Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 437 Limited Edition [Qi Creation Technique]

When I returned to the border, the space seemed to be larger, especially the "Golden Tree" had grown more and more:

First, because there were more and more users, the corresponding spell channels gradually became thicker and more solidified;

Second, because Rorschach insisted on uploading his own spells, such as the "Mini Black Hole" that he had cast in the Air Elemental Plane. Uploading it is not just a spell model, but also means that a series of spell clusters supporting it must be uploaded to generate multiple new nodes. In the end, this spell is eight rings in terms of ring level. The increase in the upper limit of the ring is also a proof of the "Golden Tree's thriving growth".

Third, a very subtle factor is at work, intercepting the belief in the "Lord of Order" and the primitive belief of the "Devourer" tribe, the natives of the Air Elemental Plane. These mystical surges are not the main demand for the development of the "tree", but they can stimulate it, strictly speaking, like trace elements.

Correspondingly, the guardian "Pidan Jing" also grew a size, and its head without facial features rubbed against its owner. Rorschach and Caroline were both in spirit form, and when they came into contact with the surface of the "Pidan", they felt a cool and smooth texture.

In the border area, the sand and gravel condensed from the transmutation dust powder rose from the ground, forming an air mass, which was a corner of the tower spirit simulating the air element plane. The perspective that Rorschach and Caroline could see was of course around the tribe. In the miniature scene, there were several grains of sand flashing golden light, which should be the tribe members praying.

Caroline began to unfold the original text of the secret contract, and the transmutation dust sand deformed in coordination to construct its perfect model. At the same time, in the simulation scene, a blue glow lit up above the tribe, which represented the points where gas might be extracted. These coordinates were randomly distributed, and the spatial points directly above the tribe were the most, which meant that the probability of being extracted was the highest.

The spell has not been finalized yet, so there is room for fine-tuning, such as many engineering problems - instant extraction is naturally to activate a single point in the simulation map, but what about continuous extraction?

Is it a fixed communication position, or refreshed at a certain time? However, these are all details, so there is no need to worry about them. It is nothing more than a problem of re-editing the "signature symbol".

"We can experiment after returning to the material plane." Caroline sighed, which was a relaxation after completion, and also had other meanings. She was silent for a moment before speaking: "If this spell is completed, you will extract new gas, right?"


"It will be used on the Empire's airship."


"And the Empire's airship will drop bombs on Valois, causing casualties."

"Even if not, the two countries are now at war, and casualties are inevitable. When I was in the Starry Tower, I proposed the idea of ​​transmitting information through electricity. Later, telegraph and radio technology were used by the National Guard to facilitate their victory in the battle in northern Valois."

He got the specific details from Prime Minister Otto.

"Our achievements, the magic of the wizards, everything produced will be used for killing at this historical moment, but it will never be used only on the battlefield forever. I will not hesitate because technology will bring death. On the contrary, this is an opportunity to promote progress and popularization, and it is the basis for its spread and benefit to the public.

"When two sides fight, technology and magic will be thrown from the laboratory and the wizard tower into the battlefield. They are not gifts from God, but people's own wisdom, so they will not disappear and be taken back with the end of the war, but will be delegated to more people."

Rorschach said this without enthusiasm or sadness, just a straightforward assertion. Such a phenomenon is difficult to happen in the era when gods walk on the earth. Before the rise of various business companies and merchant classes, the process is very slow. However, Rorschach knows that it will happen and firmly believes that it will accelerate with the war.

Caroline looked at Rorschach. The person in front of her was neither a saint nor a demon. "Maybe you are right. May you cherish life, your own, your relatives and friends, and your compatriots. No matter how great the cause is, innocent people should not be forced to become stepping stones. ”

“I didn’t start the war. All I did, as far as these things were concerned, was make the deaths of those who might have died more worthwhile. And I also did other things to try to save some people.”

“I know. I saw it. I’m sorry. I don’t completely agree with your actions, but I shouldn’t blame you for it, Rorschach.”

“Thank you very much. "

Anyway, Teacher Caroline helped me a lot. Even if the concept was deviated, the new spell was completed smoothly. The most meaningful thing about completing [Gaseous Magic] is that it is a magic translated from the secret contract into the "Spell Cloud" system, an "exclusive spell" that has never appeared in the traditional spellcasting system.

At present, Rorschach's "Spell Cloud" can decide who can access it, which means it is exclusive. He intends to use this as an opportunity to send his own people to build a gas supply station when providing new gas to the empire, which is also an outpost for expansion to other areas of the empire.

If more "exclusive spells" appear in the future, the value of the spell cloud will gradually increase, until one day the "Golden Tree" grows into a towering tree, and the new system is no longer a substitute for the old system.

"Let's go back." Rorschach saw that Caroline was in a bad mood and thought of a good suggestion: "Do you want to sneak back to the Starry Tower to have a look?"

Caroline had such a big reaction, perhaps because she was worried about the situation in her hometown, and seeing it with her own eyes, no matter what the specific situation was, at least it could dispel unnecessary speculation. As for what her next choice would be. Rorschach could not force the freedom of an adult wizard, let alone his own teacher.

"The teleportation of this magic guild will not be open to us."

"Isn't there a cross-border route? I can discuss with Master Kano and let him think of a way. If he is overwhelmed by the situation, it's fine. If he agrees, I don't believe that a great wizard who studies space magic can't open a portal!"

"Makes sense." Caroline's eyes regained their spirits.

At this moment, Kano was indeed overwhelmed, but he was still very happy because his research over the years had gradually made progress.

The situation in the Republic was getting better, and things in Valuana were getting worse. The guillotine grew more and more like mushrooms after spring rain, and it didn't stop day by day.

In the past, the executioner would wipe the blade after executing a person, but now there is no leisure time. The executions are carried out in batches, starting with the first one, and the blade is mixed with blood from different people.

The smell of terror and rust permeates the heart of the Republic. Fortunately, the students that Kano is most worried about have joined the army, and they are temporarily away from this crazy vortex of public opinion and guillotine. Compared with sacrificing on the battlefield, Kano is more worried that they will attack and kill each other like the representatives of the National Assembly.

He doesn't think there is any honor in such a situation.

The magic guild is currently broken into organizations limited by country, each doing its own thing, and each branch only retains limited communication, which makes Kano quiet.

Now he closes the door and continues his research. The widespread establishment of transmutation dust extractors brought unexpected surprises. Those machines extract transmutation dust day and night, creating weak areas of laminar flow.

The emergence of weak areas has given Kano's research team the dawn of entering the astral world.

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