Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 409: Superstition can also be a shortcut

A decade into the work, Andre reported to Rorschach:

"Within ten days, three constructs malfunctioned, and no live water bacteria leaked out. One of them accidentally encountered a wild boar during the soil digging process. After successfully killing the wild boar, the meat was eaten by the villagers."

Spring is the restless season for wild boars. They need to forage before and after the great harmony of life. Since land reclamation has squeezed the habitat of these animals, the conflict between humans and pigs has become increasingly acute, and more and more people are appearing in the fields.

The unlucky boar went mad for some reason. After entering the field, he was driven away by the villagers and rushed all the way to the construct. The construct used a special plow to prick it like a spider preying on it.

Rorschach nodded: "Great, let's focus on publicizing the latter matter and print it in a conspicuous place in all Byrne's newspapers."

"Okay. By the way, the villagers gave me their fangs and said they must be delivered to you." Andre took out a pair of big yellow teeth and cleaned them.

Oops, both the portion and the weight are not small. Luo Xia weighed it and put it on the table: "Give it to your younger siblings to play with."

Andre was not polite and put it away after thanking him.

In fact, there are other difficulties in promotion. For example, the promotional effect of Bart and Rorschach's tour was too good. Some people wanted to pile up three acres of base fertilizer on one acre of land, but they gave up after being persuaded hard by people from the agricultural and commercial cooperatives.

There are also people who feed fertilizer to pigs and cattle, thinking it is a universal growth promoter. This behavior is actually a common phenomenon. It was not until a child drank "fertilizer granules" that caused acute renal failure that the agricultural and commercial community discovered it.

It's all because Luo Xia and the Agricultural and Commercial Co., Ltd. forgot one thing and warned it not to be eaten. After all, it tasted so strong. Who knows how they could drink it?

After Rorschach took action and the magic hand pulled the child up, another rumor emerged that the fertilizer was the devil's salt. People and animals would be possessed by the devil if they drank it. Exorcism.

Damn it, Rorschach used the "Pearl of Balan" after a long time to find the source of the rumors: a manor owner who refused to buy new farm tools and fertilizers. He also banned people from the same village from contacting the agricultural business community.

The Autonomous Committee immediately took action to punish the village bully. Bart led a pair of soldiers to pull the guy out of the cellar, whip him in public and throw him into the coal mine.

Let him personally collect the raw materials for making fertilizer, let him experience it for himself, and realize that there is no devil involved in the production of fertilizer from beginning to end.

This is just a problem caused by chemical fertilizers. Rorschach does not dare to think about how many things will happen with pesticides in the future.

Rorschach now somewhat understands why religion was so advanced in ancient times - the best way to issue orders to make "unruly people" obey is to first establish a religious system with heaven above and hell below, and then convey administrative orders in the form of edicts. Order.

It is very difficult to convince everyone to take a bath and be hygienic. If you want to promote it, you must consume a huge amount of administrative points. It is not guaranteed that everyone will implement it. Sometimes, even if he has the conditions to take a bath, he will be inert.

But you can tell the congregation that they must worship the gods every ten days, and they need to bathe and change clothes before worship to show piety. In this way, it can be implemented without spending much manpower and establishing an actual reward and punishment system.

When royal power does not go to the countryside, religious power can control the eating, drinking, and eating of a bunch of people. From this perspective, religion has advanced to the point of explosion in a certain period.

Therefore, if Rorschach wanted to save trouble, he should not open some kind of agricultural and commercial society. Instead, he should use the banner of Dryatz's head to establish a new Druid sect or a new agricultural religion.

Then, chemical fertilizers and pesticides are sanctified, constructed agricultural tools are called mythical beasts and angels, new farming methods are turned into sacred rituals, and they are promoted quickly and accurately, and illegal users are directly sent to the fire rack.

The trinity of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is great and good!

The only disadvantage is that it will be difficult to adapt to local conditions. If technicians study new solutions in places with different soil, water and heat conditions, they may be labeled as heretics by believers who are too brainwashed.

If the New Agricultural Religion becomes bigger, it cannot be ruled out that the two factions of believers wielding sickles and hoes and driving constructed agricultural tools will engage in a fire-power debate, arguing that "the N-type holy salt (nitrogen fertilizer) and P-type holy salt (nitrogen fertilizer) applied during the growth period of wheat Phosphate fertilizer) ratio is 3:1 or 4:1".

Before the war, the construct must be maintained according to the teachings of the scriptures. Of course, the process is called "pacifying the machine soul."

Oh my god, isn’t that golden throne waving to me? Rorschach, who was daydreaming, suddenly felt hot in his buttocks and quickly got up to move around.

From Andre's perspective, the teacher's eyes were unfocused for a while, and then he suddenly stood up and moved his body. He was used to it, Rorschach would always be like this in front of Andre and Caroline.

Soon Rorschach seemed to bring his thoughts back to the office, and then asked: "How is the development progress of the harvest model?"

"Gopper's precision factory proposed a prototype, and the agricultural and commercial society said it needed to be verified again. The previous plow model had many problems in practical applications and has been revised several times. Now they are more cautious about the implementation of the design."

This is a good thing. Every time you learn something, you gain wisdom. Rorschach didn't ask any more questions.

Because the structural farm tools are efficient enough, they can turn over and plow the soil 24 hours a day, but the purchase price is sky-high for large households, and small households can only rent them.

The structure is rented by the day, but many people may only need to use their land for one and a half or two and a half days. Some people think that paying rent even during the harvest season is too risky.

Therefore, the agricultural commercial cooperative came up with a way to rent the fields to several small households adjacent to each other, and then share the rent internally based on the area.

In order to facilitate the reconciliation, the salesman of the agricultural and commercial cooperative suggested that the farmers who jointly rented the property register a small trading company at the city hall or in the town. Through the ignorance of the villagers and the arrangement of the agricultural and commercial cooperative, collective production units were produced one after another.

There are also refugees who have directly introduced such a system as a routine and registered them uniformly into production teams.

Neither Rorschach nor the Autonomous Committee forces farmers to join or quit, but there will definitely be smart people in each production unit who discover the benefits of such an organization.

He will encourage other people in the team to do some side jobs and make a fortune together. Every village has one or two "capable people" with such quick minds.

It is foreseeable that in the future, when grain output increases and the slack time of farming becomes longer, township and village enterprises with production teams as their "meta-cells" will sprout up.

The first person to discover, observe and make predictions about these small units was Martin, a newspaper intern reporter.

He started writing a long report when he noticed that handmade products such as pottery cups, wheat straw weavings, and wine barrels were becoming more common at village fairs.

Compared with the craftsmanship of urban residents, they are rougher and of course cheaper. Some barrel merchants have even begun to purchase goods from the village and sell them to wine merchants as inferior goods.

Martin visited the newly born collective producers and compared these assembled villagers with the previous handicraft workshops.

Unfortunately, this report, which took a lot of effort to write, did not appear in the newspaper. The good news is that it is not without value, but became a report and ended up on the desks of the Autonomous Committee members and Rorschach.

"It is unknown whether these small trading companies will go bankrupt, be merged by large companies, or whether they will transform from collective ownership into a family-owned industry." Luo Xia put down the report and muttered to himself.

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