Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 418 Plan failed

"I hope the general can give up the attack as soon as possible and stop letting our comrades die in the stinking ditch." Paul witnessed the hand-to-hand combat in the trenches, which was slow and brutal.

For the attacker, the five trenches simply constitute a muddy maze of death, and they can encounter ready enemies at any time around the corner. The narrow passage, the increasing rain, and the double debuff made the long rifles basically useless. The soldiers who entered the trench had no choice but to take off their bayonets and fight with the enemy.

"We need to find new tactics that can cut through the layers of barbed wire and trenches lengthwise, instead of being squeezed into one spot like now." Paul thought of his favorite mille-feuille - puff pastry, cream, and fruit layers. The stacked desserts must be cut layer by layer with a sharp knife. Otherwise, if you bite directly, you will be as embarrassed as today's infantry.

"The 'knife' that cuts through the thousand-layer defense line needs a good 'blade' that can break through barbed wire fences, cross trenches, withstand bullets, and open up a relatively safe passage for the following troops."

"Let the mage rush to the front? Or the heavily armored knight?" Drouot thought this way.

In the current battle, in order to maximize their morale advantage, the National Guard boldly adopted skirmishing tactics, coupled with the application of radio, and achieved impressive results in the first round of charge battles.

However, by coincidence, Valois's soldiers ran into the masterpiece of "Lieutenant Colonel Turtle". During this period, the mages of Valois tried to repeat their old tricks and open more gaps. Unfortunately, the imperial mages who were already on guard used their plastic energy spells to bombard the earth and stone palms before they hit the ground. There is also the disgusting [Lightning Beam]. Every time the National Guard is about to break through the gap, it comes and electrifies the tired soldiers.

In this way, the Imperial Army's position was stabilized, and some officers even thought that the fortress with five layers of armor was impregnable.

But Lieutenant Colonel Hench, the paranoid man in the defensive position and the creator of the ditch, thought otherwise. Even when he arrived at the command post's tent, he couldn't sit still. He smoked cigarettes one after another, and the smell of low-quality tobacco filled the command post.

The general himself can smoke, but what he wants to inhale more is the fine aroma burned in the high-end pipe pot, rather than the second-hand smoke mixed with moisture.

Fortunately, "Lieutenant Colonel Turtle" has become the biggest hero at the moment, and he is too embarrassed to drive Hengqi out of the camp again. The general and staff could only glance at him occasionally and let him continue to pace and smoke.

Richard is now standing with the eponymous Lieutenant Colonel Richard Hench, watching how the general directs this "counterattack". In fact, everyone knows that if they are not captured by the National Guard today, it will be victory.

Finally, Richard Henchy dragged his eponymous colonel out with him, and the others were granted amnesty.

(Mage) Richard knew why Hench was anxious. The two of them were standing in the rain. The problem was the water that fell on them:

Richard Henchy pointed out that when the trenches were built, they were not equipped with complete drainage due to the rush of work. In fact, the nasty spring rains in Valois kept falling, and water accumulation in the trenches was an inevitable problem.

No iron man can keep fighting in the mud all the time, not to mention that the weather is not hot enough now and the rain will cause hypothermia.

Hench took out his pocket watch: "The battle has lasted for nearly four hours. Except for the wounded who were lucky enough to be evacuated, the general did not have the extra troops to rotate out the first batch of combatants. Think about it, fighting in the cold, muddy water , no hot food or water.”

Richard somewhat understood why Lieutenant Colonel Hench would preside over the construction of trenches with an almost paranoid attitude. He not only bases his judgment on the situation, but also the way he thinks for the soldiers. A qualified general should "protect his soldiers for the sake of victory," but Hench couldn't do that.

"General, maybe you are right. What you said is also troublesome for the enemy. What our army has to do now is to delay as much as possible until the enemy retreats and gives up the attack."

"Yes, what you and the general said are both correct." The cigarette in Hengqi's hand was extinguished by the rain, making him a little helpless in holding the cigarette. After Richard cast the spell on him and lit it again, Hench took a deep breath: "But don't forget the evil morale of the National Guard."

In an era when an average of 400 projectiles were needed to cause fatal damage, morale also weighed heavily among the decisive factors.

Lieutenant Colonel Hench has read the book that Richard found. He can basically understand the source of the enemy's morale. However, he believes that the rise and fall of morale on the battlefield mainly depends on the combat situation. Those who "speak better than sing" The slogan is nothing more than a "basic value" that improves morale.

Hengqi puffed out white smoke: "Now the two sides are engaged in a bitter battle. According to the current trend, the water in the trenches is rising higher and higher, and the morale of both sides is getting lower and lower. But we are fighting a defensive battle. What will happen if something happens in the camp? Unexpectedly, not only will we lose our own strength, but it will also greatly increase the momentum of those Valois people."

What Henchy wanted to guard against was what Richard had done when he captured the fortress of Moncado. If the enemy succeeds in a sneak attack, the deadlock will be broken instantly.

The reason he pulled Richard out was also based on this: the one who could break through the defense line and attack the Imperial Army's rear camp now was most likely a spell caster. And if you want to guard against mages, you can only be mages.

Richard understood Hengqi's anxiety, and he continued to think carefully for Hengqi: "At the command post, even if I am missing, there are still three intermediate mages, so don't worry. The medical area and the maintenance area are not of much value, so what should we do? The general reported that the defense of the ammunition depot should be strengthened. "

"That's right, hurry up."

The battle and the rain seemed to be coming to an end, and the National Guard and the Imperial Army were all stretched to their limits.

As more and more men with good arms and legs were brought to the battlefield, the defense of the Imperial Army camp gradually became empty.

In front of the ammunition depot, the soldiers who were originally responsible for patrols had to take on the task of transporting ammunition supplies. They did not know how many times they had to run. They were very tired and did not cover the waterproof felt as carefully as they did at the beginning.

After the soldiers carrying the ammunition left, a small explosion mixed with the sound of rain, and at the same time, a spellcaster sneaked into the camp. He appeared out of thin air, and the illusory curtain that blocked it made the space in the corner of the ammunition depot slightly disharmonious.

It was successful. The spell caster who came for the sneak attack tried his best to calm himself down, calmed down and crept inside, walked past the open crate, and stopped at the place where the gunpowder was stored.

At this moment, the effect of the scroll ended, and the curtain that helped him become invisible collapsed, revealing the young man's worried face and his military uniform covered in mud. He also obtained the Imperial Army's gray-blue uniform, which didn't fit him well.

Apprentice Jules, a person with exceptional talent in space spells, if he had not joined the National Guard, he should have continued to study at the Tower of Stars, because his talent would be valued and he would have achieved an attainment at least as good as Caroline's.

He used the most proficient "leap" for sneaking and breakthrough. The more refined "leap" was [Mesmerizing Step], a displacement spell that tests talent. Now he still needs the help of moonstone powder to achieve it.

The bold apprentice grabbed another handful of moonstone powder from the material bag. There was not much powder left in the bag, and he might not be able to return safely.

But it doesn't matter. There is no one else now, and Jules' other hand condenses a small flame

"caught you."

Richard's voice rang out from the felt cloth, and Jules, who was unprepared, was hit by the ray, and his body gradually became cold. The flames died, along with the apprentice's plans.

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