Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 442 The Secret Room Opens

Inside the Moncado Fortress, the Imperial Army moved or destroyed a lot of supplies. The soldiers of the National Guard were very angry when they saw it, and cursed the Imperials, although they would do the same if they were in their place. Of course, it was different, this was the land of the Valois.

But the officers of the National Guard changed their faces when they saw it, because the Imperial Army did not destroy everything, and they could still see the signs they hung, and distinguish the traces of the enemy's transformation of the fortress.

The Moncado Fortress was built for decades, but it was still completed with the past construction concept, and many facilities were outdated. The Imperial Army completed the transformation within just one month of occupation. From the signs, it can be seen that the functional areas are fully divided and well organized, and there is no chaos when destroying the supplies, and they are concentrated together to burn and break.

Too organized, too calm.

Are the Imperials so rigid that they retreat in a rigid manner, or is there a trick?

The officer in charge of logistics led Paul and Pascal to familiarize themselves with the interior of the fortress. He was originally one of the fortress defenders at the beginning. However, the fortress has changed a lot now. The explosion caused by the Imperial Mage destroyed the internal structure. The accompanying mage also assisted in the repair, making the transformation more thorough.

"Lieutenant Paul." The quartermaster saluted and explained to the two:

"The artillery's baggage needs to be sorted before placement. The general supplies are collected together with those of other troops in Warehouse No. 1. If there is a shortage, we will make up for it; the ammunition is stored in Warehouse No. 3. When entering the warehouse, the officers of the logistics brigade need to be present to confirm that the explosion-proof protection is done well."

"It is much more standardized." Paul was very satisfied: "There are clear classifications and necessary measures. When we set out from the parade ground at the beginning, it was a disaster to receive supplies."

The quartermaster was a little embarrassed: "This classification warehouse was left by the Imperials."

All the doorplates are the work of the Imperial Army. To be precise, "Lieutenant Colonel Turtle" sorted them out and sent people to hang them up. The first thing the National Guard did when it took over was to cover the Empire's logo with three-color paint.

". The enemy also has things worth learning from us." Paul gave himself, the quartermaster and the entire National Guard a step. The quartermaster left after completing the guidance task.

"Let's go, let's put the felt cloth into storage first. When the weather gets hot, the extra cloth can only be used to grow mushrooms." Paul didn't wait for his superior Drouot to make a decision first, while Pascal was concerned about another thing: "That Condy guy only saluted you."

"Brother, we are spellcasters, why do we care about the military salute?" Paul only cared about the work at hand.

Pascal followed behind, he was just a warrant officer. Rorschach's brother seemed to have such a wonderful characteristic - always one step slower than others when climbing the ladder.

He walked behind and passed a soldier.

"What's wrong?" Paul turned his head and found that his brother stopped and asked.

"The soldier who just passed by looks a little familiar. Forget it, let's go."

Richard, who was almost discovered, lowered his hat. He now realized that he was a little reckless to return to the fortress. There was no scroll that could disguise himself in the standard ration, and Schmidt, who could pass through walls, was not around.

Richard only knocked down a Valois soldier who was smoking at the foot of the fortress, and changed into a not-so-fitting outfit. Unexpectedly, he ran into the wizard he had confronted in the narrow corridor inside the fortress. The only change was that he used a magic trick to turn his eye-catching blonde hair into the dark brown color common in the southern part of the continent.

There was also an invisibility scroll, which would be activated only when it was absolutely necessary.

To avoid complications, he quickened his pace. Richard had made up his mind that if the Schmidt wizard who had escaped from the team was not found in the secret room, he would leave here immediately and could not stay any longer.

The last time the two sneaked into the "unorthodox path", they relied on Schmidt's fast movement through the wall, so they could reach the secret room directly. Now he needs to find a passage in the building.

There are currently two good news for Richard: the Valois wizards and soldiers who originally knew about the secret room of the fortress are gone, and the current National Guard does not know the existence of the secret room. The performance that indirectly confirms this news is that the two spellcasters were not summoned to explore the secret room.

Another good news is that the magic reaction of the secret room is still there. When a mage builds his base, he will of course choose a place with rich magic power in the environment, or transform it into a magic hub by some means. Therefore, it is not surprising that Richard can still sense its existence.

The secret room has not been exposed, which proves that the Valois mages in the fortress are all low-level.

However, when he sneaked into Warehouse No. 1 and gradually approached the target, the abnormal magic environment finally made Richard realize that something was wrong. There is no large-scale ceremony, why is it still so strong?

Could it be that Schmidt was unwilling to retreat and secretly activated the mechanism in the secret room? Or did he encounter some trouble.

The scene when he first sneaked in gradually overlapped with the room in front of him, and the entrance to the secret room should be in the northwest corner of Warehouse No. 1.

Don't make too much noise. Richard used magic to carefully move the baggage and surrounded the corner where he was to ensure that people coming in would not see it. Then he raised his hand, and the acid-etched oily liquid covered his entire palm. He planned to violently destroy the bricks to get in.

Before the [Corrosion Claw] went down, the floor tiles and wall tiles moved actively, opening a dark passage for him.

"Schmidt, is that you?" Richard did not remove the spell, but put his other hand on his pistol and carefully moved down. There was no light on the stairs leading to the secret room, but that was not a problem. In the dark vision, the door at the end of the stairs opened, and the gap behind Richard closed.

Sure enough, the man walked out. The two were more than ten meters apart. Richard continued to walk down the stairs until he could see the pale scar on the other's face.

The scar was completely bloodless.

"Don't go any further. Turn back. I will reopen the door for you. If necessary, I can also help you leave the fortress conveniently."

Schmidt threw out three crystal balls slowly. Richard guessed that they contained his wall-penetrating magic, the third ring [Gaseous Form].

With his original strength, he should not be able to encapsulate this spell, but now he took out three expensive magic-sealing crystals. Richard was more cautious. He had already lifted the [Corrosion Claw] and was preparing for the [Dragon Breath]. But so far, "Schmidt" just asked him to leave without showing any hostility.

"What good things did you find, huh?" Richard asked while pretending to be relaxed, while catering to the other party's request and stepping back.

"Nothing, just a special mission assigned to me by my superiors. So hurry up and don't be discovered by the Valois people."

"Okay." Richard turned around, and the secret door above opened again. Before leaving, he suddenly said: "I wish you all the best, Nina is still waiting for you."

Richard was about to walk out of the stairs and return to the warehouse of the fortress, but the secret door closed at the last moment.

"Richard, you are very cautious and you still have to test it at the end. But today is unnecessary. I was negligent just now." Schmidt's voice sounded from behind.

"Schmidt" never mentioned any woman's name to Richard.

At this point, Richard turned around and opened his mouth, and the suspicious person was instantly swallowed by the dragon's breath.

The originally scorched "Schmidt" gushed out black air, restored the face with scars on the left face, and said lifelessly: "Richard, if you don't want to leave, then come to the secret room to help."

The voice Richard heard changed: "Teacher?"

At some point, two mages originally from Valois appeared behind Richard, and like Schmidt, they were full of death breath.

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