking a deep breath. After a while, her breathing became steady, and it was indeed as if she was asleep.

Rorschach followed suit. Close your eyes and recall the scene inside the space bubble. The image of the "golden tree" is vivid enough. First it comes to mind, and then its details flow into the eyes uncontrollably.

After a while, Rorschach could no longer tell whether he had his eyes open or closed. The "Tree of Law" had jumped into view. When he saw the woman under the tree again, he confirmed that the spirit body had been summoned to the destination.

"Congratulations, you succeeded on the first try." Rorschach admired Caroline's skills. It can be said that she is the most valuable disciple of Master Kano.

Caroline's eyes were completely attracted to the big tree: "The key to success lies in the accurate coordinates given to us by the tower spirit. Now your tower spirit seems to be integrated with this 'tree'. What are those strings of light?"

She noticed that this was something that didn't happen last time.

"Someone should be using the system I edited to cast spells." Rorschach introduced the "Character" and "Descriptor" spell system he developed to Caroline, and then analyzed the above nodes:

"Energy shaping, mapping, repulsion, maybe [Spiritual Armor]." Rorschach followed the flowing light closely, and the nodes intertwined in the tree told him which "terms" the caster used in sequence.

Since the nodes correspond to only "characteristics" and lack descriptors, for example, he cannot know what the "mapping" object is, so he can only guess that Hannah is practicing [Spiritual Armor] based on the order in which the nodes are lit.

Rorschach tried another experiment. He tried to use his own system to cast [Fireball]. The nodes corresponding to magic condensation/element transformation/projectile lit up in sequence, and the stream of light caused by him was much brighter.

The scorching fireball is like a small sun. For this space and this young "Tree of Law", the spell Rorschach cast is the "perfect prototype".

This fireball is not a concept of reality. In the material world, a fireball should be a hot plasma group controlled by a mage, but this space is not dominated by materiality. The "perfect fireball" is more like a collection of concepts:

When Rorschach stared at it, he constantly received the "light" and "heat" it radiated - not only intuitive feelings, but also abstract concepts of two qualities.

As if reading Rorschach's thoughts, two concepts gradually emerged as measurements, one is lumens, and the other is the ever-decreasing temperature - 2573K in the center, which shrinks sharply to 478K at the edge, proving that Rorschach can constrain the fireball energy. Well, the energy is concentrated, and the power of the fireball decreases less before it hits.

If the internal pressure of the plasma mass is reheated and restrained, it will be a higher-level [Explosive Fireball Technique] - when it is released, it will not only be light and heat, but also the destruction caused by the pressure pushing the gas.

Just when Rorschach thought of [Explosive Fireball Technique], the "concept" released by the "Perfect Fireball" gained another pressure, and the central pressure continued to rise.

I said stop!

Rorschach canceled the spell, but there was no aftermath in this space.

Caroline was very surprised when she heard about the spell system created by Rorschach. When Rorschach verified the mechanism of the "Tree of Law", she was even more excited. When Rorschach completed the test, she couldn't wait to say: "I can make myself Are the magic you have mastered also registered?"

"Of course, you can't ask for it. But currently you can only upload spells below the sixth level." Rorschach also reminded that if you upload a spell, it means it will be made public. There are now three apprentices who use the "Spell Cloud", and she can decide whether to teach them to them. The spell is uploaded, but after all, the system is universal, and the possibility of them understanding it themselves after uploading cannot be ruled out.

"Also, as the creator and operator, I will inevitably master your spells."

Caroline said easily: "You are my student, of course there is no problem! As for the first point, as long as it is not used for evil, there is nothing wrong with letting more people learn from it.

"I went to the Royal Academy to be a teacher just to give more common people's children learning opportunities."

She was so excited that she gave Rorschach an irresistible hug: "Compared to me working hard on the podium, you can fundamentally lower the threshold for learning spells, which is great!"

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