Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 404 Behind you is Valuana

In Valois, some mages hid their identities and joined the army, while others acted openly and were regarded as "guests" by the commander.

At the command post in the highlands, the general and his subordinates were eagerly awaiting the return of the mage from the sky. The mage would remove his gray-blue concealment robe, report what he saw, and correct the enemy's deployment on the map. Scouts are familiar with battle formations, but their ability to explore the rear is limited. Mage's grasp of military affairs is not thorough enough, but they can observe from a high position after flying. The two complement each other.

But the mage frowned: "I met the empire's mage in the sky, and then I had to retreat."

But there was still something to explore clearly, so the general said tentatively: "Can you please take a look at it, Master?"

The mage refused. Firstly, there were more mages on the other side and he didn't want to take any more risks. Secondly, the empire had weapons that temporarily banned magic, so the mage didn't want to take any more risks.

"General, please don't worry. We also have a powerful weapon that will be put on the battlefield on an experimental basis."

As if to verify the mage's words, a sudden vibration came from the hillside behind the battlefield. The ground shook and the rocks collapsed. A huge human figure appeared in the billowing smoke and stood up slowly and heavily.

"What is that?!" Both sides were shocked by the giant creature that suddenly joined the battlefield.

Eighteen meters, which is the height of a five- or six-story building. However, when such a tall humanoid device appears on the battlefield, it has a significant effect on the enemy's oppression and encouragement to one's own side.

Compared with the first generation Rorschach saw, this huge alchemist armor is closer to actual combat use. It no longer has gorgeous decorations and imitations of classical armor shapes, but is replaced by durable and simple shapes, such as the head. The upper part of the body turned into the shape of an upside-down bucket, and the armor was strengthened in front of the chest power furnace.

It charged up and crouched, then jumped, leaping directly over its own three-dimensional front line and jumping into the middle of the battlefield. The heavy grinding sound of machinery was mixed with cheers from Valois.

"Stop this monster! Aim all the muzzles!" Suddenly the "Giant" attracted all the firepower, and the Imperial Army's artillery turned around and bombarded.

Richard used a telescope to observe the situation and found that the giant structure deployed a shield condensed with magic power, which lasted for a long time.

Normally, shields have limits. An individual caster should be able to break through the current concentrated firepower in an instant, and a collective caster cannot withstand it like this construct.

"Is the Valois mage the best?" Colleagues in the caster's army were also observing the "big surprise" sent by the Kingdom mage.

The giant advanced under the gunfire, and the shadow had already pressed on the infantry on the front line of the Imperial Army. Just a powerful step brought great panic. Even the well-trained war horses were so frightened that they cried and moved wildly.

At this point, the empire's forbidden magic weapons had to be unveiled. The thick clouds dispersed and five airships appeared out of thin air on the battlefield!

Valois's mage at the command post also stared wide-eyed, because he had not discovered this group of sky beasts in the clouds just now, so there were only two possibilities:

The empire's airship took great risks and shut down the magic devices on all facilities and was on standby; there were magicians with extremely high levels of illusion on board the airship.

In fact, it’s both. Only one of the imperial airships in the cluster carried a magic-forbidden device, while the other four were bombing boats carrying large amounts of ammunition. They flew directly towards the enemy's formation from the moment they appeared. Even if they were killed and bombed, they would hit the Valois army. Can cause great damage.

The remaining "magic-forbidden device ship" needs to be continuously recharged, so spellcasters collectively cast spells to suppress the device's magical aura from leaking out, and to drive clouds and mist to obscure the airship.

When the Valois mage who was investigating at that time was about to approach, the imperial spell caster even drove him away.

Now to deal with the "Giant" construct, they activated the magic-forbidden weapon.

A thick beam of light came down, and a tsunami of magic swept across the entire place. It was visible to the naked eye that the shield of the construct was washed away by the invisible waves, but it just paused, and the pores in its body began to emit steam and continued to step towards the imperial array.

The mages in the command post of the National Guard of Valois observed the form and at the same time felt the discomfort caused by the tsunami of forbidden demons. At this time, a member of the Alchemy Department of Tower of Stars appeared. He said to the commander: "General, give the order to charge! Counterattack!"

The mage from the Alchemy Department said that the 18-meter humanoid construct was originally a cover, and the Alchemy Department had not yet found a way to use its war value.

"But it's cool enough and enough to scare the enemy from the bottom of their hearts. They will take the initiative to activate the magic-forbidden weapon and leave the decision-making power on the battlefield to ordinary people and to you. According to the data obtained from the Battle of Andorilla, the next six There won't be any magic on the battlefield for a minute."

The construct can still move because the steam engine in its body has started, and it can only move forward blindly and rampage. However, after losing the protection of the shield, the shells began to destroy its armor and joints.

The built-in transmutation dust extractor begins to break and the giant falls!

However, Valois's army was not discouraged. Everyone had gripped their weapons and waited for orders. The frontline commander drew his sword, raised his hat, and shouted "Long live the nation! Long live Valois! Behind us is Valois!"

This slogan was passed from one battalion to the next until it echoed across the battlefield, and the sans-culottes began to charge against the artillery fire and bombing of the strongest army in the mainland.

The "Giant" that appeared at the beginning also played a huge role. It attracted all the firepower of the Imperial Army's artillery position in the early stage. Facing the menacing charge, the Imperial Army's artillery was already slow to turn its muzzle and reload. A fatal beat.

The infantrymen on the imperial front set up their guns and started shooting. Under the double blow of bullets and airship bombings, the charging National Guardsmen of Valois consciously formed a more dispersed column. The enemy's projectiles knocked down those at the front. Immediately, a second soldier who was not afraid of death came to take over, until he got close to the surprised and frightened imperial man, and fired a fatal blow from a distance that did not require shooting skills.

The imperial cavalry also launched a charge, hoping to hit the Valois infantry from the flank. But what greeted the cavalry was a fierce shelling from Valois. The last advantage the kingdom has retained from the days of the King of the Sun is now revealed - artillery! In addition, the defenders' artillery position occupied a high point and successfully gave the Imperial cavalry a head-on attack.

"Load! Follow!" Pascal was dizzy by the tsunami of magic, but Paul's eyes were bloodshot and he was extremely excited. It was obviously his first time to participate in the battle, but except for the first test shot, all the shots thereafter were flawless.

Suddenly Paul stopped the bombardment, and just when Pascal could breathe a sigh of relief, Paul took the telescope and shouted: "Everyone adjust your position with me!"

Including Pascal, no one else knew what the little pawn was doing.

Paul shouted anxiously: "There is a well-equipped cavalry reserve behind the northeastern front! They must be elites, beat them all hard!"

Paul saw a cavalry team on standby. They were all dressed in white robes and looked unmistakably young and talented.

In fact, knights are not the only ones in the imperial army who have horses. What he saw was Richard's mage group.

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