Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 412 Caroline’s Worries

"Yes, it looks very trendy, but it is made with traditional craftsmanship."

Caroline was not fooled by Rorschach: "Does that mean necromancy was used?"

It seems that Master Caroline has also heard about the principle of the six-ring "wisdom enlightenment technique".

"Don't worry, it's not a human or an elf inside. It comes from a monkey that was dying after an experiment."

Looking at it this way, every move of the "Gardener" does look like a monkey, and compared to the creature in Rorschach's previous life, it resembles a gibbon. Apes are not native to the continent of Feralon. They were originally brought back by ocean-going sailors for the purpose of performance.

Later, the Forest Tower cultivated a batch of monkeys as test subjects, and Rorschach spent a lot of money to buy a "family of monkeys". The birth of "Gardener" was Rorschach's first attempt at the necromantic [Intelligence Technique] with the dual purpose of practicing magic and not wasting.

I didn't expect it to be a success. Rorschach even doubts himself. Does he really have the potential to be a villain?

Caroline sighed: "I shouldn't interfere too much with you, Master Rorschach, but please treat some magic and magical creatures with caution in the future. Some things cannot leave the magic tower and your laboratory easily."

The sixth-ring [Intelligence Enlightenment] is a spell in the necromancy system that is not too anti-human and anti-social. It was even widely used in ancient times to create servants. Mages with a little bit of principle will avoid using their own kind.

There are also people who master it in the Thirteen Magic Towers, such as the no-prize quiz: How did the Tower of Secrets get so many gargoyle servants?

Answer: Petrify the unwelcome intruder and deform it, bind the soul in the stone statue and use the [Wisdom Enlightenment Technique], and you will get a cute little girl with flapping wings.

It is said that learning too much magic, like the law, will make people gradually lose their humanity. Caroline didn't want to see Rorschach go too deep into the realm of necromancy.

Rorschach squatted down to be level with the "gardener". He teased the hose arm and felt the hydraulic oil pipe bundle and link key inside: "The law cannot leave the house? Teacher, on the contrary, I want to promote it. Now Taling wants to There are too many constructs to manage, and I am worried that it will be schizophrenic. The constructs created by [Intelligence Technique] are a good supplement.

"If it is [Intelligence Technique] that does not control the created person, can it also be used on people? For example, if a person is dying on the battlefield, a better container can be created for him to preserve the combat experience. , his life can also be extended.”

For people who were seriously injured, such as those whose bodies were half cut off by a cannonball, even healing scrolls or general healing magic could not bring them back. In the Silent Age, the legendary magic that could resurrect the dead was also lost along with the disappearing gods. .

Therefore, the [Intelligence Enlightenment Technique] that only requires a complete brain also has the value of continuing the existence of the soul, provided that the caster does not brainwash or control the recipient.

No Necromancer or other mage has spent any effort to develop the effect of giving up the "control" of the caster. For most, such [Intelligence Enlightenment] is weakened.

But Rorschach does not think that the effect of giving up dominance should be improvement, so that the constraints of secular morality can be alleviated on the way to promoting it. Even if you combine the mycelial life of elves and the symbionts of living water bodies, it is not necessarily possible to create intelligent creatures with the ability to cast spells.

Even if we don't consider the possibility of that far away, the above two technologies can still be used in the new generation of constructs, which do not rely on tower spirits and can achieve a wider range of activities.

In this way, the constructs can get out of the mage tower and factory and gain actual combat effectiveness.

Rorschach confessed his thoughts to Caroline. Caroline was silent for a while before saying: "Who else knows such thoughts?"

“I communicated with Masters Kuber and Humboldt through letters and put forward ideas, and they also provided theoretical and biological material support.

"In the mage tower, Andre is involved in the execution, and there is also the magic-less Martin."

Caroline shook her head: "Regarding these experiments, I am not good at related magic, and I lack specialized knowledge. Secondly, I don't fully agree with you on this matter. So Rorschach, I'm sorry that I can't do it with you. to help you with related matters.”

"Even if you don't agree, you have given me full respect, thank you." As long as Teacher Caroline does not leave the Mage Tower, Rorschach will not worry about gains and losses, because her field of expertise is indeed not here, and there will be no quarrels or objections. Obstruction is enough.

"I have one last question. You want to participate in this war, right? So what do you want to get from it? At first, I only thought that your ideals were similar to mine, and I hoped that more people would have the opportunity to learn magic, but I personally observed It turned out later that there was more to it than that.”

How to get into such a serious topic step by step? Rorschach had a headache organizing the words. His intuition told him that his answer would determine whether Caroline would stay or go:

"Teacher Caroline, what do you think of the life of civilians in the Special Administrative Region?"

"It's not too good, but it's not bad either." However, this is compared with the past. During the war, the living standards of the old farmers in Kempson and Lanster actually increased, which is simply incredible.

"Then I want to make the whole Bayern become like the special zone. Is it possible?" Rorschach asked and answered: "Impossible, I can't get out of the circle drawn by the royal family. They will not allow cities like Munich and Wirz to follow Let me go, that is their territory, their 'field'.

"Bain can't do it, and the Empire is even less possible. Fortunately, the current Valois can bring hope. But this hope does not fall out of thin air, you must take the initiative to fight for it.

"In the end, you are a bit wrong. It's not that I want to join the war. Judging from the orders from the food factory, the empire is about to launch a large-scale campaign, and the number of incidents of logistical transportation lines being sneak-attacked and blocked by the Valois rebels is also increasing.

"The war is about to enter the next more intense stage, and there is not much time left for the Byrne Kingdom to survive alone."

In the northern part of the Valuauna region, the imperial army's temporary camp.

"How is your injury?" General Karl walked into the young officer's tent, patted Richard on the shoulder, and nodded to the young officer who lived with Richard in the tent.

"I used scrolls and potions to treat it after I came back, and it's no problem." Theoretically, the injuries from the last battle can be completely cured, but Richard always felt that his shoulders and arms were a little uncomfortable. He suspected that they were accumulated over time. Injuries, such as dislocation of fascia and muscles, even the scroll cannot fully recover from.

In any case, compared to ordinary wounded soldiers who are in short supply of medicines, Richard has already enjoyed the luxurious treatment of a military mage.

Karl briefly chatted a few words, and the general idea was that the order of battle needed to be reorganized. His legion and other severely attrited legions would be mixed and put into the next battle, and they might not be able to be Richard's peak anymore.

"If you want, you can still take care of the original regiment." Karl, who had been dismantled, felt relaxed. He even applied to the military department to return to China for recuperation - the first regiment conquered the capital of the region, and General Karl's merit list was enough for him to lie down comfortably. Lie comfortably.

After General Karl left, Richard took out another pamphlet from the storage ring.

"Why should I hide the book from the general?" The young officer who lived with him had become familiar with Richard during these days and grabbed it directly from his hands. Before reading two pages, his eyes widened: "You are reading."

Richard read more and more about his temporary roommate, unable to stop flipping through the book, and gradually calmed down: "Since you have suffered a defeat, you should know more about the enemy, especially the enemy who has suddenly become stronger.

"We should all understand what makes a ragtag group of people brave and fearless of death."

Richard would not think like most people that the fundamental reason for the failure was that a mage joined Valois. He wanted to understand why those mages would rather quit the guild and join the National Guard.

At the artillery position, the faces of the two spellcasters were vividly visible, and the tricolor flowers on their hats were deeply etched into Richard's mind.

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