Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 413 Upset

After spring, the Valois region experienced frequent rainfall, which was obviously a negative factor for the war, and the marching team was greatly slowed down.

"Hurry up!" There were urging voices everywhere. The Imperial Army was making tense deployments. The heavy artillery was stuck in the mud. The packhorse alone was not enough to pull them out of the trench where they were pressed. The soldiers needed to pull forward and push back. .

There are many inconveniences caused by the rainy season, which makes everyone tired, and the musty smell of the camping tents and sleeping bags makes it difficult to sleep peacefully.

In fact, in the past three months of fighting, just like the blade of a knife will become dull, the main force of the Imperial Army has accumulated a lot of fatigue and injuries. However, a series of victories provided high morale and covered up various problems. Now, the golden body of victory is broken.

"Isn't there anyone among your mages who can change this damn weather?" The young officer who was traveling with Richard joked, holding a cigarette in his mouth and handing it to Richard.

Richard declined, and the young officer pointed to his mouth and made another gesture of striking a match.

There was still a thin layer of rain in the sky. Richard rubbed his hands and lit them for his colleagues out of thin air. Another arc of light flashed: "Now your smoke is not afraid of water."

"Then if I swallow it in my stomach, it will continue to burn?" In addition to the cold joke, there was also smoke spurting out from the other person's mouth and nostrils. Richard did not avoid it and allowed himself to be engulfed by the second-hand smoke. Hearing the other party continue to say: "It's not bad, I can't let you go, Colonel Richard."

"We are in the same division now, so we will act together in the next battle." The military finally figured it out. They no longer organized the precious mages together, but replaced all the special clothing and let each spell caster hide in the team. .

Against the rain, Richard participated in the pre-war mobilization. He was absent-minded and vaguely heard the general on the stage roaring randomly with the blessing of [amplification technology].

The enemy is approaching and this battle determines the situation of the entire Valois battlefield and must be won.

Vaguely, he remembered the graduation speech, and just like now, Richard was absent-minded.

However, the general's words were not false. The imperial army's unstoppable military strength not only caused the fatigue of the first batch of troops, but also brought about a more fatal problem-the main force's defense line was empty. The left and right wings of the Imperial Army and the Kingdom's First and Third Legions resisted each other. Since they were not the main force and did not receive sufficient supplies, the progress was not as smooth as expected. The southern and northwest coasts of the Kingdom were still in the hands of the Valois.

But now the main force is facing the National Guard, an army composed of "laymen" assembled from all over the country, but it has not made a breakthrough. The command headquarters did not expect such a situation from the beginning. Behind the main force of the Imperial Army was a fragile and poorly built defense line and a slender supply line, all the way to the capital of the Conti region.

Intelligence showed that the National Guard was still expanding, and the rebels from the south who had not caught up with the defense of the royal capital had also successfully arrived, forming eight new armies. At least 200,000 armed forces had an overwhelming advantage over the current main force of the Imperial Army.

Then, this battle in the northern part of the Valuauna region must be won, otherwise it will cause an unimaginable and unacceptable retreat. In order to reverse the numerical advantage, the military headquarters gave up the defense change and chose to let the vanguard troops continue to be in the front and join forces with the follow-up troops.

"Deploy them in front of the first trench and coordinate with the engineers. Hurry up, and hurry up." The frontline commander issued a novel idea.

Richard saw carts of iron products. Their main bodies were thick iron wires with loops and spikes wrapped around them. It was very difficult to arrange them. The engineers wore thick leather or cotton gloves, which were thick and thick. The loop of wire is very tight, and it is easy to cut your hands when you break it with force.

With great difficulty, a barbed wire fence was erected in front of the trench. Richard took a closer look at this new thing and found that there was a nameplate hanging on each section of the barbed wire: "Kempson Steel Works." There was also the date of manufacture and batch number.

I remember Kempson is in Byrne, right? Could it be that after the Valois Army captures it, they can still order from them? For some reason, Richard had an absurd idea pop up out of thin air.

Originally, the Imperial Army would only build trenches when attacking a city. Now, in order to protect the frontline camp, frontline commanders have rarely begun to build trenches and defensive fortifications.

Radical officers and soldiers were deeply dissatisfied with such "cowardly behavior". The most resentful were the engineers who had to dig mud in the rain. Amidst the curses, the cautious commander was nicknamed "Richard the Turtle". .

It has nothing to do with the military mage Colonel Richard. The commander happens to have the same name as him, Lieutenant Colonel Richard Henchy, the commander of the Engineer Regiment of the 1st Division of the newly formed Army of the South. Just a guy who lives in a tent, reads books to him and lights cigarettes.

Other commanders do not believe that turtle behavior is the optimal solution. They jointly made a plan for active defense at the headquarters and have begun to occupy high ground and set up positions.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and with it comes the enemy.

The artillery barrage announced the beginning of the war. The artillery of both sides attacked each other. The Imperial Army's artillery had a longer range, but the National Guard's artillery seemed to be more mobile and fired more intensively. After confirming that the first line of the Imperial Army had been dispersed by artillery fire, the Valois Army launched a decisive attack.

Richard and other officers had already experienced the fearless column charge, so the general chose to strengthen the firepower on the left and right wings and use all the cavalry to break up the column.

During the pre-war meeting, "Richard the Turtle" even slapped the table and shouted, "Trenches, use more trenches to block them!", and was kicked out of the camp for disturbing order.

"Put in the cavalry brigade and prepare the reserves."

After receiving the order, the Imperial cavalry began to accelerate, trying to rush into the side of the enemy column. However, the National Guard infantry began to change their formations. They spread out, avoiding the artillery fire and cavalry in front, and quickly approached the Imperial infantry with frontal bullets.

The spellcaster Richard stood at a high point and used a telescope to observe the entire process of the enemy's changes. He was given the task of beheading. General Karl's idea was confirmed, and some mages were asked to assault the enemy's high-value targets, such as artillery positions and commanders. Of course, now that the Valois Army also has mages, the enemy's key points must also be guarded by spellcasters.

So Richard patiently observed first and looked for the opportunity to take action. Beside him, there was also a hunter from the Byrne Legion. The Byrne Army was passive and dilly-dallying, and was finally "forced" to dilly-dally to the front line when the Imperial Army's vanguard failed. Byrne's army seems to have a large number of mountain hunters.

The hunter beside Richard was also observing, and then he took out his gun and set it up. The gun was wrapped in cloth. Richard couldn't see the shape of the gun, but he could tell from the length of the gun that the Byrne hunter No imperial standard weapons were used.

No, it was too distracting. Even though Richard was on the battlefield today, he couldn't stop his thoughts. He worked hard and finally locked a valuable target through the telescope.

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