Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 415 Mud Battle

Richard used his storage ring to quickly take away the box and the transmitter, and left.

The officers and signalmen of Valois could not understand what was happening. They inhaled the poisonous mist, and soon their mouths, noses and throats were burning violently. Their eyes kept crying and could not open. What was even more terrifying was that as the raindrops fell, the inexplicable cold air invaded their bodies, and their movements began to slow down, and their lives were gradually coming to an end.

When they could not scream to sound the alarm and were unable to resist, a military knife pierced through the blue and white military uniform and stabbed into the middle of the officer's left chest. The way of stabbing was very clever, with the blade sideways to prevent the knife from getting stuck in the ribs.

Richard drew his knife and silently said in his heart: It is raining now, and the poisonous [Death Cloud Spell] cannot last too long. He left, and when he returned to his side, the proud Byrne hunter was gone.

Right behind him, at the place where the [Death Cloud Spell] was originally released, various spells came from all directions. It was the Valois wizard who was also mixed in the army. After getting the target, he immediately launched an attack.

Fortunately, Richard judged that the strange objects seized were of high value, and after he succeeded, he did not fight to the end or confirm the identity and survival of the officers. He retreated to the rear along the edge of the battlefield, and at this time the infantry on both sides had already mixed together.

The National Guard, who attacked in the form of skirmishers, had a uniform style inherited from the time of the King of the Sun. Even if they were stained with mud and water, you could still see the conspicuous blue of the coat and the white lining. The most conspicuous thing was their bright red trouser legs, which showed the purple color of venous blood after being neutralized with mud.

The main force of the Imperial Army was gray-blue all over, and when the grass was turned over and there was little left, they could better integrate into the earth. All infantrymen wore round helmets. These small hats made of iron did not have wide brims, but had spikes as tops.

The difference in the uniforms of the two armies reflected the difference in concepts. Valois firmly believed that bright uniforms could help soldiers to muster courage, and the Istani also recognized this. The Imperial Army summarized from actual combat and chose low-recognition uniforms, as well as helmets that protected the head and removed the brims that got in the way.

Perhaps it also explains the subtle difference in steel production between the two countries.

The battle line changed in a direction that was unfavorable to the Empire in the tug of war. After a brief observation, Richard went into the bushes beside the battlefield and returned to the rear of the battle line under the cover of vegetation.

In this way, the radio station that went to the battlefield for the first time fell into the hands of the Imperial Army, but they faced a complex mechanism and did not understand how to use it for the time being. Instead, the wizard who originally tried to attract lightning recorded a series of signals.

"Long, short. Long, long, short." In the command center, the technical sergeants and wizards looked at each other. Richard had witnessed the use of the signalman and reported everything. Combined with the wizard who discovered the signal, the general and the staff determined that the enemy relied on it to quickly convey battlefield commands.

"It is farther than the [communication technique] and more concealed. Unfortunately, they seem to communicate using code names and encryption systems. Even if we can intercept these ticking signals, we can't decipher them for a while."

Because the telephone had not been developed, the military radio station as an experimental product still used the method of sending and receiving telegraphs, which made it more difficult for the Imperial Army to crack the secrets of the radio station. If it is plain text communication, the common language will expose all the orders on the battlefield.

The Alchemy Department and Grand Master Poincare chose to use shortwave signals on the battlefield. The radio stations of each unit have low power and charge the lead-acid batteries by hand cranking. In the headquarters, there are three large silver-mercury battery packs to support the main station, which can cover the signals of other units when conveying the highest orders.

In the military tradition of Valois, the orders of superiors cannot be violated, so the characteristics of the current radio stations meet the needs of the army. As a professional army, the Imperial Army has higher quality of grassroots officers and is given more flexible judgment power on the battlefield.

"If you can't crack it for a while, don't waste your brains on it. It's better to think of a way to stop them from using this thing again." After the general made his judgment, he asked the mage who attracted lightning to continue his plan.

"Report, the second front has been breached, and we have lost the mountain on the left."

"Organize a feint attack on the lost high ground to attract the enemy, and other troops are preparing to retreat to the 'turtle shell'." The general gritted his teeth. The fortifications built by the Engineer Regiment "Turtle Richard Hench" were naturally called "turtle shells". It was originally a derogatory name for other officers. Now these temporary fortifications have become the hope of defense.

I hope it is as strong as a turtle shell! The general prayed silently.

"Look at the pointer shaking, you are speeding!" Pascal reminded Paul to take care of the new equipment.

They occupied the key right mountain No. 2 high ground. The comrades of the artillery battalion were pushing the rapid-fire guns up, and there were also shotguns to prevent the imperial army from trying to retake the position. The artillery alone naturally could not defend this hill, so Paul had to ask the headquarters for reinforcements.

It seems that the more urgent it is, the more likely it is to happen, such as when they found that the battery was dead.

Paul needs to remove the battery from the radio and connect the crank to generate electricity and charge it. In order to protect the circuit, the speed of hand cranking is also limited. It cannot be too fast or too slow. The pointer of the simple ammeter must be within the specified range.

Pascal flipped through the manual while instructing Paul, which made his junior brother a little impatient: "Stop nagging, I can't wait to use the [Electric Claw]." As he said that, Paul's right hand began to flow with electricity.

"Then you should crank it quickly, it's better than the uncontrolled current of the spell burning the circuit." Pascal finally compromised and let Paul release the speed and charge crazily. The silver-mercury battery of the headquarters is charged by magic, but the battery capacity and the materials used in the circuit are very different. If Paul really claws it, the radio station of the artillery battalion will be useless.

However, after the call was connected, it was the main station that sent the message repeatedly.

"Channel No. 3 is missing. Communication is suspended?" Paul's face turned green, but at this time, he cursed: "Can't the backup code be enabled?"

Pascal quickly flipped through the manual: "When there is a mage on the battlefield, you need to use the anti-divination cipher text."

Looking down from the high ground, we can see that the mages on both sides are now fighting. Is there a small range of flying sand and rocks, thunderstorms, ice and fire attacks on the battlefield?

"Then use anti-divination cipher text."

Pascal opened the manual and showed it to Paul. There were two blank pages, as if to say "To be continued." The senior brother shrugged: "As a test product, the manual is also a semi-finished product. And I guess, what kind of cipher text can resist divination is a question to be studied."

"Alchemy Department! They missed the opportunity and should be court-martialed! When I return to the capital, I will put Snow's head on the guillotine!"

"Then there's Master Poincaré's head, can you hold it down?" Pascal saw that the enemy was already charging towards the high ground. As he said this, he picked up the short-barreled shotgun he carried with him, but when he pressed the trigger, it sprayed something unexpectedly... It's oil.

"Senior brother, it is against the regulations to modify standard equipment without permission!"

"Don't be so rigid, I'm using my advantage on the battlefield." Pascal put away his gun and looked at the results with satisfaction: [Grease Technique] combined with rainy weather, successfully made the climbing enemy roll back to the foot of the hill.

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