Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 406 After Victory

Strictly speaking, there was no winner in the battle on the Valois border, but "the imperial army did not win" and "Valois did not fail again" caused great shock.

Rorschach opened Byrne's newspaper and the first news he saw was not war reports, but the shock to the empire's financial markets.

War bonds in the early period absorbed a large amount of liquidity, and then war bonds flowed into the market, which released liquidity as collateral and promoted market prosperity with the imperial army's superiority on the battlefield.

When the Imperial Army suffered setbacks on the battlefield, so did this prosperity. According to newspaper reports, this wave is a "technical adjustment" and there is no need to panic.

As for the battle situation of the Imperial Army, it only occupied a small space in the newspaper.

In Valois, on the one hand, the results of the National Guard were exciting and the people in the royal capital took to the streets to celebrate, but on the other hand, it also had a bad impact:

The entire political arena and public opinion changed direction after Valluana was safe. The "royalists" and their mouthpieces jumped out again and began to accuse the "inhumanity" of the pre-war provisional trials. They began to attack the "Mountains", believing that they were supporting the common people at the bottom and causing the "provisional trials" to become motivated. An outraged civil vendetta.

There is also an unexpected factor at work. Representatives of autonomous assemblies or committees from various places came to Valuauna with the rebels. These people were often local squires and wealthy businessmen, and were naturally close to the "royalists".

Moreover, most of the "royalists" are prominent figures who can easily connect with local forces, while most of them are "mountainists" who started from humble beginnings. Most of them are not well-known outside their hometown or Valouana. , representatives from other places will only say: Who are you?

In the "arm-wrestling" game between the two factions, after the National Salvation Committee led by the "Mountain Faction" actually saved the kingdom, the "Royalist Faction" regained strength and in turn gained the upper hand.


Maxim could not hold back his anger, and the more intense and outspoken members of the club clapped their hands on the table. They were all angry about the new proposal of the "royalists": "Deprive Charles XVI of the throne, but it must be done by the people." The meeting appointed a crown prince and allowed him to form a government after he came of age. This is a naked restoration. We have won, but some people are going to reverse course!"

Needless to say, once the script of the "royalists" is followed, the new court will be controlled by their old ministers, and then the National Assembly will be banned, these "royalists" will be able to transform themselves into new aristocrats, and their country will be consolidated forever.

Debates have raged across the club, but everyone is focused on how to refute the motion.

Maxim remained silent until he finished thinking deeply before speaking. There was no anger in his words, but calmness: "The enemy wants to take one step backward, then we should be bolder and take two steps forward."

"Take two steps?"

"The trial and execution of Charles XVI is the first step. The second step is to abolish the monarchy and establish a republic that cuts off the possibility of restoration.

"This is not a negotiation skill that asks for high prices. It should be the goal that we 'Mountains' firmly pursue. If you can't take the first step, the second step will be impossible; if you don't have the determination to reach the second step, the first step will be impossible. We can’t even think about it.”

After unifying the thoughts within the faction, overnight, the previously unpublished evidence of the king's collusion with foreign enemies was compiled into a pamphlet and spread wildly on the streets of Valuauna. The people suddenly turned from happily discussing the war to denouncing the king. , another group of civilians began to attack the palace.

Soldiers of the National Guard even refused to disperse these agitated civilians and told their commanders that they would only execute orders that were in the interests of the motherland and that the National Guard would not point their guns at any patriotic citizen.

Moreover, the "provisional trial" has once again resurfaced, and many people involved with the palace were dragged out by the public and given a "click" after the evidence was made public.

At this point, no one dared to continue discussing the proposal of "restoration of the monarchy".

"Why are you laughing?" Caroline was thinking about the design of the wizard tower hall, but was interrupted by Rorschach's sneer.

Rorschach read the newspaper and then started to read the intelligence from Valuvana. A certain archmage was full of complaints in his words. Rorschach explained to Caroline: "My previous judgment was wrong."

"Oh? That's strange." Caroline came here and found that in Lanster and Kempson, the young Rorschach was actually the "talker" of the matter. It was rare to see him take the initiative to admit his mistakes.

"I said before that Charles XVI should pray for the victory of the National Guard, but now it seems that after Valois achieved its first victory, the Montagnards accelerated the process of sending him to death."

"What's so funny about that?"

"I admire the genius of the royalists for their opposition skills." Rorschach revealed the answer: "They did not directly oppose the trial of the king, but proposed to trial all royal families. For a while, the people agreed."

"There doesn't seem to be any problem?" Caroline was still puzzled.

"But the most popular royal family dancing now is the venerable Mr. Equality, and he is the flag of the Mountain Sect." The former Duke of Merovingian was originally a benchmark for "progressive aristocrats", but he did not expect that because of " The royalists' plan to protect the king was tied up again.

Cutting? It doesn't exist, the representative of the "royalists" said righteously, unless Mr. "Equality" hands over all the entrusted properties and returns all the annuities from the duke period. It's better to just snap this thing away.

While the people support the trial of all royal families, they also have a good impression of Mr. Equality, who is so showy. If the Montagnards agree to try all the royal families, they will give "Mr. Equality" the green light to grant amnesty. If there is a precedent, the "Royalists" can try again, greatly delaying the trial process, or even disrupting it to the point where it cannot proceed.

In short, if you want to implement it, I will expand it to fully muddy the water. It can be delayed for a while.

If the chief of the palace guard knows anything, he must be asked to take a closer look. The Lord Protector is also a skilled worker, so he should learn a little more in his next life.

Rorschach doesn't have the same worries as Maxim, but he has problems too. For example, the recent spring plowing must be done well. According to the agreement, the special zone will provide double the food this year. Considering the newly added refugee rations, the output needs to be even higher.

Luo Xia was short-sighted and did not believe that "motivation" comparable to that of Jin Kaila could bring much increase in production. Instead, he chose a three-pronged approach of land reclamation, mechanization, and chemical fertilizers.

In order to cultivate the land faster, Rorschach asked the steel factory and the precision factory to cooperate to create more golems. Their cores were basically the same as those currently used in the factory, but they were changed from the previous humanoid to four-legged.

Rorschach originally received Andre's design and thought they had made a mechanical version of a plowing cow. But when he saw the prototype, he realized, "Here we go, have you built an oversized four-legged spider?"

But there is nothing wrong with it. Compared with imitating the movements of four-legged animals such as cows and horses, crawling animals such as spiders and crabs are easier to control balance and steering, and the mechanical structure is simpler.

However, Rorschach is still a little worried. Will the old farmer accept this thing after seeing it?

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