Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 414 Awareness

Richard locked onto a front line commander who led a column towards his high ground. He was wielding a sword, obviously different from ordinary soldiers.

How to attack and escape unscathed? Just when Richard was thinking about his spell and confirming whether there was a spellcaster around the commander, gunfire suddenly rang in his ears, and the target in the telescope fell to the ground!

Did the Jaeger next to me fire? Richard looked back in surprise and found that the hunter looked like he was hunting in the forest. He did not use a telescope, but squinted one eye to aim and shoot.

Richard also noticed that not much smoke rose from the barrel.

"Why are you still standing there? Let's go. Every time you shoot, you have to change the ground, don't you understand?" The hunter shook off the wet leaves around him and left the high ground.

Before leaving, he took another look at the enemy's troops. The column dispersed after losing its commander, but it still moved towards the Imperial Army.

"It's just like I thought, killing a little boss is useless." The hunter muttered.

Richard, who had been robbed of his head, became interested: "Why?"

"The current Kingdom Army is a bit like our Chasseur Regiment. They spread out their troops and don't have to maintain formation. They just charge forward. The death of a soldier is the same as the death of a small leader. The team can make up its own mind."

The National Guard infantry, which had changed from column to skirmish formation, was still charging, and the Imperial cavalry was only receiving bullets in response as they weaved through. In the original plan, the infantry and cavalry of the Imperial Army were supposed to be "anvils" and "hammers", but when the "hammers" hammered into the loose "cotton", it was not without damage, but the effect was greatly reduced.

Soon the kingdom's cavalry also began to support, and they were elite grenadier cavalry. Each of them wore plate armor, cutting off the retreat route of the imperial cavalry. It was like a hammer falling but losing the possibility of being raised again.

"Damn rainy day!" Facing the approaching enemy, the front row of the Imperial Army began to curse the weather.

Even though it was a flintlock gun, the water still increased the probability of the Imperial Army misfiring, giving the skirmishers better room to charge. The new recruits of the National Guard did not receive much training, and only one simple and crude key was deeply ingrained in their minds - within 20 seconds of the enemy reloading, they must advance at least fifty-five steps.

The flexible skirmishers charged, and when the gun line was dense, they found bunkers or simply lay down in the mud. When the firepower in front was slightly weaker, they got up and ran forward as hard as they could. It doesn't matter if it misfires, as long as it can get in front of the imperial guys, there are cheap bayonets waiting for them.

In the rain and mud, an elegant hand-to-hand battle began. Blue and gray military uniforms rolled in the mud, and blood fell into the trampled ground. Valois's army advanced, and the Imperial Army retreated.

As the front retreated, the Imperial artillery positions were exposed to the range of the Valois field artillery. Under precise strikes one after another, the Imperial artillery stopped their effect, and the remaining cannons were dragged trying to withdraw from the battlefield.

The imperial general and his staff watched the battle lines continue to collapse. They obviously did nothing wrong and fought according to the instructions as before, but the enemy changed, became strange, and became stronger.

The general was still calm: "Where are our army's spell casters? The enemy can quickly intercept our cavalry and accurately lock the artillery positions. It is obvious that there are mages to help. Can we call on the secret weapon?"

The mage accompanying the army on the side shook his head: "Since the last battle, we have begun to re-evaluate the way the anti-magic device is put into the battlefield. In order to prevent the technology from falling into the hands of the enemy, you will not see it today or in the past few days."

"What about our spell caster? Will it work?"

"In fact, there are no signs of mages from both sides entering the battlefield. Judging from the last battle, whoever is exposed first will be targeted, so we cannot expose ourselves easily."

The removal of special clothing and integration of the spellcasters who accompanied the army was only the first attempt at reform. Now the mages themselves realized that in battles involving magic, the information gap was a decisive factor. When both sides are scattered and hidden in the crowd, the mage who exposes himself first will be at a disadvantage and the enemy will find ways to deal with it and concentrate its attacks. So the military mages, like Richard, began to act cautiously and covertly.

The general was dissatisfied, but he couldn't get angry at the mage: "Humph, you can continue to wait until the enemy reaches the headquarters!"

"But you are right about one thing. The enemy moved very quickly today. Although the infantry adopted a loose formation, the instructions seemed to be transmitted quickly and the command was precise, making the enemy particularly flexible. For example, just now, the first and third troops of our army The second infantry line was breached, and other enemy infantry units immediately moved towards the breach."

The mage accompanying the army can serve as a staff member. In addition to paying attention to other mages, he also has military literacy himself. He keenly discovered that the reason for the defeat of the Imperial Army in today's battle seemed to be that the command efficiency was overstretched, and the speed and accuracy of the dispatch of the two armies were far behind.

This is really contrary to common sense. The opponent is obviously composed of rebels with very short training time. Now from the battlefield, who is the professional army?

"Is it magic? It must be magic!"

"Maybe, I'll find out."

"It's not enough to figure out what's going on. The important thing is to solve them! Solve this problem, otherwise it will kill us!" The general slapped the map hard. The last time a crime was committed was when "Richard the Turtle" was kicked out.

As Richard attempted to break through enemy lines, he locked onto a new target. The caster noticed an enemy frontline officer standing with a small soldier carrying a strangely large package.

The soldier took off the package. Judging from the movement, the package was very heavy. There was a thin metal pole sticking out from the top and a rocker on the side. The officer opened and closed his mouth, and the soldier pulled the rocker with one hand and manipulated something with the other. It seemed to be connected to the wrapped thing with a soft cord.

The chasseur continued to walk with Richard on the grounds that being able to pick the same piece of high ground as him showed that Richard also had a vision. Now the hunter squinted and looked at the enemy officers and soldiers.

"Grab that thing." The hunter suddenly spoke, sounding like Colonel Richard's commander.

Seeing that Richard was unmoved, he was a little anxious: "Aren't you a mage? That thing must be very important, go quickly."

"You know I'm a mage?"

"Oh, isn't this obvious? If you look at that box again, it must have been made by your kind. First, there will be no unnecessary things on the battlefield. Second, the weirder the thing, the more powerful it is. This is what I summarized in the legion. The experience that comes out is unmistakable.”

Could it be that your Byrne Army has a lot of strange things? Richard didn't know where the idea of ​​a hunter came from, but he now recognized the experience of a hunter.

Suddenly his figure began to blur, and he could not be completely invisible, but it seemed to be enough on the chaotic battlefield. After adding [Spiritual Armor], Richard spread his legs and started running.

The last step was to use [Arcane Vision] to confirm that there were no magic supplies, not even weird boxes, near the officers and soldiers. However, this did not interrupt Richard's action. Suddenly, thick, poisonous smoke enveloped the target. Richard directly slapped it on the backpack and sucked it in with the storage ring.

At the same time, behind the imperial army, three mages were preparing to cast spells collectively. On a rainy day, they chose the same idea as the kingdom mages in the capital of the Conti region - trying to summon thunder in the rain clouds to cause large-scale destruction to the enemy. .

The mage who presided over the collective spellcasting was proficient in meteorology and thunder and lightning spells. He was feeling the "field" in the earth and sky. A large net woven by three people's magic power spread out as much as possible and turned into a subtle electric current.

If there is a dense electrical charge in any area of ​​the sky, he will feel it and start triggering thunder from there. At that time, the "magic induction grid" will be gathered into barrels, sending out currents one by one, forming a small pilot channel, creating a weak point in the air, inducing the charge to break down, and forming lightning.

There is no legendary magic weapon, and he is not a great mage. This mage relies on knowledge and leverages the wrath of nature with a small amount of manpower.

However, this "sensory network" actually captured regular signals.

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