Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 443 The Great Master's Ideal

Richard was "invited" into the secret chamber and met the haggard Chief Mage.

At this time, the secret room has been greatly changed. All the original mechanisms and facilities have been demolished, leaving only the materials that the necromancer is good at using, and it is also the ritual scene made of the most abundant materials on the battlefield.

The magic power is gathered, guided by the blood and bones, and converted into dirty energy. Around the chief mage, there are still several bodies of former spell casters who have lost their breath and are busy maintaining a large spell that has been arranged for a long time.

The relatively small and closed space and various biological tissues did not produce any peculiar smell at the turn of spring and summer. This shows that the chief mage of the army is a person who pays great attention to details. Richard even smelled the same light smell as the archmage's office. of citrus aroma.

"I think highly of you, Richard. When your father asked me to teach you, how to avoid rejection was still my first thought, but it turns out that you are a good student.

"It's a pity that you didn't listen to the teacher this time. If it were normal, you were right to be cautious. It was my negligence and failure to control the servant well, and you were tempted to answer casually. Randomness always brings disastrous consequences."

The "servants" of the Necromancer are rarely living people, Richard's face turned ugly: "Mr. Schmidt"

"Like you, he had too many worries and accidentally entered the secret room." The chief withdrew from the ceremony and walked up to Richard: "But you are different from him. You are my student, the disciple I value. So I am willing to tell you what I am doing as a teacher. I hope you can distinguish what is important and what is light.

"What do you think of the empire under His Majesty the Emperor?"

ah? He didn't expect that the teacher would ask such a question, which made Richard choke on what he originally wanted to say.

Without waiting for the other party to answer, the Chief continued: "His Majesty is the greatest and wisest monarch in the history of the mainland. His mind is broad enough and is not bound by worldly prejudices. His vision is long-term and can serve as a bright spot for the empire." direction"

The Archmage flattered him from afar. No, it was rare for Richard to see his teacher speak so affectionately. He sincerely praised the monarch he believed to be.

He stretched out two skinny fingers and shook them: "However, the empire has many shortcomings and many misfortunes. At present, it boils down to two points: Your Majesty's life is about to come to an end. He is a fragile mortal after all, and his life span is short; His Majesty's life is short. There are insects around him, especially when the lion gets old, these insects begin to deceive him, deceive him, humiliate him. "

The cloudy eyes of the chief of the army even showed sadness: "Even His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is like this. He is not enough to lead an empire and meet any of the empire's needs for a monarch. It is not difficult to see from the appointment of the new marshal."

In the chief's vision, he needs an utopia that allows him to maximize his talents and not be constrained by the prejudices of the world. His Majesty the Emperor did it, but it was temporary.

When the Archmage of the Necromancer was entrusted with this important task, he promised the Emperor that he would make the Empire an eternal and perfect existence. To him, His Majesty the Emperor was the perfect monarch.

The only imperfection is His Majesty's short life. Until recently, he had been unable to control the empire and control this fast-moving chariot from his sickbed.

The chief mage accompanying the army witnessed how his monarch and best friend were tortured by illness. Any great creature would be so miserable when dying! The Archmage spoke and made up a lie, a false plan, but His Majesty still trusted him and allowed him to complete the temporary deployment of the Imperial Army.

The Archmage wants to give the Emperor endless lifespan. He firmly believes that as long as His Majesty has enough time, he will be able to conquer the world and become the co-owner of all intelligent life. Such a hero also needs someone who can help him wholeheartedly and be by his side all the time. The chief will become the prime minister and will be under one person forever.

There was always someone who had to support and accompany the Emperor behind the scenes, and that person could only be himself. He would not hesitate to lose his name and human body and bear the greatest sin.

At that time, the empire, that is, the world, will truly achieve absolute stability and achieve complete prosperity.

Is this considered "ambition"? The Chief feels that such ambition is too modest and can only be called ideal. He has found the leader of the ideal country in his heart, and his last weakness as a mortal will be completed by His Majesty's most trusted Archmage.

It only requires super-level magic, [Islam Immortality Spell]. Every time the life of a recipient is deprived of, the life of the caster can be increased by one year.

The chief discovered this ancient spell, studied and improved it in depth, and not only successfully expanded the scope of "picking", but also changed the restriction that only the caster can increase the life span to one that can grant the emperor immortality.

"The people are stupid and timid. In the future, I will assist the emperor behind the scenes. There is no need to pay attention to my appearance. For the necromancers, as long as they give up the shackles of human beings, it is easy to gain immortality. But His Majesty cannot do it. He wants everyone to be willing to do so. To surrender to the earth, you first need to maintain your identity and appearance as a human being.”

"Immortal humans?" Richard has never heard of such a existence. If the empire has an immortal monarch

Even though the emperor has been called wise so far, Richard shuddered deeply: "There is no eternal thing, and there should be no eternal empire."

"Why? Should wars that increase casualties now exist? Intelligent beings are constantly fighting for false concepts, and this situation should exist forever? There are too many stupid people, and only a wise ruler with endless lifespan appears to dominate them, can this end everything."

"That's the end of history." Richard finished speaking, and he spit out dragon breath again, rushing straight to the core of the ceremony.

"I'm disappointed in you! Richard! I've given you so many chances, but now you want to destroy my ideals. You don't understand, you don't know how much I've paid, and you can't understand the grand future I envision!"

The necromancer roared, and used the breath of death to neutralize the hot breath and protect the ceremony. Now is the most critical moment, and there can be no more mistakes.

He stretched out his skinny hand and grabbed Richard's throat: "My student, you gave up your life yourself, you will gain immortality in another form, and witness the great deeds of me and His Majesty."

Domination and death spread from the tattoo of the archmage to Richard, and just when it was about to take effect, Richard's figure became illusory.

"Thank you, teacher. At least you really wanted to let me go at the beginning." He activated the first crystal, and the [Vaporized Form] inside took effect, allowing him to temporarily escape from control.

"Of course, of course I always treat you sincerely, just like my majesty. Unfortunately, you have failed me."

The Grand Master had many concerns about his actions because he could not leave the ceremony alone, but he was confident that he could easily defeat his student. "Schmidt" raised his hand and released a force field to hit Richard, who wanted to escape, back to his original form.

Then a huge amount of death energy surged in, trying to swallow Richard.

The blue barrier lit up, and it actually perfectly blocked the breath of death controlled by the Grand Master.

Behind Richard were Pascal and Paul, who noticed something was wrong and discovered the secret passage. They actually solved the two spellcaster corpse servants.

They used to be enemies, but now they have become lifesavers. But Richard could only say one thing in return: "Go."

"Then I'll go?" Pascal saw the horrifying bloody ritual scene, and then saw the fierce scarred man and the tattooed bald man. It was obvious that they were not good people.

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