Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 435: Not Asking for the Yellow Robe

Bart and Caroline may have different ideas, but most people in the conference room may follow Rorschach, including the unlucky Valan.

Rorschach just asked a question, and there was no preference in the "question". If he said "the royal family that has given us great support and help", most people would choose Byrne; if Rorschach used "great" to describe the empire, then they are loyal citizens of the empire; if he mentioned "progressive Valois", then they would lean towards Valois. First advise Mr. Rorschach to be cautious, but it is not unacceptable.

Hasse was the first to taste the taste, the correct answer is the last option!

Is Rorschach going to establish himself as king? Should I persuade the adults to go further?

Hasse will do an economic calculation. From the statistical data, the population and material volume affected by their group has reached an extreme level, which is more terrifying than the industry guilds in the past.

It's not that Rorschach used some trickery and robbery. The integration of the Glass Guild and the Metallurgical Association was just the beginning. Even if other guilds were not "killed", their production capacity and ability to mobilize material power had been far behind the new form of enterprises. It was Rorschach who made the plate bigger, making the original plate seem extremely small and insignificant.

This situation was unexpected by the princes and kings at the time, and now they are unwilling to face up to the power of "material" and are proud of their bloodline and legal system.

Controlling almost the entire country's steel production capacity, intervening in half of the country's grain production, directly or indirectly managing one-third of the population in the form of an autonomous committee, and the highest proportion of workers and the highest level of education in the future. It is not impossible for a "commercial prince" to be born.

And he is still very young and a powerful spellcaster.

Thinking of this, Mr. Hasse's breathing became rapid. He began to imagine that if he could get to the table today, what position would he get tomorrow? What kind of minister could he be qualified for? Or should we follow the trend from Valois and call him Commissioner So-and-so?

This is the wrong idea of ​​the businessman. Rorschach is not the kind of person who waits for his subordinates to present the yellow robe, puts it on and then shouts "You have ruined me". He wants to talk openly and honestly about the future direction at this meeting, so that everyone knows what to do next.

Throwing out the question is to see everyone's thoughts and attitudes first.

Rorschach told them the news of the Prime Minister's "Small District Reform" before everyone expressed their opinions. When they heard the Prime Minister's promise to divide a separate district with Kempson-Lansted as the core, the eyes of others became eager. This is also easy to understand. After all, the "Special District" is a temporary existence, and there is a risk that the king will change his mind at any time.

If the "Special District" becomes a constituency, the situation will be very different. It will be recognized by the empire and legally fixed.

"The Prime Minister promised me that our Southwestern constituency could be recognized as a free state by the Empire. But he seems to have made a mistake. I have no intention of running for election. What's the point of telling me? So today, I am responsible for conveying the Prime Minister's words to ask you what you think.

"Some of you are already members of the Autonomous Committee, and some will definitely be elected in the future, so I would like to ask everyone's thoughts and whether they are willing to represent us and occasionally go to the Imperial Capital for meetings. ”

It turned out that the Empire was chosen. Mr. Hasse was disappointed and happy. Now he felt that the Free State plan was very good. Well, very good

Varan was still calm. He just confirmed his previous guess - the Bavarian royal family was going to be in trouble!

Is becoming a free state something that can be determined by the prime minister's words? To achieve it, we must remove the resistance. The biggest resistance in the kingdom is of course the royal family!

There are also people who realize that the royal family is an obstacle. They secretly glanced at the "well-known prince consort of the kingdom", but Bart was laughing foolishly.

That's okay. The prince consort has no objection. Why should we worry about the Ludwig family?

The conference room was suddenly filled with a cheerful atmosphere again.

"But will the royal family agree?" Someone asked. In this way, the attitudes of most people were unified.

"Varan, you come to report to everyone. "Rorschach invited Mr. Unlucky to show up. The Valuana socialite (stamen) was indeed good-looking, and her pale face gave her a morbid "aristocratic style", which made the female director of the glass factory brighten her eyes.

Varan's report was heavy, and the originally cheerful people restrained their smiles:

". The Empire took advantage of this war to actually deepen its control over the southern states. Most members of the Duma River Alliance turned to the Empire, and at the same time, they were levied war taxes. The trade environment of the Kingdom of Bain continued to deteriorate.

"According to incomplete statistics, cloth exports fell by 41%, glass exports stopped, wine exports stopped, and iron ore imports fell by 12%

"Except for our related steel, processed foods and primary alchemical products, the only growth is wool and cotton.

"But the export of wool increased, while the export of finished products such as yarn and blankets decreased, indicating that the processing and manufacturing links are migrating to other regions of the empire. According to the popular orders of Bardolom, the raw material customers are mostly northern factories. Cotton is a re-export trade between southern Valois, Bain and the Empire." In other words, Bain's influence on the southern states has greatly decreased, and the Empire has integrated the southern market, abolished the unreasonable transaction taxes and tolls imposed by other southern states on the northern regions, and Bain's manufacturing industry outside of Rorschach-related industries has lost its previous abnormal advantages. This means that the areas dominated by traditional handicrafts may not have an easy time this year.

However, the spring plowing and conscription caused a shortage of labor supply. The two squeezed each other, and the workshops in Munich and Nurem were experiencing a wave of defaults and bankruptcies, which even caused headaches for the Tower of Mysticism behind the Banking Association.

"First of all, we must have a sense of crisis. The current prosperity is based on war. The proportion of transactions from the imperial army is increasing. This is not a good thing." Rorschach glanced at Caroline and continued:

"After all, what our workers produce should be enjoyed by them first, so that their own people can live a prosperous life.

"As one goes up, the other goes down. The people who are loyal to the royal family and the past system will change their minds. Everyone yearns for a better life. To win them, we have to do better and get the support of the people. Our neighbor, the Kingdom of Valois. Oh, it's now a republic, and it is an example.

"Therefore, don't just look at the seats of those few members. Do your job well and make the special zone develop better, so that you can have the confidence to promote it to the 'land of kingship'. That's all I have to say."

After the meeting, two voices rang: "Rorschach, can we talk alone?" It was Caroline and Bart. Caroline immediately said, "Then you guys chat first, Rorschach, I'll wait for you in the Mage Tower."

So Bart and Rorschach were alone first. Rorschach spoke first: "Sorry Bart, I used Valois as an example at the meeting, not to send all of Ludwig to the guillotine." The guillotine has not yet been introduced to Bayern.

"It's okay, I don't care." Bart really didn't care, his eyes lit up: "In fact, the chancellor and I talked about it a long time ago, and then I was thinking, you see, in the northern constituency of Würzburg, Amelia and I have a good reputation, right?"

Is there anyone who brags like you? It feels strange. That's right, Rorschach can only say yes, yes, yes.

"If a princess whose wedding was witnessed and blessed by the whole city runs for election, will she be very popular in Würzburg? If the royal family really falls, her identity can still be favored by the royal supporters."

Rorschach hesitated and said, "You're right, but there is a premise that if the king and the prince are..." No country in the world would give the other half of the population the right to vote, but there is a queen. The princess will become the last wish of the royalists, provided that there is only the princess left in the royal family.

"I know, Amelia and I are the same kind. For Amelia, I am willing to do anything, even if she doesn't know." Bart said firmly.

You kid also want to be a "mad dog"? Rorschach felt that he was a little bit crazy.

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