Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 417 Progress in Practice

The artillery battalion where Paul and Pascal were stationed temporarily ceased fire and gave up its ineffective attempt to break the enemy's defense line.

At the same time, other mages hidden in the National Guard have already thought of a way to break through:

Without any warning, a giant hand of earth and rocks burst out of the ground and struck hard on the barbed wire fence and the first trench. The soldiers in the trench were knocked unconscious and buried alive before they realized what was coming out of their eyes.

After the palm collapsed, it successfully constructed a ramp across the barbed wire fence. The National Guard infantry cheered and concentrated on sprinting towards this defensive gap.

"Who is the commander below, and why do you want the soldiers to die?" Paul made another unexpected comment, and his words were fulfilled in an instant - the artillery shells from the rear of the Imperial Army tilted and hit the gap hard, not even Be wary of your own defenders.

The purpose of the bombardment is not just to make the enemy retreat, but the presence of the giant palm of earth and stone indicates that there is a Valois mage nearby, at least an intermediate one. A high value and highly dangerous target is exposed and must be eliminated.

Then the area that was initially plowed by the shells became the focus of the mages' mutual attacks. Perhaps the artillery fire from the imperial position was not expected to kill the enemy mages in the first place, but to defend against the shells, it would always consume the opponent's protective means.

Rays, missiles danced wildly, and there were strange fluctuations. All kinds of supernatural phenomena were entangled together. Ordinary people consciously stepped back and gave up on this "contest". In the gap in the defense line, the spellcasters who had kept a low profile for the whole game exposed their positions to each other, and the confrontation instantly turned into a contest between the Imperial Academy of Magic and the Tower of Stars.

In the battle, the emphasis of teaching on both sides is naturally reflected:

From the side of the empire, low-level evocation magic poured out, direct and violent. The mages of the Tower of Stars, like other soldiers of the National Guard, seriously lacked military education before the war, but their spell list was more extensive. Although they lacked coordination for a while, they produced various unexpected effects.

The empire's military mage found that he was always unable to hit the opponent, as if there was an invisible curtain between the two, deflecting his vision. Compared with the straightforward and easy-to-understand fire, electricity, ice bullets, etc., The mages of Valois "sent" incomprehensible silver stars and embodied runes. Their fatal effects would only appear when they hit, catching the imperial mages by surprise.

However, the empire's military mages gradually gained the upper hand. Most of them were graduates of the Royal Academy and were required to give up singing from the beginning. However, only a few of the spellcasters in the Valois army could cast spells silently, and many still needed to mutter. After a while, although both sides needed to coordinate gestures and casting materials, the accumulation of such a small gap allowed the Empire's firepower to gradually suppress the Kingdom's side.

At the same time, chanting loses its concealment, and the original tradition is magnified into a fatal problem on the battlefield.

In the end, they were mainly low-level spellcasters. The "cannon fodder" from the Royal Academy of Magic had a numerical advantage over the Valois mages and apprentices who originally came from the "research institution."

On the imperial side, a mage climbed up from the trench. He was Captain Schmidt who had captured the Moncado Fortress with Richard. His non-spellcasting subordinates were far away from the gap where magic flew, giving Schmidt and other Imperial mages room to free their hands.

The low-level mage wiped the mud off his face, revealing the scar on the left side again. The scar began to become congested with blood and became swollen and pink, which also meant that he was preparing magic.

There was a fireball flying in front of him. Schmidt shot the [Force Field Wave] away. Unexpectedly, the fireball collapsed after impact and reorganized into a human shape. A Valois mage who had lost his hat staggered and fell in front of the trench, with sparks scattered in all directions. It turns into flying points of light, but there is no heat, no steam that turns into raindrops.

Schmidt was surprised at first when faced with the change, and then he guessed that the "fireball" he had seen before was an illusion - most mages would dodge missiles like this, so by disguising themselves as fireballs and launching them, they could instantly cross the defense line.

A bit quick-witted, but didn't consider that the fireball would be intercepted? Schmidt found it difficult to evaluate this reckless spellcaster, and drew out the blunderbuss from his waist to capture prisoners.

Mage Valois, who was struck by the [Force Field Wave], moved again. He was still crawling in the mud, raised his head and looked at Schmidt, holding an enchanted dagger in his mouth. Its blade is not metal, but irregular crystal, which is a reproduction of a stone tool.

Damn it, I can't hit it at the critical moment! Schmidt tapped the trigger several times, but nothing happened. There was a barbed wire fence around him. He didn't need gestures. There was only one spell that could be cast the fastest.

Schmidt no longer hesitated. He didn't want to personally verify the effect of the crystal dagger, so he stepped forward and grabbed the enemy. Such slender arms. As a soldier, his arms are strong and strong, but the other person looks like a student regardless of his age or physique.

But this enemy was looking at him fiercely, and the dagger was still shining with a dangerous light, about to be activated.

Schmidt lifted the anti-mage up like a chicken. At this moment, the two figures fell into a blur at the same time. After the captain dragged the mage into the barbed wire, the blur was lifted, and there was another scream on the battlefield. The dagger lost its luster and fell into the mud.

Schmidt wanted to pick up the dagger, but there was an explosion behind him, and the air wave also hit him on the barbed wire fence.

Just before Valois' mages were about to collapse, the artillery battalion's second round of loading was completed and the guns were fired decisively.

There was a firing calibration for the first attempt to bombard the barbed wire defense line. The second round of shells did not hurt our own people as much as possible and fell on the enemy's heads. The empire's accompanying mages suffered a double blow of kinetic energy and thermal energy that was not inferior to their own magic, and lost the remaining power to pursue the enemy mages in pursuit of the victory.

"Okay, if you can't reach the cannon on the opposite side, you can't hit the front line?" After Paul confirmed the battle situation, he patted the still warm barrel of the cannon and applauded.

At this point, the mages of both sides have their own victories and defeats. Just like the troops are retreating after the golden bell, the war drums on both sides sound, and the spellcasters retreat into the crowd or trenches. The artillery fire from both the empire and the kingdom has also ended.

The war drum is not actually a signal for the caster to retreat, but an instruction for ordinary soldiers to charge. In the gap, the blue, white and red crowd braved the hail of bullets and advanced fearlessly again, shouting slogans to defend Valois and plunged into the first trench.

Drouot and Paul, looking from a high point, both discovered the problem: the battle is wide!

Even though there were many National Guard soldiers rushing to the first trench, the width of the trench was only that small. In addition, the structure of the trench was a mesh. Of course, the vertically connected communication trenches could not go all the way to the bottom, but were arranged in a staggered manner.

In other words, if the National Guard wants to break through the entire five lines of defense, it must capture multiple intersections. These key points gave the defenders space to set up their guns, and also restricted the number of attackers to a tight limit - in the trenches, it was only two against two, unless the kingdom had some weapons to allow the firepower of individual soldiers. Gain an overwhelming advantage.

The mage who rejoined the ordinary people tried to open up the situation again, but just like at the beginning, the casters of the two parties were entangled with each other, and whoever cast the spell had priority to focus the fire. Therefore, even if a fire ignited in the trench, billowing poison would escape the next. There were smoke and people trying to destroy the trench structure. It looked lively, but the decision-making power on the battlefield still fell to ordinary soldiers fighting gun against gun and knife against knife.

On the one hand, these mages are constantly testing, hiding and scattered among ordinary people. They lack effective cooperation and lose the final say. On the other hand, at this time, the casters on the front line are mainly low-level and apprentices, and high-end combat power has been reduced. The generals of the two armies stood beside them to guard against sneak attacks by the high-end combat power from the opposite side.

To put it bluntly, the situation on the front line is that of novices pecking each other. The magic-forbidden devices and giant constructs that appeared in the last battle were tacitly not taken out. They should have been returned to the factory for improvement.

The only most effective thing was that the imperial army mage fired several [Lightning Beams] at the barbed wire fence. The electric current did not need to penetrate the air, but happily ran along the barbed wire fence, successfully preventing the National Guard from attacking from the defense line beyond the gap.

Paul's eyes were almost glued to the telescope, and the whole process was firmly recorded in his mind.

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