Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 403 War begins

Get your uniform, train, and then head out.

During the training in the camp, Paulina even came to visit Pascal once, which made her junior brother extremely envious. Fortunately, time was extremely tight, and they were on the road on the fifth day after Pascal and Paul joined, leaving Paul no chance to continue to be envious.

Logically speaking, the horses that were prepared by themselves should also be turned in and accepted for unified deployment, but Colonel Drouot did not ask Pascal and Paul to hand over their mounts.

At first, the two were indeed riding horses, but soon a series of things happened, such as more than once when soldiers came to look for them, they saluted and called "sir." Coupled with the strange looks from other comrades-in-arms, the two brothers consciously switched to walking, and their horses became pack horses for pulling artillery and shells. Only then did they integrate into their comrades-in-arms.

They didn't know their occupations before joining the army. They were labeled as two rich kids, one of whom had a very beautiful man. Oh yes, there is also a very important tag, which is suspected to be the chief's relatives and friends.

Groups of people set off from the camp and headed north. They crossed the fields. Although it was not yet the time for spring sowing, compared with the depth of winter, the land was already moist and filled with tender green grass. There were downsides to this though, as the rains made the roads muddy and the horse-drawn carriages would create ruts.

After marching for two days, they arrived at a camp in front of a pass. Pascal learned that there was only one day left to fight the enemy, and he truly felt that the empire's frontline was terrifyingly close to Valuana.

The night before the war, Pascal and Paul were given a "banquet" by Drouot. He took out the cooked beef rationed to the officers and some fresh gadgets: "Canned food from the Maritimes was first eaten by the Imperial Army. Now We have it too.”

He opened it with a knife, and Pascal saw that the brand of the can was actually "Hercules". He was confused for a moment: Isn't this a trading company that produces purple potion? I wonder where Rorschach is now.

Pascal was suddenly worried. If Rorschach joined the Imperial Army, would he encounter him? It's not that I'm worried about the choice between brotherhood and the justice of my family and country, but I'm worried that I can't beat my junior brother.

Inside the can is red soup. After heating, tubers, meat cubes and sweet smell are rolled out. Drouot divided the meals for them: "This is the best thing you can eat here. With cooked beef slices, eating it with bread is no worse than the restaurant in Valouana."

No, it's obviously far different. Paul and Pascal begin to wonder what kind of restaurants Mr. Drouot, who was underpaid before the war, frequented.

The colonel had only one purpose for entertaining the two of them: "According to the plan, tomorrow we have to prevent the Imperials from taking another step forward. The pass in front of us is the first line of defense of Valuauna, and beyond that is the plain. Do you understand?

"It is foreseeable that the main force of the empire is not easy to fight. I hope you can play a role at the critical moment - protect my artillery and protect the cannon."

Pascal accepted the colonel's request: "We will."

After eating and drinking, the three of them talked about turning off the lights in the camp at night. It was now dark in the tent, and Pascal lay in his sleeping bag, hearing the sound of a book turning.

Paul is using [Dark Vision] to read?

"When shooting at a low firing range, the greater the muzzle velocity, the smaller the required firing angle." The gentle chanting was hidden in the snoring of his comrades.

Pascal couldn't sleep either, so he started using [Messaging Technique] to communicate: "Hey, what are you looking at?"

"Artillery Drill Code." Paul passed the test and became a gunner, while Pascal seemed to have the curse of "never passing the first test" and became Paul's loader.

Paul recalled to himself: "Originally I wanted to become a grenadier, so I got a horse to join the guard. After all, I am from Carsicogna. I can shoot and fight with a knife on horseback! I am just a little tall."

Valois's grenadiers became a permanent formation in the hands of "Sun King" Charles XIV. In an era when firearms were not developed enough, tall grenadiers could raise their long arms and throw ignited muzzleloader shells onto enemy positions. .

Nowadays, artillery has further developed and no longer requires large manual operations. However, "grenadier" has become a synonym for elite, and "grenadier", which is actually a cuirassier, has appeared.

Haha, this kid is definitely not tall enough. As for his skills, Pascal admits that Paul is better than him, but the entire Kano team has witnessed how he was beaten by Rorschach.

Paul didn't know what Pascal was thinking, and was still thinking to himself: "I ended up in the artillery unit by accident, but I found that it's not bad. I have a battalion commander who is known to my senior brother to take care of me, and shooting artillery is also very interesting."

Paul is fascinated by the knowledge of Zhen Cannon: "These ordinary people don't know magic, but they use mathematics, forging and a little alchemy to create weapons that are not inferior to magic. They used to be bakers, accountants, and lawyers. These people can also get started. .

"I'm going to do better and beat the Imperial guy with them."

Pascal didn't hear what Paul said [Messaging Technique]. He had already fallen asleep and murmured in his sleep: "Bao, only I can enter the kitchen from now on, and your soup will kill a cow."

There was good weather on the opening day, the sky was blue, but there were a lot of clouds.

"The Imperial Army's position was discovered in the northwest!"

"There is an Imperial Army column in Abler Village! There are estimated to be three thousand people!"

Scouts from each other's armies brought the news to their respective headquarters, and the generals on both sides understood that the time for confrontation had arrived.

At first, the commanders of the Imperial Army were in a relaxed and happy mood, because the battle was so smooth, and everything was going according to the blitz strategy planned by the military department. However, as the intelligence from the Valois defenders was gradually gathered, their hearts began to change. It also sank.

The enemy actually had 13 regiments and more than 60,000 people. As rebels from various regions joined the battlefield, Valois gained a numerical advantage for the first time in a long time!

"It doesn't matter, Valois's army is just a mob. As long as our army fires a salvo, they will flee without a fight." The commanders comforted themselves in this way. In the face of more enemies, the Imperial Army said this during mobilization: "No matter how many sans-culottes there are, living or dead, they can't stop the advance of the strongest army in the mainland!"

The Imperial Army with the Marin Kingdom as its backbone is indeed the undisputed strongest army. Their biggest enemy, the Church, has been defeated. The following battle shows that Valois's army has long been inferior to what it was during the "King of the Burning Sun" period. The sun shines but is the afterglow of twilight.

But Richard was worried. The legion he belonged to was already resting in Condi, but as a mage, he was recruited into the main force and formed a special operations regiment with other army mages. It is said that mages from Valois also joined the army, so the military organized special forces to participate in the battle.

Richard opposed this arrangement. He was sure that the Empire would once again come up with weapons that would disable all magic in the field, but that would make no distinction between friend and foe, and it would be foolish to gather mages together.

Unfortunately, by the time he arrived at the new battlefield from Condi, the battle deployment had already been completed, and the little major could no longer change his decision.

Both sides came into view, and with the firing of Imperial artillery, the war began!

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