Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 411 The possibility of symbiosis

When everyone was disturbed by the device and holding on to the wall, only Martin straightened his back. He helped Hannah: "What's wrong with you?"

Rorschach was the first to recover. He ordered: "Teacher Caroline and Miss Hannah please rest and continue the test. Andre is responsible for recording the experimental information. I will take Martin for a physical examination."

Before anyone else could react, Rorschach dragged Martin out of the isolation room and into another room.

"This is."

"Does it sound familiar?" Rorschach brought him to the previous biological laboratory, which still had the same disinfection process. After entering, there were various jars and small animals raised.

There is also a construct with multiple hose arms feeding small animals dedicated to magic. It opened the cage, and a sharp explosion came from inside. The construct stuffed the food into the cage and immediately closed it, and the sound was gone again. Great container for blocking out smells and sounds when necessary.

But Martin noticed that the wall that used to face the door had become a transparent glass conservatory. It's lush inside, but if you look closely, the plants planted are a bit monotonous.

The light source in the greenhouse must be artificial. In the time they entered, it had turned from noon-like sunlight to a somewhat dim afterglow.

Rorschach followed Martin's gaze and gave a brief explanation: "Since the war, the supply of raw materials for producing energy potions has been cut off, so new ones are being cultivated now. Don't enter the door."

Martin didn't delve into the reason, but just followed the instructions honestly. Rorschach went through the process of testing his magic power again and marveled:

"When Andre measured it for you, he just wrote down 'without magic power', but now it seems that you are much more special, Martin. Even the plants in the greenhouse now have a stronger spiritual light in their bodies than you."

Martin had heard the familiar comments, and his mood was not fluctuating much at this time. He shrugged: "Yeah, I know I have no talent."

"No, no, no, as long as you are special enough, it can definitely be developed into some kind of advantage. For example, at this moment, the most suitable thing for you is to record the experiment on behalf of Andre - in the isolation room, you are the only one who is not affected by the magic prohibition device. ”

Martin felt better after being comforted. Rorschach took out the living water microorganisms from the pendant on his chest: "Look at the results of your feeding."

He opened it and found that the biological activity inside was not very good. Rorschach could see the gel slowly squirming in the bottle, but the bacteria had the air of "lying flat" and were languid.

Is it also because the magic power in Martin's body is too low? Rorschach divided out half of the amount, added a small amount of sugar into the small bottle to "replenish" the little guys, repackaged it and returned it to Martin.

The samples taken out have other uses.

Rorschach opened a metal box, and Martin on the side suddenly felt a cold air blowing against his face. What the mage took out was a slime mold found in the Black Forest.

In the petri dish, they are as white as flesh. They are samples cultivated by the Tower of Forest. They were also used to replace the tattered respiratory organs of a consumptive ghost. Now the recovered boy is changing his name to become Mr. Hasse's assistant.

Rorschach evenly spread Martin's microorganisms on top, just like spreading berry jam on cream. However, what you get when you combine the two is not a wonderful dessert, but the two begin to become entangled with each other.

Rorschach then dropped in an appropriate amount of culture fluid, resealed the petri dish and put it back in the "refrigerator". Before the heavy box door closed, the active bacterial cells inside made the glass cover crackle.

"As you can see, I mixed a collection of two creatures together. They will not fuse at first, but will fight. So put them in a low-temperature environment and give them an unsuitable arena for survival. Ideally, they will not They will fight to the point of life and death, and may finally stop and live together. "

When the elf creation of the Black Forest was first discovered, it was white mycelium that symbiotically formed its body with plant analogs and other microorganisms. The Forest Tower extracted these mycelium and cultivated them separately.

Since the discovery of hyphae and living water microorganisms is related to Rorschach, he can still receive notifications of subsequent research results from the Tower of Forest as soon as possible, and can occasionally get samples.

Professional research is done by professional mages. Rorschach made bold attempts under the theoretical guidance of the Tower of Forest. For example, starting from the symbiotic habits of mycelium and the cluster characteristics of living water bacteria, he forcibly "matched" two potential microorganisms. .

“The white tissue you saw before can even be used to repair and replace some human organs, but it also requires multiple generations of special cultivation.

"As you can see, the two little guys are mixed, and if they can live in symbiosis, it is very likely that they can also form a symbiotic relationship with humans."

Rorschach's words made Martin swallow involuntarily: "You mean, if I can."

Rorschach interrupted him: "But the current mixing is just an attempt and cannot guarantee success. So you have to continue cultivating the microorganisms in the vials to provide materials for subsequent experiments."

"Yes!" Martin replied with more energy after seeing hope.

Assuming all goes well, Martin will be able to form a symbiotic relationship with the two microorganisms and gain the ability to cast spells. But there's also the risk that it wouldn't be fun if Martin turned into a monster.

Rorschach glanced at several cages that had been vacated.

I hope Martin’s special physique can bring hope, and a few more insurance measures will be added to reduce risks.

When the two went out, the experiment in the isolation room happened to be over. Caroline and Hannah tested all the spells logged into the "Spell Cloud" as planned, and Andre recorded the anti-interference effect.

"Ugh." Hannah actually vomited it out as soon as she went out.

The obsidian silver walls of the isolation room originally had a strong shielding effect, but this also meant that the drained magic power would not form a magic-free dead magic zone, but would be reflected back by the wall, creating a "super double".

I don't know when the construct followed Rorschach and Martin out. A hand with a hose stretched out, accurately caught the vomit, and then handed over water.

Without thinking twice, Hannah drank the water she was feeding the animals.

"Teacher Luo Xia, I will go back and organize the results and data of the experiment and hand them over to you tomorrow. There are still things to do in the factory, so I will leave first."

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone." Rorschach gestured for others to leave. He saw Martin helping Hannah out of the hall of the Mage Tower.

Caroline did not leave. She still needed to check the stability of the portal again, especially after the isolation room inspired a continuous surge of magic power.

She also has a purpose: "What is this?"

"The construct that takes care of the Arcane Garden for me, so it's codenamed 'Gardener'. You can also leave the cleaning work in the tower to it."

The legs of this construct are short, but the hands of all the hoses are very long, and it looks like it is very good at working.

Caroline stared into Rorschach's eyes seriously: "This construct is not controlled by the Talling."

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