Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 419: Taking in Prisoners of Spellcasters

Spellcasters are dangerous, and the danger often comes from the unknown. It is difficult to know what unexpected magic they will come up with.

So Richard's first thought was to control the infiltrator and take him away from the ammunition depot. At the same time, Lieutenant Colonel Hench jumped out from the felt cloth, raised the butt of his gun and aimed it at the back of the intruder's head.

boom! Hench's original target disappeared out of thin air, the butt of the gun hit Richard hard, and the two of them collided.

"Are you okay?"

"Get up first if there is a spirit armor in the way!" The traces of spellcasting left behind by the escape were a hazy brilliance, creating a subtle atmosphere between the two Richards who were forced to embrace each other. Richard pushed Hench away fiercely and quickly looked for the missing intruder.

The moment before the lieutenant colonel made his move, the moonstone powder in Zhu Er's hand was activated, and a soft glow spread from the hand holding the powder to the apprentice's body, and then quickly dissipated. The whole process lasted only a moment, and Richard made a mistake at this time. He should have tried to quickly bend the wrist of the apprentice he grabbed, interrupting the spell-casting state with pain.

Ha. Ha. Jules is still in the ammunition depot. The consumption caused by "leaping" and the lag after being hit by the [Freeze Ray] are superimposed, and the feeling of coldness invading the body is even stronger. The apprentice longed for a bowl of steaming beef consommé.

But this is not a restaurant. There is only the smell of damp musty, the rust of iron, and the indescribable smell of gunpowder. Oh yes, there are two more enemies! One of them was a confirmed mage, and if the other one was too, Jules was a little desperate.

"Leap" is the same as the official spell [Mysterious Step]. It can only teleport the caster a short distance to a location that the caster can visually see. In order to make up for the limitation of the teleportation range, [Mysterious Step] spell will leave an obstruction after the teleportation. Smoke from enemy sight. But "leap" will only leave the "moonlight" brought by the casting materials.

Fortunately, the two enemies didn't seem to be cooperating well, and they collided with each other, which gave Jules a chance to hide himself.

At the moment, he couldn't find the box where the gunpowder was stored. Zhuer didn't care so much. He took out the matchbox from his pocket, took out a whole handful and drew it at the same time.

After scratching a few sticks, he threw them in all directions, trying to spread the fire everywhere to attract the enemy's attention. He thought that when a source of fire appeared in the ammunition depot, he would be able to contain the enemy. The apprentice's actual goal is still to aim at the gunpowder barrel he found at the beginning, and once again try to condense the flame and shoot it out to ignite it.

If successful, not only will the enemy's ammunition depot be destroyed, but with luck, at least one spellcaster will be taken away.

Thinking of this, Zhu Er's breathing gradually became heavier, and the fire light surged, and the face reflected was excited. Even if he succeeded, he would die in the explosion.

boom. This time Richard's hand knife landed firmly on the connection between the back of the apprentice's head and neck. Jules fainted due to temporary ischemia due to the compression of the carotid artery on the brain.

"It's not a windproof match. You can't light anything if you throw it like this." Richard said to the spellcaster prisoner, while he picked up a scattered match. Because the apprentice threw the match too fast, it basically went out after landing. This invasion was passed without any danger.

"It's a weird idea, but it's useless." Hench felt more and more that the legendary Valois mages didn't have enough combat experience. He looked around to make sure there were no sparks left anywhere else, and then turned his attention back to the infiltrator.

This spellcaster had an exceptionally young face. When Hench mentioned it, Richard couldn't help but ask: "What to do with prisoners of war?"

Hench recalled the policy: "Ordinary soldiers will surrender their weapons and be detained, while generals and spellcasters will have separate treatment."

Prisoners with the ability to cast spells must be treated with caution. Until now, neither side has dared to directly "dispose" of the hostile mages in an effort to save trouble. They are being held incommunicado and require "special care" to ensure that the captives lose their ability to cast spells.

As the "captor" of the wizard and Jules, Richard accompanied him throughout the whole process and learned how the empire took him in.

First, all the belongings of the prisoners were confiscated and then thrown into a small separate tent. The military doctor came in, carrying a medicine box in one hand and a basin in the other. Seeing that Jules was still unconscious, he forced water to wake him up, and then roughly fed him vomiting water.

After the apprentice vomited out all the contents of the food bag, he continued to pour in the strong wine soaked with belladonna. After the apprentice drank it after resisting to no avail, Jules' pupils began to dilate and he was unable to exert any strength. He was tied to the wooden bed. With the onset of alcohol and toxins, his face turned red and his fingers trembled uncontrollably.

The military doctor put away the belladonna wine and fed a small bowl of thin wheat porridge to the nearly unconscious and slightly twitching apprentice.

"Stop throwing up, this is your only meal of the day." The military doctor was a kind-faced old man, but when he drank wine, his veins popped out, which was still a bit scary.

After the military doctor dealt with the prisoner of the spell caster, he turned to concern about Richard and Hench who had brought the prisoners: "Are the two officers injured?"

"No, he is just an inexperienced boy."

Richard was more curious about belladonna wine, and the military doctor explained: "The mages who are sent are treated according to this process. Moderate poisoning will make them honest and unable to enter the state of casting spells.

"The amount of infusion is relatively large in the first three days. As long as the amount of rationed food is controlled, the amount of belladonna wine can be reduced later." A bowl of thin grain porridge can only keep a person alive. If you feed him like this for a few days, let alone cast a spell. , I’m afraid I don’t even have the strength to speak, and the toxins from belladonna will damage neurotransmitters, ensuring that the captive will not have the ability to cast spells.

The military doctor was a little nostalgic: "This is still a process summarized by the special defense agency. I don't know why, the agency was suddenly abolished before the war."

Richard knew the inside story and revealed: "It's not axing, it's being merged into."

Suddenly the camp became extremely noisy, and a large number of wounded were sent to the medical area. The military doctor muttered and walked away. Hench looked at the scene outside the tent: "Is the battle over?"

The rain stopped and the clouds opened, and the spring sunshine shone into the trenches.

Both sides fighting in the mud saw each other's faces clearly and heard the drum beat from the Valois side. The drum beat was no longer exciting, but a heavy signal to retreat.

The steps of the National Guard soldiers wading through the muddy water started slowly, then gradually turned backwards. The soldiers who finally rushed to the second and third trenches certainly wanted to continue to break through. Otherwise, wouldn't the sacrifices of their comrades be in vain? But the drum beat told them to keep going, there would be no support from behind, and the pain in their bodies also reminded them that they had reached their limit.

Retreat and merge. The infantry of the National Guard acted as skirmishers when attacking. When retreating, they basically gathered in accordance with the drill to maintain deterrence.

The imperial soldiers in gray and blue uniforms did not dare to take a breath immediately. They carefully kept a distance from the Valois people and returned to the breached first line of defense little by little to watch the enemy evacuate.

The sound of gunfire on the battlefield has long been sparse, and Valois can only equip each of their soldiers with thirty rounds of ammunition. The Imperial Army is slightly better, but it has been almost exhausted in the battle that lasted for several hours.

A soldier loaded, jerked his gun, took aim, and finally pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. He put the gun down and saw only the tired and angry eyes of his enemy.

The battle is over.

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