Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 402 Panic and Unity

Fortunately, the chatter at the National Assembly did not prevent the rebels from all over the country from gathering in the royal capital to defend the most important city in the entire country. The self-raised armies from different regions gathered in the semi-permanent camp "Viral Campus" and other garrison locations in the suburbs to receive reorganization and military supplies.

Different from previous armies, this time, from commanders to soldiers at the grassroots level, the main force has been farmers and small handicraftsmen. They voluntarily joined the team to defend the country and defend the great changes. Major cities also spontaneously donated materials to provide for the new era. Massed troops reduce logistical pressure.

In addition, for the first time, Valois's army is joined by spellcasters.

Their lips parted, and Paulina looked at Pascal worriedly: "Are you really going to the battlefield?"

"To be honest, everything here makes me tired. Of course, except you." Pascal brushed his hair in embarrassment, not knowing how to organize his words:

"I still prefer to call the Montagnard a club. I no longer play a big role in it. In short, there is no shortage of eloquent people around Maxim, and the same is true for our enemies in the conference hall.

"The quarrel cannot stop when the imperial army is approaching step by step. I think we should find another way to save our former ideals. Sorry, Bao, I."

Paulina said no more: "Be careful, the imperial army also has military mages." After that, she put a tricorn hat on Pascal, with a tricolor flower badge on the hat.

Pascal hugged the other person again: "You too, don't go to unfamiliar neighborhoods recently."

The whole city fell into a new round of chaos, the Tower of Stars closed the entrance again, and the Magic Guild also temporarily closed the Valois headquarters after the "withdrawal wave".

The National Guard has been greatly expanded recently and is about to take the initiative to attack the vanguard of the Imperial Army. And new rumors began to spread in the city:

Once the guards leave Valuauna, the situation in the city will get out of control, and all those who are opposed to the great changes, foreigners and exiles, and bandits who want to take advantage of the chaos will emerge to cause chaos.

Amid the panic fueled by rumors, the original trial of the king's remnants and suspicious persons was derailed. To a certain extent, what the royalists feared had already happened: civilians who had obtained weapons began to kick open the doors of the suspected persons' homes, and put potential criminals on trial. The enemy dragged them out for public trials that exceeded the law and were based on patriotism and moral standards.

In addition, some nobles who were implicated in the king's escape and had been imprisoned in prison were released - what awaited them was not a pardon, but a temporary trial presided over by civilians. Most people do not understand the profound legal provisions. Once the evidence is recognized by the onlookers, the unlucky person being tried will be pushed to the guillotine amidst cheers.

These shocking instruments of torture have been widely erected on the streets of Valuauna and in the countryside, and guillotines are being pulled up and down one after another.

Maxim is powerless. He has already rejected the position of president of the temporary tribunal: "Because most of the people on trial are my political opponents, for the sake of fairness, I should not participate in the ruling."

However, those suspects did not wait for justice in the legal sense, but instead received a public verdict dominated by anger and fear. Moreover, most people in the Montagnards indulged or even supported the spontaneous speedy trials and executions among the people, believing that this was a manifestation of the implementation of great changes in the judicial field.

In short, Pascal was a little disappointed. He no longer wanted to play the role of "Thor" and simply turned a blind eye.

"Brother, it's time to go." Paul, who came from Calsicogne, stopped at the door of the couple's residence on horseback. He also brought the horse and waited for Pascal to ride on it.

"Take care." After the two separated, Paul and Pascal rushed to the Villar campus to report. Pascal was a little depressed because Paul passed the junior mage exam smoothly after completing his studies, but Philippe Ping was upset and failed in the first year.

The camp is now full of people, and chaos is inevitable, because most of the members can be described as a ragtag group. Without exception, the veterans of the National Guard are regarded as the backbone, and there are three or five new people in the area, who are quickly familiar with the system and matters of the army.

Some are still reporting and waiting to be incorporated into combat training, and some have already begun practicing. It is said that there are at least three legions from other regions outside the camp.

Paul and Pascal actually brought their own horses, which ordinary civilians could hardly afford. Others looked at them, making the two mages a little uncomfortable.

They simply got off their horses and led them to the gate of the camp to register.

The registration content is very simple, name, gender, age and home address - to ensure that good news or heavy news can be delivered to family members.

"Gasicone? Then you should go find the rebels from there in the west of the city to report on it."

Paul insisted on walking with his senior brother: "No, I have stayed here much longer than in my hometown, but my whole family is there." Pascal remembered that Paul was born in a poor aristocratic family and had a large group of brothers and sisters. In his words, no matter how much money my dad makes by litigating lawsuits for others, he will always be deprived of money by mouths like bottomless pits.

After the first registration and physical fitness check, you will enter the distribution team. The officers asked them whether they had joined the army or received military education, and then asked them what they did for a living.

The two were stuck for a moment, because Kano strictly asked them not to reveal their spellcasting abilities before the battle: "As far as I know, those idiot generals plan to group spellcasters together, and now the empire has a way to temporarily disable magic. , do you gather together so that the cannonballs can be taken away together?”

This was when an officer whom Pascal knew suddenly appeared to come to the rescue. At the Normal School of Valoisana, Pascal worked as a colleague with instructor Drouot when he substituted for Rorschach.

The members of the former Artillery Academy suddenly became the backbone at this juncture, and the artillery unit they organized became the most favored support of the National Assembly. Drouot's status in the military also rose, and he became a colonel in the expanded guard force.

He recognized Pascal during the inspection, and passed the regular officers and took the two away directly: "You brought horses?"


"Come directly to my battalion." Drouot said as he led the two people inside and shouted to the officer in charge of the second registration: "Remember, two good writers and calculations have joined Drouot's tiles. 2nd Artillery Battalion, 1st Luwana Regiment.”

The artillery officer held his pipe in his mouth and did not give the two of them a chance to speak: "As long as you know the parabola, there is no reason why you can't learn how to fire artillery. Secret position. Well, let's divide a circle into 6400 equal parts."

Drouot simply gave up the inspection and gave the ignorant two people pre-job training on the way. After speaking, he arrived at the artillery camp: "Do you understand?"

"Uh maybe."

"It's okay, you'll understand once you get started. In a nutshell, the job of a gunner is to adjust the cannon to a beautiful position, and then 'bang' it, making the enemy suffer and making yourself comfortable." Drouot made a vulgar gesture The posture made other people in the military camp laugh.

The other soldiers were not surprised that the commander directly brought people in, because now the entire army was expanding crazily, and most people joined in this way.

Finally Drouot lowered his voice: "I don't know why you want to hide your identity, but promise me you won't hide it when it's time to take action, okay?"

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