Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 439 Heading Towards the Stars

"What if the chief wizard has an accident?"

"You come to replace me." Kano said indifferently.

"Don't say it so lightly! Well, step back, if an accident happens, who can save it? You are the best at space magic in the whole tower. If there is a problem, someone should come to help, right?"

Poincare was right. Besides Kano, the next best is Paulina, but this student does not have superhuman talent, not enough to take on the work on the ground when Kano takes risks himself. It would be better for Poincare to force her to do it.

Jules Poincare suddenly said, "I think you just want to escape, escape from the mess."

"Jules! I have spent so many years and so much energy on this project! Now success is just around the corner, why don't you let me take the last step? Why?" Kano raised the telegram sent by Rorschach: "Let me tell you, I didn't make this decision on a whim."

He showed genuine joy on his face: "Now I have a proud student coming, who can support me on the ground when I carry out the project."

"Rorschach? I think he is a fool in many fields."

"You are half right, he is a fool in space magic, but it is not him who is here." Kano's long-lost student who can rival his teacher in talent is definitely not that brat: "It's Caroline."

Poincare was stunned, and then nodded: "If it's her, then it's okay."

"What, you won't accompany me?" At this time, Caroline was stunned, because Rorschach, who took the initiative to propose to go back to Valuana, suddenly changed his mind.

It's better not to tell you, because you will be caught by your former teacher to work as soon as you go there. Rorschach crumpled up the newly received dedicated telegram: "I suddenly have something very important to deal with. Andre has already gone to find Hannah and the others."

"Then postpone it for a few days? Recently, there has been peace between Valois and the Empire."

That was a strategic stalemate. Rorschach shook his head: "Master Kano has prepared the other end of the portal. Let's not break the appointment. If my affairs are handled quickly, I can come to you later."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Caroline did not doubt him, and prepared the transmission ceremony according to the coordinates sent by the telegram. Both places prepared to open a temporary portal at the same time.

After watching Caroline being swallowed by the light of the portal, Rorschach turned and left the studio. He told Andre, who was waiting, to keep the instruments in the studio well, otherwise Caroline would not be able to come back.

"How many of our transmutation dust extractors can be mobilized?"

"Two are under maintenance, and the remaining 25 can be used." Andre counted them all.

Rorschach spread out the crumpled telegram and handed it to Andre: "Keep four running, and use our reserve crystal function for the others to adjust the parameters. Well, in the name of emergency drills, suspend the production lines involved."

"But that will cause great losses. All three main factories need to be restarted and shut down."

"No way." Rorschach sighed: "Andre, if the mentor asks you to help in whatever you can, will you refuse?"

Andre thought "mentor" was Rorschach's self-proclaimed name: "Of course not."

"That's it." Rorschach pointed to a long string of characters in the telegram: "All the twenty-one extractors that have stopped working, adjust the extraction points and the amount of logistics collected according to the above parameters."

Now the collectors in the two places form a strong enough array, and they have been adjusted several times during the ten-day period, which made Andre complain a lot. But Rorschach is looking forward to it. After all, it is a project he has participated in before. Now he can help Master Kano achieve his goal again, which is also something to be proud of as a student.

"In this way, I am not the only one in the world who has seen the scenery of the star world. No, no, it's too pretentious to talk like this." Rorschach reflected on himself in his heart.

As night fell, it was a rare cloudless day. When summer was about to begin, Byrne did not have a "plum rainy season", but gradually became dry and hot, and the transparent sky was indigo dotted with stars.

"Teacher, the collector adjusted according to the fifth set of parameters is ready." Andre was a little resentful, because every time an adjustment was made, the monthly production capacity of the steel plant, Basif and the food plant would be reduced, and the maintenance team of the collector would have to increase the shift.

"Well, I know, turn on the machine."

Rorschach looked up at the starry sky, and Andre also looked up at the stars after giving the order.

"Look over there." Rorschach pointed to a small piece in the northeast corner. As the twenty-one collectors began to extract from the correct position, the macroscopic shape of the transmutation laminar flow in that small area changed.

Carnot's guess was correct, Poincare's calculation was correct, and all the machines were running correctly.

At the place where Rorschach pointed, a few dim stars began to brighten. "The starry sky is shining because of us." Rorschach murmured.

"." Andre was so surprised that he couldn't speak at first. He didn't expect this effect. After a long time, he said: "How is this achieved?"

"Hmm." It was Rorschach's turn to be speechless. The amount of information transmitted by the telegraph was really limited. He just followed the instructions conveyed by Kano. Rorschach stretched his sore neck and said: "Wait until Master Caroline comes back, then ask her?"

Caroline is in the suburbs of Valuana. The secret site of the alchemy department has now become a launch site. Three extractors charge the transmission device of the floating capsule.

It turned out that everything was normal in the Starry Tower, so normal that she was caught and dreamed back to when she was still in Kano's research group as soon as she walked out of the portal. If there was any difference, it was that the two-point line of the Starry Tower-the research building became the two-point line of the research building-the secret test site in the suburbs.

As for the situation in Valuvana, she had no chance to observe it for ten days, but she occasionally saw people gathering on the road, clustering around strange wooden racks.

Paulina met her "senior sister" again. When she first joined the team, she had been under the shadow of her senior sister until this "shadow" drifted to the north. Now she is back and quickly took over part of her and Master Kano's work, and did it better.

Alas. Paulina sighed and continued to check the floating cabin.

"Are you alone?"

"It's just me, the load is the smallest." Kano turned his head and looked at Caroline: "When my signal disappears, count down 15 minutes before starting the transmission."

"Five minutes!" Poincare wanted to shorten the time of Kano's adventure.

"If the protection really fails, it won't take me five minutes to be swallowed by the transmutation dust." Kano calmed down at the last moment: "In that case, why don't you give me more time?"

"Then let's start." Caroline presided over the teleportation ceremony on the ground.

The blue light barrier strengthened by the floating capsule lit up, and the teleportation array powered by three collectors directly sent it to the highest point that the research group's teleportation array could reach, which was higher than the current transmutation dust collection point.

Poincare estimated based on the angle of starlight deflection that, starting from the position where the teleportation could reach, Kano still needed to rise vertically and break through 23.1 kilometers to penetrate the transmutation dust flow and reach the pure star realm.

The blue light flickered and whimpered until there was no medium other than the transmutation dust to transmit sound. The environmental magic in the laminar flow was distorted by the dense fragments of the kingdom of God, and Kano could only rely on the magic in his body to support it. The flame flow at the tail of the floating capsule lit up and was soon engulfed by the light of the excited fragments.

Accelerate. Disintegrate and sprint. Kano, who has lost the airship, supports the barrier that wraps his body and moves towards where the stars are.

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