Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 440 Super-level Magic

Kano began to chant obscure spells, and the gems he carried flashed with rainbow light.

When an individual is accelerated to the extreme, from the perspective of the caster himself, it is as if the time around him has stopped. This is one of the pinnacles of the transformation system, the nine-ring spell [Time Stop].

Now in Kano's perspective, everything has stopped, even the arc light released by the mutual consumption of the transmutation dust and the barrier. He wants to move and continue to move forward. The surrounding entities and illusions become sticky and blurred. The barrier, ether membrane and time and space blend together and merge into one under the stimulation of the transmutation dust.

Now Kano is temporarily separated from the original world and time and space, as if he is wrapped in a soap bubble overflowing with rainbow light, sliding outside the time and space where the original main material world and the astral world blend.

This process is only a moment, the shortest [Time Stop] Kano has ever launched, so short that the brain cannot fully capture what happened, and the magic power in the body when the spell is launched is still flowing and vibrating according to the established spell model.

But everything is different now. He escaped from reality and came back, but he has come to the astral world. The top of the transmutation dust layer flow, and the tiny crystals spilling into the boundless void, as well as the tail flow dragged behind Kano, mixed with the distorted time and space, the residual power of the blue barrier, and turned into a rainbow bridge across the earth and the starry sky.

At this time, the magic environment has returned to normal and is no longer seriously disturbed by the mixed divine power. The figure of the great wizard Kano began to change. His facial features disappeared, and his body gradually became transparent and could reflect the stars. This was to adapt to the environment of the astral world. He temporarily changed his form to avoid the negative effects of low gravity, lack of oxygen and other factors.

"Okay. Be careful." Caroline gave the young man the greatest trust at this time.

If every trace of spellcasting can be observed, then although the recent observation of the "National Assembly" has made Kano hesitate and doubt the establishment of the power institution, in any case, the existence of the Tree of Law and today's attempt to enter the original layer provide some possibilities and some cornerstones.

Eight, nine, ten, eleven. Starting with the zero-ring trick, it means it is a ten-ring spell.

At the beginning, the trunk of the inverted tree of magic and the nodes on the first few rings were already very active, reflecting that casters from all over the world were activating their magic. Naturally, the corresponding casting process of the great wizard could not be seen. However, at a high level, the nodes that were lit up became increasingly scarce. As the [Time Stop] was almost ready, the nodes that were lit up step by step were clearly discernible.

The spell was successfully cast, and the perfect [Time Stop] would exile the caster himself, allowing him to escape from the timeline and space membrane he was in now.

As the spell was about to be successfully cast, the information contained in the original layer was instilled into Kano's mind, making him sweat and hurriedly stop the spell and action. The streamer on the node link of the Tree of Magic collapsed.

However, his goal had been achieved, verifying the feasibility of observing the Tree of Magic to monitor magic all over the world.

In the suburbs of Valuvana, the "ground station" converted from a secret test site.

On the ground station, Snow, Poincare and others all focused their attention on the instrument, and Caroline, who was sitting in the "chief commander", was suddenly patted on the shoulder.

Today is just a great beginning. Kano has been thinking about how a loose magic guild can become a truly powerful multinational organization.

Magic beyond the Nine Rings is about to be released! It is also suspected to be a necromancy system!

"Hush, don't make a sound."

However, this trip is not to appreciate the beautiful scenery. The great wizard who changes his shape and looks like a human-shaped starry sky silhouette begins to cast spells again. The scene around him moves around the caster. The nearby starlight moves away and retreats, and new brilliance gathers and rises. The distance loses its intuition, and the dense galaxy passes through the crystal wall. The "end of the stars" reveals its true appearance.

The previous guild was indeed powerful for the lords, but it was extremely loose and unconstrained to the casters themselves. Therefore, when the situation changes, the guild will be divided like it is now, and there is even a crisis of being in name only.

Behind Kano, he had already left the first obstacle. Looking from the front, the transmutation dust laminar flow did not change the appearance of the earth. A beautiful planet could still be seen, but the scene seemed to be seriously dispersed. It was not until Kano observed the edge that he could see the colorful arcs outlined by the laminar flow.

Although Kano was already weak, the original layer had its own special features. Kano felt that his spellcasting process was perfect, and a strong premonition told him that once successful, the effect of the nine-ring spell would be perfect.

The cold white and black celestial bodies rotated silently, and an upside-down tree was derived from the matter and energy swallowed.

Until now, he finally had the leisure to take a look at the environment he was in.

"The eleventh minute of loss of contact, prepare to charge the teleportation array and forcibly recall Master Kano." Caroline issued an order in advance according to the preparation time of the teleportation array.

This is Kano's "ambition" - to ascend to the original layer. He admired the Tree of Law and his breathing became heavy.

There are even more vast and magnificent scenes on the crystal wall. The brightest star clusters are clustered in the strips composed of dense celestial bodies. According to the records of mythological epics, it is the "end of the stars".

Caroline is the person in charge designated by her teacher. She proposed to personally correct the parameters and try again.

The two used the [Communication Technique] supported by the "Spell Cloud".

"Oh, a beautiful cage"


In front of him, there are several bright and prominent planets, and behind him, the depth of field seems to be compressed, and other celestial bodies are reflected on it. It is said that it is the boundary of the main material plane, the legendary crystal wall.

The gods disappeared, and the barrier between the forbidden land and intelligent life was only the transmutation laminar flow. Now he finally entered this place and witnessed the source of all things, the place where many original texts were stored.

Such disturbances disappeared in the second minute of the launch, recovered at 2 minutes and 11 seconds, and disappeared again at 2 minutes and 16 seconds, and there was no movement from then on.

The answer to transforming it is here.

After charging and releasing, the teleportation array still did not move. "Still not working?" Poincare frowned, Snow had drunk the fourth bottle of concentrated purple medicine, and Kano still did not return.

"I said that I can come to you after dealing with things over there." [Mirror Flower Water Moon] The invisible Rorschach said, he continued: "If the master does not come back, adjust the parameters of the teleportation array and send me to the 'junction', and I will go to him again."

"Hmm?" Suddenly a very remote branch caught the attention of Master Kano. The branch was completely different from the other brilliant branches of the Tree of Law. There were only two kinds of brilliance and two kinds of breath transforming each other, decay and rebirth.

Sure enough, the first "forced recall" failed.

"Time is running out, let's verify the records in the ancient books one last time." He urged his magic power again and prepared to cast [Time Stop] for the second time.

Poincare looked at the instrument that communicated with Kano. Its core was twin crystals, one on Kano and the other connected to the current. The crystal on Master Kano's body oscillated regularly, and the defects in the crystal lattice of the crystal on the ground station would jump synchronously under the long-range action, causing disturbances to the current.

Natural system? No, it could also be the first or second order of the necromancy system. Kano's pupils dilated.

As soon as the voice fell, a crack suddenly appeared above the teleportation array, and a fat old man who had not yet fully recovered from the astral form rolled out.

His first sentence shocked everyone, including Rorschach who also quietly rolled out from the crack: "There is a necromancer preparing super-level magic!"

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