Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 436 It’s All God’s Fault

After calming down the excited Bart, Rorschach hurried to find Caroline.

The conference room in the central tower and the bathroom in the restaurant both have a classical mirror, with a crystal embedded above the frame to provide lighting. But when Rorschach stands still and knocks on the mirror, the spherical crystal will "open its eyes", and the artificial pupil will focus and confirm that the visitor is the owner of the Mage Tower.

The wall of the bathroom rotates, and Rorschach comes to the Mage Tower.

Part of the Mage Tower is located in the central tower, so the conference room and the restaurant can be used as such a "small mechanism". When he arrives at the entrance, there will be inspections and defenses, and he must open the next door to truly enter his own tower.

Teacher Caroline only said that she was in the tower. She didn't say the specific location. Rorschach began to look.

Most of the people attending the meeting may think that Rorschach has completely turned to the Empire. This understanding is not wrong in the short term. In the future, those industries must rely on orders from the Imperial Army and some raw material inputs. If they follow the same path as the Byrne Royal Family, the remaining market, demand and supporting industries in the Byrne Kingdom will not be able to support the continued development of the enterprise.

This is a chariot that cannot be stopped and a furnace that cannot be turned off. If it stops, many previous efforts will be wasted.

But it does not mean that Rorschach will be satisfied with being a thug for the Empire, dismembering the Byrne royal family after a tug, and turning his own piece of land into a free state.

The free state under the imperial system, as the prime minister said to Bart, is a little more advanced than the kingdom controlled by the royal family and its old nobles. If Rorschach said "We want to do the old things of Valois", there will be more people who oppose and are timid, and they cannot understand what the benefits of changing from a kingdom to a republic are.

If the prime minister's promise is shown, many speculators will feel that there is a strong backer to help, the benefits are more real, the motivation for progress is greater, and the timidity is less, and the free state is more acceptable than the republic.

But it is just "a little", and there is still a way to go.

There is no need to explain these words at the meeting, but they should be made clear to Caroline. She is an important partner of "Magic Cloud", and Rorschach is not sure about her feelings for Valois.

It should be in the studio. Rorschach pushed the door open and Caroline was at the workbench. There were many manuscripts beside her, all of which were brought by her. Rorschach's Mage Tower had a weak foundation and few books, most of which were written by him in his spare time. Originally, according to the plan, copying a batch of books should also be part of the support of the Starry Tower, but unfortunately the war interrupted such exchanges.

Caroline was indifferent to Rorschach's entry. She was immersed in her work and took out a piece of manuscript paper after a while. Rorschach saw that it was an unfinished calculation, so he found a charcoal pencil to help, and let the tower spirit complete the calculation if he couldn't finish it. Rorschach wanted to explain his choice, but he never found a chance.

When Rorschach was working and researching, he didn't want to be interrupted, so he couldn't interrupt Caroline's research, let alone for himself.

Rorschach is not particularly good at space and mathematics. As far as the advanced mathematics level is concerned, he can still handle the basic auxiliary work. As the difficulty of calculation increases, he asks for help from Taling more and more frequently, and finally becomes an IO tool between Caroline and Taling.

In fact, Taling can handle it based on his own memory of mathematics, combined with the calculation unit, that is to say, these are all what Rorschach has learned and returned to the teacher.

His superficial understanding is that Caroline is using mathematical language to describe a spatial point. What she wants to lock is not a simple coordinate, but a random coordinate group limited to a specific level, of course, pointing to the air element plane.

After finishing the work, Caroline said: "Legend has it that [Water Making] was invented by a great sage wandering in the Kingdom of Sand. The Kingdom of Sand was once a battlefield fought between the Sun God and the God of War, and the followers of the Sun God occupied the only big river here. The Sun God let the scorching sun continue to burn the earth, causing other streams and rivers to dry up.

"In places illuminated by the power of the Sun God, even if the mage wants to transform the water element, it is extremely difficult. Civilians outside the two banks of the river could only endure the drought or surrender to the river tribe and become slaves.

"The great sage could not bear to see this scene, so he went to the water elemental plane. At that time, the god of the valley, Kris, was in charge of the water elemental plane. He was a loving mother who controlled the harvest and was willing to share the source of life. So he signed a contract with the great sage, and used magic and divine power to construct a powerful secret contract that could extract the purest nectar from the water elemental plane.

"The most important thing is that this secret contract is simple enough. The great sage looked for children blessed by Thoth, that is, people with magical talents, and taught them how to summon water. Due to Kris's face, the sun god did not stop the people outside the river basin from obtaining water in this way.

"After that, the secret contract was fixed as a standard spell, and what was passed down was a ring of [Water Creation]."

"Is this just a legend?"

"Yes, a legend. I don't know what the truth is, but we will use this as a template to create a [Air Creation]."

The gods disappeared, so naturally there was no way to find a "Lord of the Air Elemental Plane" to sign any contract. The gods made a covenant with the great sage wizard, and also intended to use cross-dimensional beliefs to communicate between the two places.

As the number of times the spell is cast increases, the corresponding passage on the "Tree of Law" will gradually become unblocked, just like water flowing through a river, eroding and deepening it. The spell model of [Water Creation] gradually solidifies, standardizes and simplifies. To this day, there is no trace of gods and a powerful wizard in it, only positioning and summoning.

Then the first thing that the two people thought of to replace this connection was the "intersection". This is also related to the principles of various plane crossings. Compared with maintaining a portal to each elemental plane, it is more difficult to teleport in the main material plane.

This strange phenomenon is also the fault of the gods in the past:

The main plane was once the main battlefield of the gods. Their power permanently changed the landscape of the earth and space itself. In other words, from one point to another in the main plane, it is necessary to pass through many unknown interferences. The space transmission is dangerous if the space transmission is a little bit wrong.

On the other hand, the various planes are connected by the astral plane, and the astral plane is the existence of the fusion of the material world and the symbolic world. In order to draw power from the elemental plane and use elemental creatures as servants to deploy to the "main battlefield", gods, especially gods with elemental authority, frequently summon and teleport, and even use their great power to change the passage between the main plane-astral plane-elemental planes, so as to facilitate the shuttle of their power and servants.

Under the dual influence, there is an inversion of the difficulty of inter-plane teleportation and local plane teleportation, which is still the case today.

"Finally, register this secret contract with the tower spirit at the 'border' and let it connect the two planes. In theory, it will be fine."

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