Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 444 You want to leave after offending the great wizard?

The chief wizard of the army did not waste words and raised his hand to shoot an arrow.

The ordinary arrow condensed by magic actually pierced through the barrier. This was the first time that Pascal saw that the blue light barrier developed by Junior Brother Rorschach was so easily broken.

Caught off guard, Pascal could only twist his body to dodge, but he was still hit in the leg, fell on the stairs, and rolled to Richard's side.

The wound was like apple pulp that had been left for a long time, and the oozing liquid quickly turned from bright red to black and became sticky. Richard forced himself to be energetic and put his hand on the thigh of the injured.

The unfortunate Pascal felt a new round of huge pain before he could say thank you, and at the same time, a strange "fragrance" came. That was Richard's emergency treatment method - the palm condensed huge heat and directly burned Pascal's wound.

"Ah——" The intruder finally screamed to the delight of the chief of the army.

Paul saw the abnormality of Pascal's wound and understood that Richard was doing emergency treatment for his senior brother. He also held up a blue light barrier and a [force field wall] behind it.

"Grab my hand!"

Richard took out the second [gasified form] crystal, let the three people touch each other, and quickly activated to prepare to run away.

The three people's entities became virtual again, and they were about to float towards the secret door. Although Richard was in a complicated mood, he didn't know whether it was futile to do so now. After all, he couldn't find any foreign aid to fight against the teacher outside the fortress.

The chief of the army was surprised by the three people's intention to escape, because they were far away from the core of the ritual, which allowed him to let go. Since he came out of the base camp and went to the battlefield in person, there have always been various restrictions.

As a great wizard of the necromancy system, once Zhang Yang made a move, he would definitely attract the great wizards of the affiliated guild and be beaten by the justice of the Arcane Senate. The first time he attacked, he encountered the old charlatan of the Order Church who restrained him. During the period when the anti-magic device was in effect, he detonated the airship, which seriously injured him, and summoned a small sun to roast himself.

When it was time to fight for the emperor, the ceremony was seen by students with a strong sense of justice, and two Valois wizards discovered it. Now the spellcasting ceremony has reached the most critical and vulnerable moment, and they have to be on guard against them or themselves interrupting the ceremony, so that the super-class magic prepared for many years will fail.

Fate, do you like to go against me so much? The necromancer could feel that as long as he took action, he would always suffer many setbacks, but he was not discouraged, and even enjoyed such a situation. Now, the three young men finally gave him room to play. He raised his hand again, and the tattoo absorbed the breath of death and transformed it into an eight-ring spell [Withering Wave].

In the cone-shaped space with the caster as the apex, the spell touched the barrier, and the barrier changed from blue to dark green, and then collapsed, touching the three virtual escapees. The three groups of "air" were almost blown away. When the [Withering Wave] brushed over their bodies, Richard and Paul's strength was instantly drained, and Pascal, who was supported by the two, once again came into close contact with the stairs.

Their bodies fell into a state of extreme decay, which was truly "exhaustion": not only could they not mobilize magic power to cast spells, nor could they run, but even their breathing and heartbeat became slow and weaker.

The remains of Schmidt, driven by the necromancer, came over and picked up Paul horizontally. The great wizard also walked in front of his disciple, grabbed his head with his broad and skinny hands and lifted it up, injecting negative energy.

Richard felt immense pain, which was the instinctive rejection of the creature, but he could not refuse. All the pain nerves were activated first, and then lost contact. The chief of the army transformed Richard into a dead servant similar to Schmidt, but spared his life and retained his consciousness.

Richard was manipulated, and he also picked up Pascal, and returned to the secret room with Schmidt one after the other.

The ground of the secret room was deformed, and the remains of the unknown wizard seemed to have become the private property of the master of necromancy, and he could manipulate it at will. They came to the second floor of the secret room below the ceremony site.

The ceiling here, which is also the floor of the first floor, has mutated blood vessels hanging between the cracks of the stone, connecting the core of the ritual with the blood pool in the center of the second floor.

The great wizard's move is a big deal. Unlike ordinary blood pools, the blood flowing in it is the blood of the caster, and the mysterious aura and resentment flash between the ripples. The temperature on the second floor is very low. After Paul and Pascal were carried in, it was like diving into ice water, and the strong cold penetrated into their bodies.

Legend has it that part of the symbolic world belongs to the underworld of the god of death. The end of the underworld is the coldness of all stagnation and heat death. Every dead soul left in reality is a window reflecting the underworld, and naturally conveys its severe coldness.

This place is full of unwilling souls. They were wizards in their lifetime and were imprisoned by the master of necromancy after death. They not only provide coldness on the real level to ensure that the flesh and blood do not rot and deteriorate, but also ensure that the spirituality and magic of the blood pool will not spread.

With two splashes, Richard and Schmidt threw their fellow apprentices into the blood pool under the control of the chief. The chief waved his hand again, and the blood vessels of the two men burst out, pumping out red liquid continuously.

They should have been in extreme pain, but they were still exhausted, and they fainted in the pool without even a groan.

After the chief did all this, he snapped his fingers and returned control of Richard's mouth. Richard thought he was going to say his last words: "Kill me and return my remains to my parents."

"Do you still think I want to kill you, my dear student?" The chief said with a bit of desolation: "I changed my mind."

He looked at Richard: "Your father is just a mediocre person. His only advantage is that he was born a good child. If one day I want to study reincarnation, he is worthy of learning.

"I've tried every possible means, spent favors and treasures, and asked my heir to become a disciple of a necromancer. The only condition is that he can't teach you necromancy. Isn't this a ridiculous thing? No, what your father wants, I just hope that you will get the title of 'disciple of the chief mage of the army', paving the way for your future, consolidating the family's power, and even hoping that you, an outstanding descendant, can go further."

This is an obvious fact. Since Richard participated in the war, he has experienced various abnormal transfers, and the attitudes of various generals are different. In short, the impact of off-site interference is somewhat obvious.

Obviously, that off-field factor wanted Richard to make a mark but didn't want him to be in danger. It's as contradictory as off-site factors that make Richard become a necromancer but don't want him to learn necromancy.

"I decided not to transform you into a mindless slave, but to transform only your body, making you as immortal as your future teacher.

"At the same time, I condone your wrong ideas. I want you to witness the greatness of the future empire with your own eyes, and I want you to agree with it from the bottom of your heart. After people like the Crown Prince and your father turn into ashes, I want you to sincerely admit that as a teacher That's right."

Speaking of this, the Necromancer looked at Richard expectantly, but his student just closed his mouth tightly and gave up the opportunity to speak, so the Necromancer needed to restrain his disappointment.

Pascal, who was soaking in the blood pool, was surprised to find that the mutated blood vessels were slowly sucking plasma into him, allowing him to regain some strength. Pascal said: "My teacher is Master Carnot, and he will not let you go."

The chief's mind had already returned to the prepared spells, and he did not notice the abnormality in Pascal's blood vessels. He only left one sentence: "No one can completely eliminate a qualified necromance master, and the same goes for a ninth-level mage."

Except Feuerbach's disgusting reversal chief sullenly takes Richard away, leaving Schmidt to monitor the situation below.

The improved version of the super-level spell [Islam's Immortality Spell] is officially activated.

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