Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 408 Well-intentioned false propaganda!

Chapter 408 Well-intentioned false propaganda!

In Rorschach's previous life, there was a saying that seeing is believing. This sentence reflects the dual underdevelopment of magic and technology at that time.

Fortunately, most people in the other world are simple. After all, most mages don't bother to deceive civilians, or civilians may never find out if they are deceived.

Now, Rorschach is going to be the villain!

A rally was held unexpectedly in Kempson's rural village. People don’t know why, even though it’s not a day of mass gathering, tents are set up and small vendors appear. But anyway, I still have a few free days before spring plowing, so I might as well take a look.

At first, the gathering was normal, but suddenly two giant guys nearly three meters tall appeared out of nowhere. They were naked and steel-colored, looking like four-legged crabs running rampant. People first wanted to run away in fear, but soon someone called:

Don't be afraid, this is Master Rorschach's plowing beast, I've seen it on the top of the mountain!

The giant beast indeed had no intention of attacking, and the crowd that had been scattered gradually gathered again. Why is it human nature to be curious and watch the excitement?

The constructed agricultural tools first bounced and turned in circles flexibly, then one used "pins" to plow the soil, and the other was equipped with different "pins" to plow the ground on site.

People began to applaud, and some brave ones stepped forward to inspect the results of the giant beast, and found that it was indeed well done.

Behind the giant beast stood two young men, namely Bart and Rorschach.

Bart is not interested in farm tools: "Why should I come with you?"

"Because only the two of us know the birthing spell, we will use it for the next publicity occasion. By the way, I would like to ask you, why are you here?"

"It's a long story." After Bart completed his mission, he felt that the Special Administrative Region had great potential, so he began to mobilize the money power of his chamber of commerce and the influence of the royal family:

Bart's status at the time was that of a "recruited resident mage." After completing the task of escorting the refugees with the army, he chose to bind himself to the army responsible for escorting and became a temporary mage accompanying the army.

After the formalities were completed, the city hall "happily" suggested that the place where refugees gathered might not be in good public order and would require a permanent presence of troops. The king nodded in agreement, and his temporary "army mage" naturally became Kempson's temporary resident mage.

The logic is smooth, the process is smooth, the procedures are complete, and there is no trace of PS.

Rorschach was notified and immediately dragged Bart over to help.

Rorschach couldn't help complaining: "Isn't it a loss to go from a big city like Würzburg to a small border town?"

"In the empire's files, my residence is still in Würzburg. Now I am in Kempsen because 'the security situation in the kingdom has changed and it is facing a severe test', and I need to support local security."

I'm obviously doing very well, but you're here to brush up your experience by assisting the border areas at the grassroots level, right? Before Rorschach could complain for the second time, Bart looked back with some frustration:

"But I really struggled and finally became the representative of the Trade Alliance. Once the war started, the Duma River Alliance existed in name only. There was no need for it in the country because there was a giant that wiped out the previous guilds. net"

At the end, his words were laced with resentment, and Rorschach remembered that there were several visitors to Byrne's pillar guild. Anyway, he remembered that the only remaining brewing guild seemed to have collapsed after the wartime food control.

Good! Good!

"In that case, how about running for the autonomous committee of the special zone?\

,"Bart's eyes lit up: "You support me?"

"Of course, I can rest assured that brothers can do things." Since he likes to deal with refugees so much, let Bart use his skills. The more seats he occupies on the committee, the easier it will be for Rorschach to pursue his goals.

"Okay! Good brother, Amelia will also be happy now, one in the south and one in the north, echoing each other."

"Wait a minute, I don't know what you're talking about."

"You are my good brother, so it's okay to support me and tell you. Amelia is not satisfied with her status as a princess, she"

"Stop it, it's our turn." Rorschach ended the conversation. Fortunately, the communication was done using [Messaging Technique].

The demonstration of the constructed farm tools had been completed. He and Bart jumped on top of the farm tools, attracting everyone's attention from a high position.

The same voice in the crowd who told everyone to calm down shouted: "Look, it's Master Rorschach and Master Hart!"

Dog care, I can’t even remember the name, I’ll take your money later!

Although the ensemble cast is not strong, it does not hinder the performances of Rorschach and Bart:

They first took out the wheat seeds, then took out the bags of fertilizer from the storage rings, and used the [Mage Hand] to pick up the compound fertilizer and pour it into their hands.

The compound fertilizer used for the demonstration was mixed with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The substrate was similar to soil, and it looked like soil when poured on the hand.

Bart almost vomited when he smelled the ammonia fertilizer. Only then did Rorschach remember that he was too engrossed in the chat just now and forgot to remind his good brother to put on the [Filter Air Bubble].

After blocking out the smell, the performance continued. Rorschach shouted: "Folks, I just planted a wheat on my hand! Look at it!"

Bart summoned water and watered the wheat seeds a little.

Then, as Rorschach shouted "Big! Big! Big!", the wheat seeds in their hands seemed to have pressed an accelerator button, growing seedlings, sprouting, producing ears of wheat, and blooming in full view of the public.

Then the short-lived flowers closed and began to bear fruit, and the whole plant became withered and yellow, but the wheat ears were already heavy and full, bending the stalks.

Burnt seedlings and insect pests are non-existent. Fertilizer, coupled with the violent ripening of the "revival" spell, can produce very direct results.

"What a miracle!" Dog Too started to drive the rhythm again.

Too exaggerated! Rorschach was very sad, but the results were pretty good and everyone was very involved. Rorschach and Bart passed the two instant wheat sticks down, and the onlookers in the front row took them tremblingly, looked at them carefully, and then passed them to the next person.

"Are the ears full?"


"Do you think the food in the fields grows so well?"

"Think about it, who wouldn't?"

"Then come and buy our fertilizer! Alchemical fertilizer, although you don't know magic, but even without magic, alchemical fertilizer can make your crops grow exceptionally well!"

Rorschach stated that the effect just mentioned was for reference only, and although the fertilizer he promoted could not accelerate the growth of wheat, it could increase everyone's food production.

Rorschach admitted that he was suspected of false propaganda, but his intentions were good.

Then the salesperson from the agricultural trading company explained to farmers the rules for renting and selling agricultural tools, how to sell fertilizer, and came up with a policy of mortgaging future harvests and paying back after use.

Finally, the big killer came out: all farmers who signed the agreement could receive five eggs back.

Suddenly the whole assembly was filled with a happy atmosphere.

“How many more tours are we going to have?”

"There are twelve large villages in Kempson. We can visit four today, as well as Lanster."

"Give me your wages, you bastard!" Bart couldn't help but smell the fertilizer on his hand and wanted to rub it on Rorschach's face.

Rorschach was very calm: "A seat on the Autonomous Committee."

"I suddenly felt that supporting rural construction is a very important and meaningful activity." Bart's expression became noble and resolute.

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