Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 416 Fighter

After all, Pascal could not hold the entire hilltop alone. Fortunately, when the enemy came up, his own follow-up reinforcements also arrived.

Drouot, who was concerned about his men, came up with the remaining artillery and infantry companies willing to support. When communications are suspended, qualified officers like Drouot can seize the opportunity, while other novices are still fighting hard against the Imperial infantry.

"Well done, squadron leader!"

"It's me and my senior brother working together." Paul responded and continued to fight. The two mages achieved great success in the first battle, especially Paul who directed the key bombardment. When they took inventory of the battlefield and found that the unlucky ones who were bombarded each had scroll potions and enchanted weapons, they realized how big a "fish" they had hit.

So the gunner was promoted to squadron leader and commanded 1/3 of Drouot's artillery battalion. Pascal instead became Paul's adjutant. Their promotion speed is not very fast at the moment. After the expansion of the National Guard, on the one hand, there is a shortage of officers, and those with a little talent and merit can be promoted. On the other hand, this is also an incentive to boost morale.

However, the situation in Army Weaving and Valluana remains chaotic, so the military ranks have not yet been finalized. Even if the commendation order can catch up, judging from Paul's performance today, it needs to be updated again.

"Set up the cannon and shoot me down the mountain!" Pascal applied a [Levitation Technique] to the shotgun to speed up everyone's transfer and erection. However, he forgot about the existence of recoil for a moment, and almost failed to fire the lightweight gun barrel in the opposite direction with one blast. go out.

Paul watched the battlefield situation and suddenly said: "Stop setting up artillery, let's move from this high ground."

Drouot couldn't even understand: "We finally occupied this key position, and we have to give up?" He thought Paul was frightened by the enemies who fought back.

"It's not about giving up, it's about preparing to move. This place will soon be useless." Paul didn't use a telescope and squinted to take in a panoramic view of the battlefield in the rain:

"On the main battlefield below, our army's follow-up charge was obviously weak, but the imperial army had no intention of counterattack. The battle line seemed to have made a breakthrough in the west, but in fact there was no large-scale reduction of enemy troops. This shows that the imperial infantry is closing the battle line in an orderly manner. Move closer to the east side.”

Drouot looked and saw that the density of the Imperial Army's eastern front had increased a lot.

"But their east side, that is, our side, even though they knew that Highland 2 was lost, they still approached and were exposed to artillery fire. It is impossible for the enemy to mobilize all their troops to regain a position, right? Abnormal scheduling

"Combined with the enemy troops who are now returning to attack the high ground." Paul retracted his gaze and looked down at the enemies attacking the high ground.

At this time, Pascal was leading his comrades in the artillery battalion to fight bravely against the enemy, preventing them from advancing even an inch. However, in Paul's eyes, it was clear that the opponent's fighting will was not high: "These enemy troops used small groups to make feint attacks in rotation, trying their best to Avoid casualties from fighting and then combine with the main force moving closer to the east."

He took out the map: "We should go around the woods from the east side and go to the semi-permanent camp that the scouts explored before."

Paul's thoughts and speaking speed were very fast, and Drouot could only extract the core idea: Paul judged that the enemy was going to retreat on a large scale! Therefore, the strategic significance of the highlands now occupied has plummeted. Instead of taking time to deploy and then fire one or two shots, it is better to move to the next position to ensure that the enemy's main force is still within range.

"It's very simple to verify." Paul also ran to the edge of the high ground and discussed with Pascal for a moment using [Communication Technique]. The two of them used [Fireball Technique] together, and it was as big a fireball as possible.

This trick is not about the number of kills, but the most direct way to tell the enemies below: There is a spell caster here!

Sure enough, the heat wave of the fireball faded away, revealing the cautious and fearful faces of the Imperials. They still pointed their guns at the Valois people on the highlands, but they had begun to gradually retreat.

"It's just as I thought." Paul looked down at the retreating soldiers. He turned around and reported to his commander: "It was indeed the enemy who was feigning an attack. They have retreated now. And after we cast the spell, no enemy mages fought back, which proves that those guys have moved. Yes. The wise caster is always the first to escape."

Drouot finally trusted Paul's judgment and issued new instructions to the entire battalion to move closer to the enemy's position. He said to Paul: "But you two can always be at the forefront."

Pascal thought to himself: Actually, I was dragged away by my junior brother.

As Paul walked, he raised his arms and shouted: "Because I want to defend the motherland! I want to make meritorious deeds! Become a general!" He stared at the smoke-filled battlefield: "When I got here, I was even more convinced that I was a qualified Garsiconi. Jun, I like fighting!"

Drouot patted his shoulder with approval before leaving: "Yes, soldiers who don't want to become generals are cowards."

Pascal noticed the change in his junior brother's expression and used [Messaging Technique] to quietly ask: "What's wrong with you? Is your shoulder injured?"

Paul's aura was a little depressed: "It's not sir. Mr. Drouot took away what I wanted to say!"

Pascal rolled his eyes while holding the gun: "Are you embarrassed to boast like this?"

Taking advantage of the victory, the Valois Army planned to continue using skirmishing tactics.

The commander replaced the more attrited troops, reorganized the soldiers who still had fighting capacity, and sent them straight through the woods - as long as there was no formation, the sparse groves would not disrupt the formation. On the east road, the grenadier cavalry took turns to harass the tail of the retreating enemy troops. The original reserve team became the main force, following the cavalry in pursuit.

The Imperial Army retreated to the "Turtle Shell".

It is said to be a "shell", but there is no permanent fortress. Instead, the camp is surrounded by more than five floors of trenches. Combined with the scattered longitudinal communication trenches, when viewed from a bird's eye view, it does look like the cracks of a turtle shell.

The frenzy of "Richard the Turtle" can be seen just from the number of layers. It is also because of the rotation of top generals that he and his engineers had four days and three nights of digging time without the supervision of their superiors. Wizard Richard had reason to suspect that if the quantity of barbed wire was sufficient, he would definitely put it in front of every trench.

Now, the trenches that were considered redundant played a key role. They accommodated most of the Imperial infantry, and combined with the small steel helmets, gave every Imperial soldier a great sense of security.

Naturally, the cavalry could not attack, and the infantry of the National Guard did not arrive so quickly. The imperial soldiers who turned at a rapid speed leaned against the muddy wall and took a breather.

During this period, artillery shells actually fell into the trenches. They were frightened at first, but soon discovered that the probability of being hit was extremely small.

Paul, who entered the new position at this time, took the telescope handed by Drouot. The battalion commander asked: "How is it?"

Paul clicked his tongue: "The result is close to nothing. These shrunken bastards are scattered in the ditch. If they are shot down, it will be a waste of ammunition."

"It's a pity. It's rare that we can reach the new position as quickly as possible." Drouot also took risks. Their artillery battalion moved too fast. If the messenger from the headquarters can't find anyone, he will probably be punished without permission. The behavior will be dealt with by military law.

"No, our battalion can still function." Paul asked the cannon to adjust its target: "Hit that thing in front of the defense line, and hit all the cannonballs in one place as much as possible."

Paul had discovered that barbed wire hindered skirmishing tactics. Now the Imperial infantry had better cover, while the National Guard infantry was helpless against the barbed wire.

Paul's cannonball opened a hole, but a new section of barbed wire quickly filled it.

"We have to find a way to continue to break through!" Paul returned the telescope to Drouot.

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