Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 407 Bundled Rental and Sale

The fields outside Kempson began to be crawling with giant iron-skinned four-legged spiders. They are used to clear new land, with spider-like claws mounted on the front to turn the soil, and uproot trees while turning the soil.

Looking down from the sky, we can see a group of strange four-legged insects eating away at the earth, turning from the endless green of spring into brown and black soil waiting to be sown.

Even when controlling these emerging agricultural tools, Rorschach also encountered cost problems, because Taling is now at the "junction" and needs to control these big guys. Not only must a core be placed in each cultivator as a terminal, but also Add additional computing units to reduce the burden on the tower spirit.

Yes, they also consume computing resources, especially now that Talling controls armies in factories and fields.

Finally, it was Caroline who gave the solution: "Now the so-called 'computing core' role has changed from a container of artificial souls to a 'terminal' for the tower spirit to descend from the 'junction'.

"Then you don't need to make complete cores for all receiving ends. Instead, from the perspective of constructing ritual magic, design an abstract system to connect to the tower spirit."

Using symbols and simplified symbols to induce the law of similarity is something that the Church of Order often does. In the past, mages would also use this to borrow power. However, after the mass extinction event in the symbolic world, this skill gradually lost attention.

Now Rorschach reconsidered due to practical needs. Under the guidance of Caroline and telegraph communication with Carnot, he obtained a new "terminal" - a schematic diagram of the computing core architecture outlined by the circuit, and passed a special The wiring method fits the shape, and overall it looks like a branching tree.

There is still a need for external computing units, but we can continue to cut costs and install them on only one mother machine, and then let the mother machine control other surrounding structures.

The above are all technical problems. For these big guys to replace draft horses and cattle, Rorschach needs to vigorously promote them. The first step was the establishment of a new company: the "Zwillinger" agricultural and commercial cooperative. The second step is to subcontract the reclaimed land to the refugees.

Most of the refugees had been organized and stuffed into factories before, and the remaining few became tenant farmers. Since it was already winter when they arrived, all they could do was take care of the pastures for wealthy farmers and lords.

Now the good news for the refugees has come again! After the agricultural construct completes the reclamation, all refugees can claim the land. Why do you say claim? Because there is no need to spend money in the early stage, the costs from reclamation, seeds, and subsequent fertilizers are all charged to the account of the agricultural commercial cooperative, and you only need to pay it off with grain when the harvest is harvested.

If the harvest is good and the grain is paid in full, the land will belong to the claimant, and the SAR's Autonomous Council will issue property rights recognized by the Kingdom. If these "arrears" cannot be paid, no socially active groups will come to collect the money. It will just be Rorschach reclaiming the land.

With such preferential treatment, it is almost free to pick up the land. Not to mention the refugees, even the local residents strongly demand to be qualified for farming. Although the reclamation has not been completed and the specific plan has not yet been implemented, people everywhere are asking about the situation, and there are even manor owners from other places who want to claim it.

Kempson is currently holding a joint meeting. The first president of the "Zwillinger" agricultural and commercial cooperative, the half-elf Frey, Andre representing the steel factory, Gopper from the precision factory, and Hooper from BASF Eun Do arrives.

"Sir, the amount of payment you set is too high. Based on previous years' harvests, I'm afraid it won't be reached." Frey, who has farmed before, was stunned when he saw the draft given by Rorschach. According to Rorschach's standards, even if he takes over The farmers in the wasteland have no life to work, and the final harvest must be handed over in full to pay off the work. If it is not completed, it will become a wasted job.

"Small households don't want to work, and some big households do." Horn is familiar with the middle-level people in the Byrne Kingdom. He starts from his own experience: "For ordinary farmers, it is naturally not possible to regard new land as a place for survival. But for large households, this is A good investment.

"We cover everything from land reclamation to seeds to construction of farmland and artificial fertilizers. Large households only need to produce one season's harvest to redeem the property rights of their fields. Where can I find such a good thing?"

Gopper and Andre echoed: "The farm tools and fertilizers we currently provide are all at a loss."

Rorschach can provide land reclamation and subsequent packaging services. It is foreseeable that for manor owners who are eager for land, they only need to provide manpower. Even if the harvest cannot meet Rorschach's requirements, they will be happy to provide money and grain to make up the difference, and then win New land.

When these Rorschach drafted the plan, they did not fully consider that if this plan is really implemented, there seems to be no threshold for claiming, but it will then turn into a carnival of mergers and acquisitions by large players.

“First, we need to introduce purchase restrictions, at least to give refugees priority in obtaining land. Secondly, we adjust the grain collection plan, reduce the proportion of grain collection in the first year, and provide three-, five-, or even ten-year contracts.

"But the agreement between the SAR, the royal family and the city hall is still there, and the amount of grain we have to collect cannot be less. Therefore, it cannot be reduced to too low, and it must be publicized so that small farmers believe:

"I am immersed in cultivating the land myself, but the harvest is not enough to buy back the land. But using our agricultural structures, using our artificial fertilizers, and accepting the guidance of the agricultural trading company, we can have a good harvest and repay the credit given to them by the agricultural trading company."

There is a cruel truth. The "industrialization" created by Rorschach can bring increased income to agriculture, but it only allows farmers to change from half full to seventy percent full. Most of the increase will be taken away and used to feed the growing population. Huge non-agricultural population.

He added: "For local farmers, we also need to promote new farm tools and artificial fertilizers. Spring plowing is about to start. We can first let them pile up base fertilizer and plant the previously fallow land."

With chemical fertilizers, simply eliminating rotational fallows can create a doubling of growth. As for soil hardening, salinization or acidification, and water eutrophication, no one here can realize it in advance.

Andre frowned: "Now the draft horses are requisitioned by the army, and laborers are also joining the army. The shortage of labor should make the implementation of our construct go smoothly, but about fertilizer. Not necessarily everyone will accept it immediately. After all, this is the first time If it appears, most people will have doubts.”

"Then do a good job of publicity to dispel doubts." Luo Xia's profiteer soul was burning: "Also, we adopt bundled leasing and sales. If you want to rent constructs for farming, you must buy our fertilizers. The policy is the same. You can use offset by future harvests.”

After the meeting, Andre had one last question: "Teacher, why not just let the newly established agricultural and commercial cooperatives take the lead? There is no need to transfer the property rights of the land, just let the agricultural and commercial cooperatives hire refugees to farm."

"Haha, what are you doing to His Majesty the King?" If Luo Xia accepts the fief, he can do this, but now he has to discuss business. And Rorschach doesn't particularly care about land. Giving refugees space to take root is more important.

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